William/Grissom: The Hottness of Lucky #13

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Thank's gilsgal and it's not long before you all get to see him on stage, how fabulous..
Oh, I can't wait to see him!:D I can't believe it's almost exactly one month until I'm (and Amb;)) Chicago bound. Yay, his hair is a little darker...now, if only we could get the beard back, but I'll progress.:lol: I'll take him any way I can.:thumbsup:

Thanks for the info on the clips, gilsgal. *runs off to check clips out*
Hey no problem Des,Crim and CSIz_4. Lord knows I want to spread the Billy goodness around. :)

I have spent so much time watching and re-watching those clips, with this crazed grin on my face that my family thinks I've lost it....lol. Maybe they're right...;)

I've also been thinking about how close it is to when I'll finally get to see Billy up close and personal...I'm sooo excited!!! :adore:
MY GOD! I'm like, FRONT ROW!! I SWEAR, he'll look at me and I'll grin like a bloody idiot...it's going to be absolutely ridiculous...And if Bestie and I get to meet him (which I think we are quite bound and determined to, so count on it ;p), I'm sure I'll be an idiot as well..Not in that I'd say something stupid, but I'd freeze up & hardly be able to speak ;p

Anyways, Billy is HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT in that "Monsters in the Morning" interview, yes? I LOVE the way he looked- finally ditched the usual shirt & jeans or slacks look and was in jeans (those were jeans, right?) and an adoorable comfy looking fleece zipped all the way up. I just wanted to *snuggle* with him :) And the air hockey game...SO SO SO SO CUTE. It's a side of Billy we've never really gotten to see ;)
Yes, Billy is hot and adorable in the "Monsters in the Morning" clips. I LOVE the air hockey clip!!!! *SQUEE!!!* What can be more perfect than Billy in jeans and having fun?
And he's so cute when he gets embarrassed because the guys are praising him up. :luvlove:

I know I'm going to be a basket case on our drive to Chicago. I mean I'm so excited NOW...lol.
And I perfectly sympathize with you Crim. We're in the 3rd row, and I know the theater is small. My friend and I worry about scaring Billy with our excessive, blatant drooling, that we might not be able to disguise...;)

I really wonder how I'm going to be able to pay attention to the play...lol. When Billy was still on CSI, I had to watch each epsiode twice. Once just for the sheer Billy hotness, and once again to get the full gist of the story...lol!!!! I won't have that opportunity with the play...:rolleyes:

It's a sorry sight when someone my age is reduced to *SQUEEING* and teenage behaviour, but that's what Billy does to me. :alienblush:
I love Grissom... it's kinda annoying, I don't think I love him as in "luuurrrrve" him but if I was stuck in a room with him it would be like
"So... you like bugs, books, nery-ness and other cool thing like that?"
"I can relate to that" :)
He's such a cool character!!

"Beware, Grissom can kill you... with his brain!"
Yes, Billy is hot and adorable in the "Monsters in the Morning" clips. I LOVE the air hockey clip!!!! *SQUEE!!!* What can be more perfect than Billy in jeans and having fun?
And he's so cute when he gets embarrassed because the guys are praising him up. :luvlove:

I know I'm going to be a basket case on our drive to Chicago. I mean I'm so excited NOW...lol.
And I perfectly sympathize with you Crim. We're in the 3rd row, and I know the theater is small. My friend and I worry about scaring Billy with our excessive, blatant drooling, that we might not be able to disguise...;)

I really wonder how I'm going to be able to pay attention to the play...lol. When Billy was still on CSI, I had to watch each epsiode twice. Once just for the sheer Billy hotness, and once again to get the full gist of the story...lol!!!! I won't have that opportunity with the play...:rolleyes:

It's a sorry sight when someone my age is reduced to *SQUEEING* and teenage behaviour, but that's what Billy does to me. :alienblush:

OH EM GEE I am 110% with you on that ENTIRE post! *LOL* Although I get dragged into the science and stuff of CSI but that definitely does NOT mean I don't notice (and drool /squee excessively over) Mr. Sexy Man Billy/Grissom ;) :devil::drool:
I don't even know what the play is about, and at this point, I don't care, it's just about seeing with my OWN TWO EYES that beeeeautiful talented man! *LOL* That sound so horrible doesn't it!? But I loved hearing him talk about "Blackbird" cos I'm like "I'M GONNA BE THERE!" lol It's phenomonal to think that :)

Anyhoo, I'd play air hockey with him any day...preferably in a lowcut top so he'd lose and need comforting :devil::devil::devil::devil::drool: Wow I'm so bad.
OH EM GEE I am 110% with you on that ENTIRE post! *LOL* Although I get dragged into the science and stuff of CSI but that definitely does NOT mean I don't notice (and drool /squee excessively over) Mr. Sexy Man Billy/Grissom ;) :devil::drool:
Oh I love the science of CSI too, but I always liked to watch the episode twice to get an adequate Billy fix. ;)

I don't even know what the play is about, and at this point, I don't care, it's just about seeing with my OWN TWO EYES that beeeeautiful talented man! *LOL* That sound so horrible doesn't it!? But I loved hearing him talk about "Blackbird" cos I'm like "I'M GONNA BE THERE!" lol It's phenomonal to think that :)
Oh I absolutely agree with you on that one. I would have gone to see Billy in ANYTHING. I was determined that I was going before even knowing what play he was doing. However, once I found out, I did do some research on the play...lol.

Anyhoo, I'd play air hockey with him any day...preferably in a lowcut top so he'd lose and need comforting :devil::devil::devil::devil::drool: Wow I'm so bad.
:guffaw: Oh yes, I can see it's a really good thing that we're seeing Billy on different days. The poor man would never survive the 2 of us together... :lol::devil:
^Aww, how cute is that? "Boy, I'll Knock You Out.":lol: That's great. Thanks for posting the article, DW.

Hey, when do I get my turn on the hockey table with him?....oh, wait, that didn't come out right, did it?:devil::lol: When do I get to play air hockey with him?
Your so welcome CSIz I guess the whole cast really misses him, and I still think to this day that George deserved and Emmy for his portrayal in "Grave Danger" and BTW in the new TV Guide of the top 100 tv shows CSI and "Grave Danger" [as best episode] came in at 41:( I really thought the whole cast including Billy deserved an Emmy nod for this episode~
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Awww, thanks for the link to the article Des. I'm glad that the cast hasn't just forgotten Billy. I think he had a very big impact on everyone in the show.

I also agree that Grave Danger should have won an Emmy. However I think "For Warrick" was wonderful too...and I think that Billy deserves the Emmy for his acting in that one.

I think you're going to have to get in line to play air hockey with Billy CSIz_4... there's a REALLY long lineup :p He IS adorable when just being himself...:adore:
Add me to that long, long queue of ladies who want to play air hockey with Billy. I'd try and queue jump, but I'd end up flat on my back, slipping in the copious puddles of drool left by the other women... :adore:

I saw that video in my office at school. The things went on in my head with 11-16 year olds that close! Lordy Lord!! :evil:

Those jeans are fantastic! PHWOAR!!!

If he looks like that in 'Blackbird,' I'm going to be a very happy girl!

'I know I'm going to be a basket case on our drive to Chicago. I mean I'm so excited NOW...lol. '

You only have a drive - we have a three hour airport wait then and eight hour plane journey! I'll be bouncing off the walls - while being scowled at by PLG to behave on the plane!!

'And I perfectly sympathize with you Crim. We're in the 3rd row, and I know the theater is small. My friend and I worry about scaring Billy with our excessive, blatant drooling, that we might not be able to disguise...;)'

Thank God I'm not the only one worrying about this! I'm having nightmares about gasping out loud when he arrives on stage! I'm so nervous for me and him! I'll need counselling after all this!

And the Cubs tickets have arrived after another phone saga. But all's well. We're in Wrigley for the Cubs V Cincinatti (is that spelled correctly? Sorry if not.)
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Awww, thanks for the link to the article Des. I'm glad that the cast hasn't just forgotten Billy. I think he had a very big impact on everyone in the show.

I also agree that Grave Danger should have won an Emmy. However I think "For Warrick" was wonderful too...and I think that Billy deserves the Emmy for his acting in that one.

I think you're going to have to get in line to play air hockey with Billy CSIz_4... there's a REALLY long lineup :p He IS adorable when just being himself...:adore:

You're welcome gilsgal and here's another cast member raving and missing him too, Eric in Monte Carlo just recently, what a darling guy he is, so happy and upbeat and loves his peeps, if you want to read parts 2 & 3, I posted them in the Missing Grissom thread, this is only part one. He discusses Billy alot

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