William/Grissom: The Hottness Of - Page 11

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most definately agree with you there britters dude!

he is so devilishly handsome in skulls i almost jumped on the television! :lol:

series 5 beardy action is most definately my favourite too, ala nesting dolls i think. definately nesting dolls- good grey sideburns and overalls - what more could a girl ask for?? :D :devil:
my favourite griss look. completely totally and utterly. more than the tux i think. griss at the start of nesting dolls. good lord!! :devil: :devil:
i must remember that this is a PG13 site before i say anymore about him in overalls! :lol:
Wow I haven't posted here in like 2 days! :lol:
Hmmm. Yeah, Nesting Dolls is my favourite episode of all time...I think, but my favourite episode changes quite frequently. Although I can watch ND over and over again...
Caring!Grissom, Breakingthings!Grissom, Overalled!Grissom...tis a good ep. :lol:
Oh, and of course there's Sara shouting at Catherine. God knows why I like that so much. :rolleyes: *sigh* *wishes it were Catherine squished under a mustang*

So which ep is your fav of the season? I think G looked finest in LD, when the doll was talking to him and Catherine, and when they were watching the show. :p Hilarious too. :lol: Although I could just be picking that one because it's the last one I watched...who knows?

Billy's hot. The End.

ETA: Seriously wasting all my luck aren't I? I mean there are better things this luck could be going on...like exams? *grumbles*
she thought my "tribute to grissom" was hilarious (she's not a wp fan...poor girl)
Thats an awful shame, it really is. :( I feel for her lol.

Did someone mention overalls *rolls over and dies* I jumped at the chance to wear them when we were painting our studio at collge *drool*

Hmmm, I wasn't keen on The Skulls as a film, not just sayin this but Billy had the best role, basically everyone else annoyed me. I like his hair a lil shorter tbh, still, the suited action was immense. He was in a suit for the entirety of his role, which wasn't that big *grumble*

OT - I get my result from college tmoz. Crapping myself, and it's my exhibition aswel. *scared* Free wine though :D Pass, Merit or Distinction, I wonder which i'll get. Hoping for a Merit, I got lazy, shoulda got a Distinction...oh well. I'm in uni whatever happens, I duzne care! ;) Wish me luck.
GOOD LUCK ams!!!

Overalls, did someone mention overalls???? I get the vision of Grissom vs the Volcano when I think of overalls. Then Nesting Dolls like you said

He sure looks nice in them :D
^ What about Toe Tags? Those are cute overalls. :p I love that whole scene in fact. When Sara kind of...comes at him with the chain saw. :lol: Priceless moment. :)

Good luck with the whatsit Amsicle. ;) You're exhibition's awesome you'll be fine. :D
Well, he's a possible EMMY candidate for his role in 'BURNOUT', where he gets that migraine :( I liked him in all the episodes, but this season his stellar performance in 'LIVING DOLL' was extrodinary, the last scene going from calm, cool, and collected, "Hi, Natalie, I like your work' to full on rage & anger. "where's Sara" screaming. :mad: he's a fantastic actor, riveting..magical ;) Here's a recent article from the CHICAGO SUN-TIMES, about him having lunch with an old time friend, and director of his beloved 'VICTORY GARDENS REMAINS THEATER', he directed him in 'DILLINGER' FROM 1979.. bet most of you weren't even born yet :D! it's down at the bottom!

If there was ever a year CSI:LV deserved Emmy consideration, this was it. :) I had so many favorite eps that I still can't pick just one.
Gee, I've been so busy......just stop by to say

"Happy Belated Anniversary Gina & William!!"

I totally forgot about that. :eek:

poppylvsgriss said:
my favourite griss look. completely totally and utterly. more than the tux i think. griss at the start of nesting dolls. good lord!! :devil: :devil:
i must remember that this is a PG13 site before i say anymore about him in overalls! :lol:

Yes, PLG (can't be bothered to type it all) I do believe you caused my obssession in the overall department! What does it say about me that I prefer a man in overalls to a tux!? (Not that the tux is in anyway unattractive! :devil:)

It's the overalls in Who Are You? that caught my eye, as he scampered around like a little hamster under the house...

And don't even get me started on the Scuba Doo overalls... FWOAR!!

OT - Good luck with your results and your exhibition, ams! I'm sure it rocks! How about a little pic of your display on the pics thread? I thionk we'd all quite like to see it.
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