William/Grissom: The Hottness of Lucky #13

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I went ahead and merged the 10 reasons we love Grissom into his actor character thread, and figured I would tell folks so they aren't confused by the name differences on the posts. ;)
10 reasons we love Grissom~

1.. Smart









10..Impeccable choice for a lifetime partner~
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- he is never mean to anyone

- he never makes fun of people

- he never judges people

- he is misanthrope without being sour

- he is passionnate

- he is patient

- he is strong

- he is a nonconformist, eccentric, odd

- he is smart

- he is sexy
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Okay if y'all are going to play this then I am going to have to ask you to elaborate further on your ten reasons, as well lets remember this is still a discussion thread. Thank you. ;)
OH, I thought this was just 10 reasons we loved him, to elaborate, on gorgeous, what else could one say on that? and I on the difference between the teams did elaborate on him extensively. So Destiny like what for example? I'd love to discuss him till the cows come home, but what else can we say?
I think Destiny means she wants more than just lists of 10 reasons why we love Grissom. As far as elaboration goes, she's probably thinking something along the lines of:

I said Grissom was "passionate". I could elaborate by saying "Grissom is passionate because he puts all of his resources, his time and effort into every single case; regardless of outside life circumstances or issues, his entire focus while at work is soley on the case and getting it solved efficently and well. He's passionate about his job as a CSI; he literally loves what he does and brings that fire to everything he does."

Does that make sense, D estiny or DW? Is that what you meant, Destiny?
Okay if y'all are going to play this then I am going to have to ask you to elaborate further on your ten reasons, as well lets remember this is still a discussion thread. Thank you. ;)
I merged the Ten reasons in to this thread because it was about WP/GG I figured it could be discussed as I have bolded and underlined giving why you feel the way you do about the things listed.
OH, I thought this was just 10 reasons we loved him, to elaborate, on gorgeous, what else could one say on that? and I on the difference between the teams did elaborate on him extensively. So Destiny like what for example? I'd love to discuss him till the cows come home, but what else can we say?
Such as why you think he is smart, or compassionate what did he do, was there one specific thing he has done, etc.
I think Destiny means she wants more than just lists of 10 reasons why we love Grissom. Does that make sense, Is that what you meant, Destiny?
Yep, meant and said, thank you. ;)
OK gotcha ya' It's hard to discuss 9 years of this character, so many episodes, with so many riveting topics pertaining to him:cool:

SMART He's got a internal radar, antenna so to speak. and seems to know what is happening on cases before anyone else does. His brain thinks differently than others because he's extremely smart~

CARING He cares about not only his team which he's been there for all of them at one time or another, but kids and abused women as well. Some people could give a ratts a.. but he cares~

UNDERSTANDING He listens to everyone, and is not judgemental, and sees their side of situations~

INTELLECTUAL An avid reader and subscribes to all the latest technology magazines and seem to retain mega knowledge, and is always one step ahead of everyone else, cause of his high intellect~

FUNNY So many instances, "We're looking for a wolf, in wolf's clothing" "F & L" "Bad To The Bone" upon finding a buried skelton, "Well I guess there was no room at the inn" "Burked" To Greg, "Is this going to be a short story, or a novel":lol: and on an on, he's got as many funny lines almost as Brass~

GORGEOUS The man with 1,000 expressions, and his eyes and his smile and his perfect face. He's just drop dead handsome:p

CHARISMATIC I think every woman on CSI has been attracted to his charm and his magnetic personailty, it drips out of every pore of his persona, some have it, and some don't and he definitely has it:bolian:

COMPASSIONATE So many instances of this character, where he was compassionate, with the team, so may times getting LH granddaughter back for her, to the boy in "Say Uncle" to many to mention~

FASCINATING Well this speaks for itself, theres no one like him the way he talks, his delivery of his dialogue, the tone of his sexy voice his walk, Fans are mesmorized by his many quirky traits, cause' he's appealing and fascinating~

CHOICE FOR HIS MATE Really can't go into this deeply, [no ship talk] but he choose the girl of his dreams, and the one he wanted to be with, and he is with her:thumbsup:
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OMG! I bet I'm a little behind on Billy-info, but I just found out he's going to be in a new production, Endgame, April 1- June 6 2010! From what I've skimmed through, I think it's a comedy and... uh, is he acting as the dad? Can't wait for more details on this!
THank's chipper here's a bit more info on two separate events featuring Billy one Steppenwolf Gala on April 18 and "Endgame" [click on that title~a comedy, how fun for him after all the grim crime scenes he's been in, and an alcoholic in "Dublin Carol"


Courtesy of WPAP~
Yeah, that's where I got my info too! It doesn't reveal much, does it? Maybe it's too early. I'm only guessing WP plays the dad. I don't know what's up with WPAP (as great a site for updates and professionalism they are). I would ask them if they knew anymore, but they shut off all comments. I think it all started a few years back when I left a comment saying how great the site (or news article) was. Then in my excitement I think I went a little overboard and talked about Nick too. *snicker!*

Oh another note, is anyone familiar with theatre emsembles? I get the feeling they try very much to make everyone equal (hence the word ensemble), but is that really possible with Billy being such a big star (big in the sense that Hollywood is the most mainstream platform)? I know I'm definitely going to see Endgame just for him!
well, i don't think Endgame is a comedy (though Steppenwolf describes it as 'comic'). it's one of the best plays written by Samuel Beckett and as far as i know Billy will be playing Hamm (the one who is blind and can't stand up).
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