William/Grissom: The Hottness Of - Page 11

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^ the tatoo story is hilarous egg ;)

i don't know if y'all already covered this one, but i found this story histerical:

From the National Enquirer: Waiting to board a plane in Chicago, "CSI" star William L Petersen eyed a guy sporting a fly porkpie hat - and told him he'd buy it right off his head! "Okay...400 bucks," joked the guy. Instantly, Petersen whipped out his wallet and forked over four C-note$$! "Wow!" said Mr. Porkpie - who snatched off the hat, slapped it on the star's head and split before he could change his mind!

porkpie hat

i love this guy, lol.

wonder how true this story is, cuz ya know ... it's National Enquirer.
Ahhh a tattoo, now that would be amusing haha! I'm getting a tattoo done after my exams. ;) So what's the conversation round here at the momento? been away for a while. :(
I don't think Billy has a tattoo :( and did you all watch "BTK2" last night, he was so intense looking at the MSCK ;) and the intricate inner workings of this! and Cath amazing acting, ansd Sam dying in her arms.. such a good ep. I can't believe that this was nearly a year ago!
desertwind said:
I don't think Billy has a tattoo :(
I like to think that he does, and that it's hidden somewhere

*slaps self* naughty naughty naughty girl :D :devil:
Since we're speaking of hottness, if anyone's interested -and want to have a good laugh, I went wild last night and started rambling on like a maaaaaad woman about facial hair -there's a bit about Grissom/WP -with pics!!! :D

It's all there in my LJ :cool:

Feel free to comment -and if you do and are not a LJ user, don't forget to leave your name ;)
Hugh and Billy all in one page, omg I think i'm gonna faint! Such an awesome post GF, i'm gonna sign up on LJ and make my own (finally!) and when I do i'll comment, i've favourite-d your page so I go back. It is an awesome post though! :D
He must be nuts to do that bet. It'd be like me agreeing to get a Chelsea tattoo
Lol, I love wild Billy. All the more zexy I rek. Ewwww Chelsea, urk. Like me gettin a Bumley (Burnley) tat on me. Couldn't stand that, i'd be takin my own skin off lol.

I've got LJ if anyone wants to add me. I'm ams1987 aiiight! :D

Britfan, I'm SURE he did (have an affiar with someone called Amy in The Skulls lol) it wasn't shown (unfortunatly) but it was talked about. Definatly.

Has Billy ever said your name in CSI/etc? He said mine in Grissom Vs The Volcano :D :D :D topnefty ep too.
^ He certainly has said my name. :lol: Loads of times, Catherine and Warrick too, but I can't remember who else. He says it real nice, and extremely Chicago-y. *fans self*
And no. I'm not going to tell you my name. :lol: :rolleyes:
It's a secret. Shush. :p
Mwahahaha *no comment* eh Eggster ;) I can imagine how he says it *melts*

Cath's said mine too, better when he says it though lol. I rewound it many a time just to hear him. Oh I am watching that later :D Sure Brass said it aswel.

We had the whole 'whos cooler' discussion last night, Grissom Vs The Horatio LOL. Again, boys love H, girls love Gman. :cool: :lol:
Has Billy ever said your name in CSI/etc?
In CSI, yeah, I think it's Bodies In Motion where the suspect has my name. Possibly some other episodes too but that's all that comes to mind.
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