William/Grissom: The Hottness of Lucky #13

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[B said:
CSIz_4[/B]_H;936398]^I love whenever someone acknowledges how hard Billy works. It's good to know that people can see and appreciate that and give credit where credit is due. I think other actors/actresses so take a lesson from him and be as passionate about their work as Billy is his.;)

Thanks for posting, DW.:)

I have to agree with you CSIz_4. It's really great to see Billy being talked about so wonderfully. I really do believe that he's one of the hardest working actors around, because he does take the whole process very seriously and is so committed to putting out a great product all round...not just a great performance.

Gallery update & 7th Inning Stretch.. Billy will be singing at Wrigley Field this Thursday:bolian:


Courtesy of WPAP~

Thanks for the heads up Des and for the tidbits from Marc Vann as well. I love how Billy keeps actors he has worked with before in mind for other projects he's doing. What a great guy!! :adore:
For those of you who can get this channel it's WGN Chicago, and the game starts a 5 pm, the Cubs vs Dodgers, my whole family are Dodger fans and their ahead so far, so we'll see.. Also Larry King a avid Dodger fan, will be singing Sat. same place at the 7th inning.. does anybody really want to see Larry sing:eek:I really would love to see Billy happy, and he would be if the Cubbies won..Guess I'll have to watch this one:cool:
I really do believe that he's one of the hardest working actors around, because he does take the whole process very seriously and is so committed to putting out a great product all round...not just a great performance.
Oh, I definately agree about him being one of (if not the) hardest workers in the business. You can just instantly tell that about him and of course, that hard work pays off.;)

Man, what are the odds that the game Billy decides to be at, is the one they decide not to show on television...at least where I live.:scream:
I was so ticked off, I watched the whole game and it, or he wasn't televised, a glitch in channels, the Chicago station WGN, did not have it and the station that I watched the game mentioned him, he was with David Berman.. but did not have him singing.. while he was, they showed commercials.. although he did sing they just didn't televise it.. so it'll be on YouTube soon.. my daughter saw a brief snippet of him on our local news and said [her words] he looked 'old and fat' his hair was 'grey' I go "you mean white", she goes "whatever":(

UP DATE-- and thank's to WPAP for the clip~click on the video and hear him sing!

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Thanks for the link, DW. I noticed they also put three clips up on WPAP. I love the one where he talks about when he was younger and they'd wait outside to hopefully catch some of the players going to their cars for an autograph. Can't you just see him as a kid doing that?:adore:...and how he never got an autograph, but now he's made up for it by getting balls, hats, and shirts signed.:lol:
My pleasure, CSIz glad you enjoyed it and yes I did see that one. He's so cute, and so animated, Imagine now he's the star, and people wait for him by the back door, or front door. I'ts so cool that he got the "STAR" on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame", and he actually went down to the fans in the crowd and signed autographs. I wished I would have went and saw him~
Thanks for the link Des and the "heads up" about the clips over at WPAP CSI_4. :)
I love it when Billy is all excited; he's just adorable...lol!!! :adore:

P.S: I love, love , love your icon CSI_4. Makes me all melty inside....*sigh*
Thanks Desertwind for all the tidbits from CSI magazine. It is not available here, so it's nice to share !
Imagine now he's the star, and people wait for him by the back door, or front door.
Yeah, people like me.:D It was cool that he took the time to sign some autographs. He realizes those fans are what got him there.
P.S: I love, love , love your icon CSI_4. Makes me all melty inside....*sigh*
Thanks!:) I keep going to change it cause I've got a few others I need to use, but I just can't bring myself to do it.:lol: Of course, you can tell why.:drool: And, I agree with you about him being adorable when he gets excited. He's like a kid in a candy store.:adore:
I say go hang out where ever you can CSIz to see him, and bring you camera, he's good at taking pictures with fans, then you can post them for all of us to see:bolian:

BILLY INTERVIEW now his hair is lt.brown-grey different again:wtf:

Wah! That pretty girl is so lucky! (She looks like a younger Marcia Cross) But ok, on the serious note, they really convey the complex relationship of their characters. Rising back up to the surface, it looks like Billy won't be bearded for Blackbird!
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