William/Grissom: The Hottness of Lucky #13

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No I'm not here to make trouble. To share a cute little story.
That was a cute story and for kids it makes sense when an actor/actress puts it the way that William did.

I guess I didn't think discussing his shirt was a spoiler, but either way, I'm sorry.
I wasn't just referring to you but to others who started to discuss it (see previous page) and it serves as a reminder to all, who might think thats a go ahead to do so before the ep is seen in all U.S. time zones. ;)
a very cool and long article all about Billy, talking about him and Chicago, quotes from his daughter, from loads of his buddies, Amy Morton etc. Some quotes from Billy as well about various stuff including about his and Gina's family. Very interesting stuff.
From the Chicago Tribune
Thank's GameFace for that, I knew most of it well all of it really, but it's always cool to read this again, the "big fish":lol: and so he is, and Amy Morton was his girlfriend for 7 years, what happened there? but, anyway, it's so awesome that he remains friends with people from his past, and his daughter Maite lives in Ca. and that's cool that he's a grampa "Grampa Billy":thumbsup:

another article about him~


Hey guys- I’ve never been here before, but I was on the Charlie Rose website going through the list of guests (IT WAS FOR SCHOOL…ok) and I saw Billy’s name. If you guys were ever wondering just how intelligent and thoughtful he is, watch this interview. It’s a bit old (2003), but I found it quite interesting. Here’s the link:

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and thank's for the link, I did watch that, and he's so bewitching and so charming, and talks really fast
he comes across as really intelligent, and cute and funny!
Thanks for the warm welcome Desertwind. OK, while I can't say I absolutely adore him, I admire Billy simply because he is such a good person and role model for all of us younger kids out there.
That's cool that he's a role model for you, while I do adore him, if your young it would be a bit odd to idolize him like us older gals, but he's home in Chicago, where he' always wanted to be and that aritlce form GameFace he acts nonchalant and carefree, and is so not into "hero worship", like he says "having a beer, and watching sports" he's a happy camper, so not into stardom although he's immensely popular he could care less..he's a 1000 watt light, in a 100 watt world but doen't realize how this effect his millions of fans. Damn I'll miss him, but wish him luck in all he participates in!
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Hey guyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyys! I'm BACK! :thumbsup:
Haven't been on the forum for ages. Busy busy busy :cardie::cardie:

ANYways, just stopped by to say that WP looked surprisingly buffed in the season premiere. Seriously? I died a little inside when he took off his bloody shirt :drool::drool:
Hey GrissomFREAK nice to see you back, where ya' been? don't be a stranger:confused: and last night Grissom was so awesome watching him for the first time I think actually not doing the correct procedure with the DNA and kiss-a.. Hodges pointing out his mistake> He seems to be losing it, and talking to the counselor about Hank, how "he's listless and sad" he's actually explaining his own feelings me thinks. He's just lost "his rock" Warrick, and then his true love Sara, left again. He's not a happy camper and it's showing. He's such a consummate actor, no one like him:thumbsup: and the straw hat was back :lol: His whole deamanor screamed out, I'm so sad:( but his expressions while interogating the slimmy killer, so riveting, and his dialogue always perfection and he look's fabulous:drool: I'll be impossible to watch this show without his presence:brickwall:


And on his little fetal pig, he apparently has more than one, of course he would:rommie: He gave one to Cath, but on the "Crossover" ep. he had one too, because Jack Malone commented on it!
Hey guyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyys! I'm BACK! :thumbsup:
Haven't been on the forum for ages. Busy busy busy :cardie::cardie:

ANYways, just stopped by to say that WP looked surprisingly buffed in the season premiere. Seriously? I died a little inside when he took off his bloody shirt :drool::drool:

Absolutely, GrissomFREAK... There was much groaning with pleasure in the UK too! As if he'd wear a tee shirt... :devil: :eek: Hee hee!

And loved his cute little smirk at the start of Art Imitates Life. That's my Grissom!

Hello btw! Not been here for ages!
i seem to remember us having a drunken hour long discussion as to why on earth he would wear a tshirt underneath is shirt too. vegas is far too hot for that!! mind you, billy is far far too hot to even let us have a glimpse of what he's hiding under his tops!
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Us? Drunk? Perving William Petersen? Are you sure?? Doesn't sound like us! Rofl!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm sure he wore a tee shirt for the good of womankind around the world. Imagine how many would explode - on this thread alone - if he unloaded the guns on national TV... Growl...
to be fair thats true. i'm thankful that he wore a tshirt when you put it like that!! esp with those bulging biceps...sigh. :drool:

the words 'tena lady' come to mind......:lol:
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