William/Grissom: The Hottness Of - Page 11

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Thanks for the invite, LJ, but I think I'll sit V Fest out! I like my music without pee, bad portoloos and salmomella vans throwing up dodgy bacon rolls at 3 in the morning. I can do that any time in Sheffield! :lol:

PLG - Billy would NEVER do the devil fingers rock thing! He is a cool bloke! :lol:

ROCKET!!! YAY!! How you doing, chuck! Lovely to hear form you! Hope the kids aren't bouncing you up the walls! :lol: God, I love that pic of Billy! GRRRRR! :devil: I have serious drooling issue with that film! :devil: Just ask PLG! She is bored of me just dribbling over the chest, ridge, back, front, tight jeans... *thud*

Billy has made it into the UK press! The Sun is a bit of a grotty tabloid, and obviously, Hugh Laurie is a Brit in House and that's the angle they take, but Billy is mentioned! Billy finally mentioned in the UK!!

'CSI star William Petersen trousers a whopping £250,000 per episode.'

Ah, that explains a lot!! :devil: :devil: :devil:
i just browsed WPAP and came across a vid from the 2003's Emmy's (not the red carpet one). you could see Dakota Fanning likes Billy, lol. she was waving to him and then he kissed her cheek and they hugged.

adorable. guess she liked working with him in Blood Drops.
Adzix said:
i just browsed WPAP and came across a vid from the 2003's Emmy's (not the red carpet one). you could see Dakota Fanning likes Billy, lol. she was waving to him and then he kissed her cheek and they hugged.

adorable. guess she liked working with him in Blood Drops.
Thank you ! You know what ? I was sure I had seen this video but as I could not find it again, I ended up thinking that I had dreamt of it. Which could have been possible, as I often dream of Billy ! :lol:

I remember it was very cute. ;)
I have to choose "LONG GONE" hes so passionate and exciting, I love this movie, and after seeing his interview and him loving baseball, no wonder ;) he's so darling and watching him play and hit and run, and his gorgeous curly hair, a must see! and "GUNSHY" another fav.he's good in all his flicks, actually he's the best part, but for all time great acting [and I'm sure I've mentioned this before] "The Young Kennedy's from Mass." his acting superb, the thing is I don't think it's on DVD, the Amazon and eBay need to get a clue, I'm sure if they advertised it, all his fans could purchase it! I hope in his future, he makes more movies!
desertwind said:
I was just talking to a customer today, and she was telling me how the first time she ever saw Billy, was in "MANHUNTER" and was blown away ;) and has followed his career since then! so how many of his films do you all have, and which are your favs?
My favs are "TO LIVE AND DIE IN LA" and "MANHUNTER".

I love as much "to live and die in LA" as I love WP. It's a surprising movie because it's not the usual cop film, as the characters are not sympathetic. Richard Chance is such an intense character and Billy did it perfectly.

The acting of WP in toladila and in Manhunter is really fantastic. In both we can see a angry billy, I love it ! and in Manhunter, he did well the tormented man. And you can read on his face his determination, his fears, his trauma... it's amazing.

But I love "COUSINS" too. It's a funny movie and I think his character is very moving, but I'am probably biased. :lol:

In those 3 films, the characters were very different, it really shows his acting ability.
I was watching Formalities last night, with the DVD commentary. And I recalled someone on here, a couple months ago maybe, asking what car Grissom drove. Anyway, they say in the commentary. He drives an restored old Mercedez Benz sports car. I think they also mentioned that Billy wanted Gris to drive a Cadilac :lol: Anyway, thought I'd pass it on in case whoever was wondering hadn't found out!

In Pirates of the 3rd Reich, you actually get a good look at the car - cos that's what Lady Heather is leaning on waiting for him to leave CSI.
WOW, you've got a real hawk-eye? I never noticed that at all, I thought he had a hugh SUV in the 'Pirates', ep. or were you talking about another car, I don't remember him driving any other, in "Jackpot' he also drove a big SUV? I thought it was the same vehicle, maybe a company car? which ep. does he drive a restored Mercedes? &, my issue with those 'old films' their so archaic, and outdated next to the films that are out there today like "The Bourne Supremacy' they would never hold up in todays world.. kids would make fun of them, not him, the films :(
in Formalities, you see him stood by the Mercedes (it's a little blue number!), when Sofia and him pass each other - he leaving the lab after shift, she arriving. Thats the first time you ever see what he drives I believe.

Then in Pirates, you know the bit where Heather is waiting for him in the car park outside CSI - they have that conversation right next to his car. I don't think the car is spotted in any other episodes!

The SUV's are those lab vehicles they all drive. (GMC Denalis I think they are).
gilsgal said:
Here's a picture from Pirates of LH leaning against Grisssom's car:

Gil's car

AHH, thank's gilsgal I didn't pay any attention to it at the time, I guess I was too busy looking at him ;)and on those long ago movies, I shouldn't speak for the masses, I was going by two family members, one 14, and one adult who said about "TLADILA" that "it sucked and was horrible, and the sound track was awful" and did make fun of it :( I also meant if it was shown in the movie theaters of today.. it wouldn't hold up to fast-paced/action filled up to date flicks like "THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM" & others!
I really struggled with TLADILA overall, as a film. The music is heinous and Richard Chance is not a particularly nce character either. The action stuff is great though. That does stand the test of time. No, windy, you're right in that it's not what today's audiences expect and demand, but the car chase and the running the wrong way up the walkway couldn't be done any differently or better.

Personally, I prefer happy go lucky characters he plays. Love Long Gone and Hard Promises as well as Gunshy. Top performances.
oh you know what, I love the TLADILA sound track, the theme song is one of my favourites 80's pop tooons! :D Wang Chung, ahhhh 80's pop man!
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