William/Grissom: The Hottness of Lucky #13

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about Gary being late, i think that maybe he did not want to talk to some of the CSI people. i don't mean actors but maybe some of the crew. his departure from the show didn't appear too friendly to us, so i can only imagine what really happened. *shrugs*

we can only speculate, really. and i would definitely not believe anything that the articles say. been a subject of and seen so much of journalists' inadequacy so many times, i don't think i can believe anything i read anymore.

but it's not like the whole thing is really important, anyway.

You know... It crossed my mind that Gary
about Gary being late, i think that maybe he did not want to talk to some of the CSI people. i don't mean actors but maybe some of the crew. his departure from the show didn't appear too friendly to us, so i can only imagine what really happened. *shrugs*

we can only speculate, really. and i would definitely not believe anything that the articles say. been a subject of and seen so much of journalists' inadequacy so many times, i don't think i can believe anything i read anymore.

but it's not like the whole thing is really important, anyway.

It crossed my mind that Gary Dourdan could feel unconfortable meeting some people of CSI, and if it's the case, I understand he did not attend the event and it is all the more nice of him to come specially to say hello and congratulate William Petersen. You are right, we can only speculate and maybe it is not that important but it would be unfair to speculate only to his disadvantage, so after all, yes I think it is important. ;)
Yeah, I didn't think about the terms on which Gary left the show...hmmm...I mean, I'm pretty much over him not being at the ceremony...I wish he would have been, cos I know Billy would have appreciated it, but he reveled in the light of the people who WERE there, so I'm just trying to get over it...I tend to take these things personally...*sigh*

<3 you Billy :) (haha...HAD to sneak that in there!)
We really don't know the complicated issues he might have and don't know what really happend. It's all speculation but, he showed up that's the key. I myself wouldn't ever had of said 'I forgot" how a little white lie, I was caught up in traffic" by Billy looked thrilled to see him he's such a nice guy, so that's what's important and Billy getting his STAR on The Hollywood Walk of Fame was a hugh deal for him and his peeps!
Hey guys!

I'm very late saying this so here goes.............whoooohoooo Congrats WP!!!!!!

I also like to wish Mr & Mrs Petersen a "Happy Valentine's Day!

and to all as well 'Happy Valentine's Day!" .

As for Gary showing up late, better late than never. Some people really do forget you know. :)
Yes I know the timing really sucks in this case. :)


Yeah, I had seen that! I'm hoping to be able to go...Does anyone know how much tickets are? I suppose I should stop being lazy and do my own price research, yes? :p I hope he gets a HUGE turnout for Blackbird, he certainly deserves it... :)

Happy Valentine's Day, Billy! We all love you SO much and I hope you got tons of chocolate roses and smooches :) Sending smooches & much love from Michigan :)
EiTB well able to sing in Basque Grissom

I translate a bit the video that this in Spanish.

Contact Mari Rosa Totoricaguena is a friend of William Petersen from the infancy. She contacted Billy and he liked the idea, but his representative said that not for problems of agenda. So, Rosa Mari spoke with the daughter of William Petersen, Maite Nerea and she told her father that it did and reluctantly accepted by his representative. The video was recorded at 8.30 am at the Steppenwolf Theater in Chicago before the essays of the work at which this William being employed.. The recording was made Josu Erguin. At the end said that 11 years ago returned to the Basque Country with her daughter to teach him where he was born and the places they lived. Said that the fund taxed as a video tribute to her daughter.
Thank's Alex I think this has been posted prior, but it's always nice to hear it again and him singing, cute:bolian:
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When Billy was talking about Gina in his acceptance speech, who else thought of Hard Promises, when Joey tells Chris, "You're my home"? So sweet and perfect and... god I wish he was mine....
Uuuum...not me cos I still haven't heard what he said to/about her. ;p What DID he say?
I'm sure I'll join you on the deja vu train, though ;)
Wish he were mine too.....oooh I'd be a happy peppy woman!
Criminologist86: Check out WPAP
About halfway down the page, there are videos of the ceremony and I think one of them has his full speech.

Billy basically said that whether he's in Chicago, LA or anywhere else in the world, home is always with him, because Gina is his home. *sigh*:adore:
She sure hit the "JACKPOT" with him of all the women on this planet and she got him, what's her secret? he also said "happiness is his wife" they both have alot in common, both Chicago natives, both love the CUBS, and love to travel, and it seems she lets him do his own thing, wherever they are gives him his space, from what I've read and observed. Good job Gina:bolian: his B-day is coming up next week he'll be 56:eek:And I'd love to see a little Billy Jr. with his incredible face!
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Billy basically said that whether he's in Chicago, LA or anywhere else in the world, home is always with him, because Gina is his home.
I would be a gargantuan puddle of squeeing ooze if he said that to me...Seriously I'd have weak knees almost constantly and it'd be disasterous for those long walks on the beach I like so much ;p
She has SCORED...I would definitley be happy to take her place though...haha (there goes that question "Are you jealous of someone right now?" YEAH!) He's a looker and definitley a keeper.

It's always good to see a relationship like that in celebrityville; it's normal, it's loving, it's just totally average...not glorified to be some unearthly match made in heaven of two celeb-paparazzi-bait-camera-happy-publicity-greedy people...Ya'll know what I'm saying? I think Gina needs her own thread...howcome she doesn't have one?

PS: gilsgal: I think the video you're talking about was "removed by the user." I have tried to see it several times (it's the one on WPAP right below the "AP" video, right?) and it says the same thing...So sad.
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