William/Grissom: The Hottness Of - Page 11

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Yeah, Jackpot *drool* he did have some cute jeans on and casual clothes.

Same with Grissom vs the Volcano when he's wearing coveralls

How about some more casual attire for Mr. Grissom when he's out in the field? More Jeans??? :devil:
Guess whos baaaack! Well, erm, ME! Howdy all, missed you guys. PCs still dead but we got my laptop for uni today, its gorgeous, and, erm, i named it Billy. Lol, i'm such a geek.

Cheers for passing on my msg Britters. *huggles* Wuv you :D So yeah, i'm extremly hungover today, been to work aswel. Urgh. I was out celebrating passing my Theory last night sooo, yeah. One thing I learned, cider and sambuca, they don't mix all too well. *feels sick*

Lemsip, nice use of the word PRAWN. You got an A* mate.

Eggy my love, did you order Gunshy off Amazon UK? :s Or off the German one?

Yeah James Woods Windy, I happen to love other guys aswell as Billy. James Woods is my fav actor ever. *hides*
Welcome back Ams!

I watched Gunshy tonight, and yer know what, I enjoyed it, and nooo not just cos Billy is it in - cos shock horror, there are one or two of his movies I ain't so keen on, and they are only saved by his beautiful presence and acting!

But Gunshy - I thought it was a decent gangster movie / thriller! I kinda like them sort of seedy seemingly low budget gangster flicks :D It's always a good sign when a movie runs along quickly and you are kinda surprised when it's over cos you think you've only been watching for about an hour.

Had a right battle getting to watch it though. I have it on American DVD, but the DVD was corrupt :mad: Kept crashing my 'puter that I have set up to play region 1 DVD's. So I ended up having to burn it onto another DVD. Anyway, all's well that ends well - cos it worked then!
Yeeees!! A* *dances*
Nice to see you back Ams, I was gonna text you and say congrats but my phone is screwed at the mo so I facebooked yous.
I found out today that one of my friend's parents has Gunshy on dvd so when they're back from holiday i'm gonna rush round and watch it, even more intrigued after Gameface's post. ;) Sucks that you had to go through loads to get it to work, but i'm sure it was worth all the work. ;)
Thanks for the welcome back gals. :D Missed ya :D Oh btw, going on hols Monday morning (flights at 6.20am, ouch) so i'll be away for a week. need some sun lol.

Gunshys a wicked film, I love my mob/gangster films so perfect for me. Liked his role in that too, cute in love and hard too. How do they have it Lampsip? It aint out in the UK? Boo hiss. Is it a copy? Make sure you watch it, classic. :D One of my fave Bill films. TL&DILA is still my fave though. ADORE his role in that. 80s + Billy = heaven. :D
I'm pretty sure it's a legit copy, i'm not sure where they got it, alls i've been told is that my mate just found it and knew i'd be interested, dont know where they got it or anything like that, I can ask them when I go.
Hey, girls, can you bring up the TARGET or WAL-MART sites.. cheap prices. I just got the whole S/4 on DVD for $37.98 ;) just an idea! and eBay also ;)
Yeah, girls, eBay's your best bet. That's where I got my copy of Gunshy

I'm French -they've never heard of Gunshy or TLADILA over here LOL much less of William Petersen - they just know him as 'the guy who plays Grissom on TV' --> "oh, so he's an actor ... like in ... MOVIES too? Hmmmm. Interesting" :lol: :lol:

Although I was happy to find a copy of TLADILA on DVD the other day while I was shopping -first time in years I find one of his films here. I was so happy I almost bought it - even though I already have a copy at home :D It was the only one left, but my guess is there was never more than errrr 2 copies ordered. Very cheap to boot.
I don't think Billys that well known over here, liek you GF, its just like, 'Oh yeah, its the bloke on that CSI thing init?' Lol. I don't even try to set them straight, no point lol. Couple of my mates knew Manhunter before me, twas quite impressed. And, wow, you're French? Your English is very very very good. Probs better than mine lmao.

I may order Gunshy when I get back (off to Spain tnite ladies!) I didn't think we could get it, but alas, I have been proven wrong. That last sentance sounds odd...brains gone.
Try and see if it's available in Spain! :D
I might set up an Ebay account, need to sell a lot of stuff, and buy a fair bit too. :devil:

Btw - Ams and poppylvsgriss... 12 days til V!! :D :D
That I might but I doubt it. I shall still keep my eyeballs open lol. Id love to see it. Woo woo. *sigh* im so tierd, and I gotta stay up all night and all tmoz. Flight at 6.20AM, how mentals that. Grrr. Lol, I should be happy though. Such a moaner.

I bought the CSI game off eBay and it was fiiine. Gotta love eBay. And Amazon provides me with a lotta Billy and James pleasure too. On that sorta note, do any of you "force" your friends/family to watch Billy movies? Lol, I always make my mates watch Fear :D But they always fancy Mark Wahlberg which is just rude lol.

WOO, Lemsip (spelt it right this time!!) 12 days, I have like 3 days at home when I get back from Spain then im off to V Fest :D Think i'll be living of beer for 4 days :D
V fest V fest! can't wait!! aaargh!! :D :D :D

i tricked my boyfriend into watching tladila. i thought he'd like it cos of the gun fights etc and there's also something for me for obvious reasons *smirk*. he kept pointing at billy saying he recognised him from somewhere. i said nothing, quietly smirking to myself. then it clicked for him and said 'its 'im from csi - i cannot believe it!!!'. mwah ha ha ha!! :lol: :lol:

he did then say something horrid about him which i will not repeat on these boards but i can assure you all he got a punch in the arm for it! :D
I remember the first time I saw tladila was with another Grissom-obsessed fan. We were so flabbergasted for the last 30 minutes. For people who have seen it they know why. The alternate ending idea had us dying of laughter. Even Billy said he thought it was ridiculous.
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