William/Grissom: The Hottness Of - Page 11

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would make an even better story if I took the above as the English way right?

That's how I took it at first...then I realised :lol:

I guess I haven't been americanised enough yet. Although I do now type 'mum' with an o.
Jeez Egg, you're so British! I never ever use 'trousers', LOL makes me think of the Yellow Pages adverts that play before CSI (well they used to!) LOL!
:lol: Yep I say trousers. :rolleyes: Well I call my jeans, jeans, but any other pair of trousers is a pair of trousers. :rolleyes: What do you say?
I love those adverts. I also like the 118 adverts, the lost ones are the best. 'home sweet deserted island.' :lol:

That's how I took it at first...then I realised
I used to do that too. FF was really confusing to read at first. :rolleyes:

LOL! He dropped his pants?! That is hilarious! I woulda never thought that from him playing Griss, cuz he's so serious, god i'd love to meet him to see how (quotes Jorja) 'wild' he is. Go Billy
Has he ever played a non serious character? Is he silly in Long gone? I really need to see that movie. :(
I read that Lana Turner bit along time ago, and for that day, he was young and so immature, so I thought it was the ramblings of a teenager! he's so grown and matured.. thank gawd, those silly days are behind him!.......... here's another article about the cast from last Wed. and their still hanging out! and having fun from a radio station in CHICAGO!

19ams87 said:

LOL! He dropped his pants?! That is hilarious! I woulda never thought that from him playing Griss, cuz he's so serious, god i'd love to meet him to see how (quotes Jorja) 'wild' he is. Go Billy.

it's the funny thing about him playing Grissom this straight laced geeky character!

But old Billy had a bit of a reputation before :D Wasn't he nicknamed 'wild man' at college or something like that! I swear I am not making that up :p

Here is the man who said in an interview a few years ago (before he got re-married I hasten to add), that his hobbies where basically 'girls and sport'.

I get the feeling from reading a bit about him, that he was pretty wild!
Wouldn't it be absurd for him to act that way in his role as Grissom, and drop his pants :( he's 54 years old, and matured, and he's a great actor, but what comes through in all of his characters minus 'MANHUNTER' is his natural charm, he so supressed it in that movie [my opinion] also though showing his acting ability ;) here's one from way back in '89' how old were most of you then? when he was still sowing his wild oats ;) [click on the YAHOO, on the top right corner, to get rid of it]

intersting article desertwind I didn't know he lived with Amy Morton. David Mamet is a fantastic playwrite. I didn't know Billy did one of his plays.

And you don't want to know how old I was in 1989 :eek:
Thank's hhunter it is interesting, and earlier he was going to rock concerts {he mentions Santana} who hasn''t seem them.. fantastic CARLOS, and smoking pot, 'his own words' and what's great is he remains friends with past girlfriends' and his ex as well, what a guy ;), I don't know if I could pull that off, and wonder how Gina liked that? :eek: but Amy is married and him too, who knows maybe they all got together while he was doing his 'DUBLIN CAROL' which she directed him in! small world ;)
hhunter said:
And you don't want to know how old I was in 1989 :eek:
I was 2 :lol:

Ya, great article des! I didn't know some of that stuff!! That is cool that he remains friends with his ex - he's a great guy :cool:
grissoms gurl I was older than that :)

that article reminds me of the song Joker by the Steve Miller Band

"cause I'm joker, I'm a smoker, I'm a mightnight toker, sure don't want to hurt no one....." :lol:
The man makes me break out in a sweat at the mere mention of his name and if he dropped his pants in front of me. There is one thing absolutely sure. I WOULDN'T RUN!!!!! I would chase him. He has the sexiest back i have ever seen on any man. The beard that's like ice cream on a piece of hot apple pie. SORRY!!! I've got to go fan myself now.
:lol: welcome emscaptain and your in the right place to talk about this super hero man that we all adore
but this pants theory YIKES :eek: I just love looking at him! and watching his acting, and his always killer expressions!
What do you say?
Erm, I say, errr, pants!

I love stupid/silly Billy. I like to think part of him's still like that, you gotta be able to let loose sometime right? I don't think he's uptight and serious all the time.

Oh I meant to ask, in The Skulls, did he have an affiar with someone called 19 year old girl called Amy? That he didn't want his wifey to find out about? That dude was bribing him?! *does victory dance* that's me y'all :D
^ Yeah, right, ams! Course! Hee hee!

If he drops his trousers at auditions, I wonder if he'd audition for me? I'm directing Footloose and I need some studs for Holding Out For A Hero... an open shirted naval officer, a Topgun, a firefighter... babyoil etc...

*runs off to hyperventilate into a paper bag and cool down from that thought...*
Wasn't he nicknamed 'wild man' at college or something like that!
He was nicknamed Bird because of his wild hair, if that's what you're remembering. :p

here's one from way back in '89' how old were most of you then?
I was, wait for it. :lol: An ickle baby of 0 years old. :p Oh my god he was 36. :eek: I think I have some serious issues. :rolleyes:

I WOULDN'T RUN!!!!! I would chase him.
Got that one right. :lol: I just admire the view, then hire him in hopes that he does it again. :lol: :rolleyes: Welcome emscaptain btw. :D
Erm, I say, errr, pants!
Really? I don't think I've actually ever heard anyone say that IRL. :rolleyes: Well I don't think I have... I don't remember. :lol:

I don't think he's uptight and serious all the time.
I'm guessing that he's mostly himself in the old cubs video. You know that one where he:
he scratches his "you know what" and say's the F word :eek:
:lol: Shout out to Morgan if you're reading. :rolleyes: :D

Looking through the WPAP archives again, lol, I came across something else which is hilarious.

He has decided to root for the Yankees to make it because it "just so happens" he will be in New York over the weekend doing publicity and would be able to catch a game. Of course Gina will be with him not only because she's his wife, but because she is a huge Chicago sports fan as well, and Dan had to joke with him saying "what fun is it if you bring your wife?" "She's fun!" was Billy's reply. He and Rob also made another bet, this one involving the World Series. If the AL team wins, Rob gets to play a corpse on CSI (Billy joked that they would even give him a couple of lines - before they kill him off) If the Cubs win, Billy gets to host Dan's show with him one day. He's not giving up on the Bears bet because they still have some patsy teams on the schedule, and he's hoping they will get tired of being humiliated and rise up to the challenge of the Bear's tradition. As far as the tattoo goes, if he loses, he'll get the Dallas Star on the bottom of his foot and hope he "dies with his boots on."

Then a few months later:

It's official - Billy has lost the tattoo bet to Rob Dibble. The best the Bears can hope to finish is 8-8, while the Cowboys have already won 9 games.

I wonder if he kept up his bet. :p

O/T I just had the best biology exam ever! I like actually knew the answers! :eek: :lol:
He said in some interview that he was going to get the tattoo done when he was on summer break from CSI, so he wouldn't be limping about during filming! But I have no idea if he did get it done in the end.

He must be nuts to do that bet. It'd be like me agreeing to get a Chelsea tattoo :eek:

Yeah, I remember the bird nickname, but I'm sure I read that he was called Wild Man or something like that as well :lol:
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