CSI/bestie: I agree! I too love how when he does something he's passionate about, or just thoroughly enjoys, his face just gets bright, his eyes light up and they sparkle, and he's just pure happy. It's beyond cute 
GrissomLivesOn: His humbleness is an awesome point to bring up, as well. He even said in his Hollywood Star acceptance speech that he was "humbled by all you people here..." which is just selfless, phenomonal thing to say; most celebs would have said "well, it's awesome youguys came to honor me" but not Billy....
ALL of the qualities/characteristics he has are amazing and certainly worth talking about, and are most of all, so, so so rare. He's truly one of a kind
<3 <3
GrissomLivesOn: His humbleness is an awesome point to bring up, as well. He even said in his Hollywood Star acceptance speech that he was "humbled by all you people here..." which is just selfless, phenomonal thing to say; most celebs would have said "well, it's awesome youguys came to honor me" but not Billy....
ALL of the qualities/characteristics he has are amazing and certainly worth talking about, and are most of all, so, so so rare. He's truly one of a kind