William/Grissom: The Hottness of Lucky #13

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The guy has problems. I hope he gets some help. Personally, I think it would have been better for him to send a private apology/flowers for missing the event rather than show up literally at the LAST minute.

I agree. I mean, it's not very friendly or socially acceptable to show up THAT Late, like the ceremony was OVER, they'd ALL eaten, Billy was literally getting into his car to LEAVE, and Gary probably came running up, out of breath, yelling "Don't leave yet!" and there he was. Seriously, I'd be PISSED if my good friend/co-worker/whatever did that...I would try to not show it (and I'm sure Billy brushed it off at the time...I'm still offended FOR him, even if he isn't) at the time but I'd sure let it all out in the car...

I hope he didn't make a commitment to come to the ceremony (like tell Billy "Yeah, I'll be there") because that's an even bigger slap in the face; if you say you are coming to an event THAT big and THAT important to a good friend, you should be there, regardless. And if not, have a really good excuse and expect to send a bigger bouquet of flowers, a bigger congrats card, and a bigger, much more expensive gift...that's just the way it goes.

I still really, really feel bad for Billy...I don't know if he feels bad, or if he even did, but I certainly do...Bad show, Gary...Bad show.

Can you imagine what it would be like if he showed up late like that for WORK? How much that would cost a studio? Get it together, Gary -- for your friends and for your own well-being.
Ever heard of better late then never, could be worse he could have never shown up, as stated Gary may have had an excellent reason for not being there on time. We don't know what Gary really told him, articles can say what they want what is said either then or later... Besides if WP is the guy alot describe him to be then I believe that he would be understanding if Gary couldn't make it, or shown up late, he might not have gotten there for the ceremony but he got there and sometimes that is what matters he took the time in which (running late) he could have said well I am late heck with it. But Gary didn't do that he still came.

I also noticed it didn't say that WP was ticked off about it, maybe the reason they had a short talk and he left was because he had plans to get to or they both did and MAYBE they agreed to meet up later. I really don't see the fuss over this, if it were an intentional smack such as Gary saying I didn't care one way or another so I didn't show, he forgot, there are a variety of reasons, personal life intervened, maybe he had his kids and well they would be more important then WP and I am sure he would agree with that, the article doesn't really say why he was running late, but the guy showed up, and as I started this post I will end this post, better late then never. ;)
Ever heard of better late then never, could be worse he could have never shown up, as stated Gary may have had an excellent reason for not being there on time. We don't know what Gary really told him, articles can say what they want what is said either then or later... Besides if WP is the guy alot describe him to be then I believe that he would be understanding if Gary couldn't make it, or shown up late, he might not have gotten there for the ceremony but he got there and sometimes that is what matters he took the time in which (running late) he could have said well I am late heck with it. But Gary didn't do that he still came.

I also noticed it didn't say that WP was ticked off about it, maybe the reason they had a short talk and he left was because he had plans to get to or they both did and MAYBE they agreed to meet up later. I really don't see the fuss over this, if it were an intentional smack such as Gary saying I didn't care one way or another so I didn't show, he forgot, there are a variety of reasons, personal life intervened, maybe he had his kids and well they would be more important then WP and I am sure he would agree with that, the article doesn't really say why he was running late, but the guy showed up, and as I started this post I will end this post, better late then never. ;)

Yeah, but that sends a huge message to someone when you don't bother showing up to a very important event ON TIME, or even at all, because technically, Gary wasn't there; the ceremony had been over for at least an hour (if you go to lunch directly after and it takes an hour..I don't know how long it took or takes all of them to eat ;p) and Billy was JUST leaving...like it's just not socially acceptable to do that, and it goes back to Symbolic Interactionism; that meant something to BOTH parties...it's unwritten rules...It's just not professional, courteous, and to me, quite rude and inconsiderate.

I would take it on a basis of reason (although the article DID say Gary said he "forgot the ceremony was today" to which I would say BILLIONS of fans who have never met Billy knew it was Tuesday the 3rd, so WHY on the freaking WORLD would Gary "forget" it was that day!??! Sorry, it just really offends me)..if he had a good reason, I'd still be offended, but not as much, I guess...depends on what it was.

And no, it didn't say if Billy was ticked off or not; I highly doubt he would be, he's understanding and sweet, but it did, whether he knows it or anyone knows it, MEAN something to him that Gary showed late, because of the theory of Symbolic Interactionism; violating unwritten rules means something, it's more offensive (according to sociologists) to society/people as a whole (and individually) to break an unwritten rule than it is to break a written rule/law. Gary showed up LATE (technically he didn't show at all, because the ceremony and after party was over) and that is violating an unwritten rule (symbolic interactionism) and that is overall socially unacceptable and certainly frowned upon.

And I might take it personally that Gary was late because I love Billy so much, but also because I had gone to my best friend's graduation ceremony AND party, and she didn't attend either of mine (party nor ceremony)...it meant something to me that she didn't come; regardless of the reason....and whether it's expressed or not, it does to Billy.
The only thing I can say is that the people who DID come are the ones who really really mattered to Billy; particularly Marg. Everyone else cared to show up period, and be on time...Get it together, Dourdan. Seriously.
Ever heard of better late then never, could be worse he could have never shown up, as stated Gary may have had an excellent reason for not being there on time. We don't know what Gary really told him, articles can say what they want what is said either then or later... Besides if WP is the guy alot describe him to be then I believe that he would be understanding if Gary couldn't make it, or shown up late, he might not have gotten there for the ceremony but he got there and sometimes that is what matters he took the time in which (running late) he could have said well I am late heck with it. But Gary didn't do that he still came.

I also noticed it didn't say that WP was ticked off about it, maybe the reason they had a short talk and he left was because he had plans to get to or they both did and MAYBE they agreed to meet up later. I really don't see the fuss over this, if it were an intentional smack such as Gary saying I didn't care one way or another so I didn't show, he forgot, there are a variety of reasons, personal life intervened, maybe he had his kids and well they would be more important then WP and I am sure he would agree with that, the article doesn't really say why he was running late, but the guy showed up, and as I started this post I will end this post, better late then never. ;)

Yeah, but that sends a huge message to someone when you don't bother showing up to a very important event ON TIME, or even at all, because technically, Gary wasn't there; the ceremony had been over for at least an hour (if you go to lunch directly after and it takes an hour..I don't know how long it took or takes all of them to eat ;p) and Billy was JUST leaving...like it's just not socially acceptable to do that, and it goes back to Symbolic Interactionism; that meant something to BOTH parties...it's unwritten rules...It's just not professional, courteous, and to me, quite rude and inconsiderate.

I would take it on a basis of reason (although the article DID say Gary said he "forgot the ceremony was today" to which I would say BILLIONS of fans who have never met Billy knew it was Tuesday the 3rd, so WHY on the freaking WORLD would Gary "forget" it was that day!??! Sorry, it just really offends me)..if he had a good reason, I'd still be offended, but not as much, I guess...depends on what it was.

And no, it didn't say if Billy was ticked off or not; I highly doubt he would be, he's understanding and sweet, but it did, whether he knows it or anyone knows it, MEAN something to him that Gary showed late, because of the theory of Symbolic Interactionism; violating unwritten rules means something, it's more offensive (according to sociologists) to society/people as a whole (and individually) to break an unwritten rule than it is to break a written rule/law. Gary showed up LATE (technically he didn't show at all, because the ceremony and after party was over) and that is violating an unwritten rule (symbolic interactionism) and that is overall socially unacceptable and certainly frowned upon.

And I might take it personally that Gary was late because I love Billy so much, but also because I had gone to my best friend's graduation ceremony AND party, and she didn't attend either of mine (party nor ceremony)...it meant something to me that she didn't come; regardless of the reason....and whether it's expressed or not, it does to Billy.
The only thing I can say is that the people who DID come are the ones who really really mattered to Billy; particularly Marg. Everyone else cared to show up period, and be on time...Get it together, Dourdan. Seriously.

Are you a sociologist? I am, real life professor, Ph.D. and all. I had to chuckle when I read this, because I didn't expect a discussion of symbolic interactionism to show up here (I like to go on here to get AWAY from my field).

Indeed, you could analyze the events sociologically (though the analysis would be more reliable and valid with data, rather than with assumptions).

I think it's wise for everyone to remember that they only know one fact:

Gary Dourdan showed up super-late. None of us know enough to be able to say how it was interpreted by his co-stars or whether or not he had a decent excuse.

Love the sociology talk!
erep: Nope, not a sociologist ;p I'm actually a Criminology major w/ a concentration in Law Enforcement...if that means ANYTHING to you ;p
I'm taking a Social Problems class and we just got done talking about Symbolic Interactionism, and the whole thing popped into my head while thinking about this whole late thing...just made sense to throw it in there ;p
I know, I try and stay away from school/work stuff as well...

Gary had better have had a good excuse! Given his past issues with drugs and stuff, he already doesn't have world's greatest reputation with me, not that I'm out to get him or anything...it's just like WOAH buddy...way to send a message to Billy... I just can't imagine anyone doing that to me...ooo I'd be not a happy woman.
While I am sorry as a fan you are taking this personally and all but the article was just a little to short and a had little to do with anything really relevant. It if you read the one part (or the main part) closely it says "He walked up to William he said he was sorry for being so late. Said that he "forgot that the star ceremony was today. They talked for a few minutes and went their ways.". So basically it was something that, that writer overheard, well then what might she/he have missed in that conversation? notice he/she mentioned that they "talked" but what, he/she didn't hear that part? Also why isn't anyone else reporting on this? Just this little blurp of what is suppost to be a story. But notice no agents were contacted for comment, notice he/she didn't mention trying to get info out of GD on why he wasn't their earlier? Even if they couldn't get a comment to make it more I don't know credible they could have mentioned that. But nothing just a snarky blip by what sounds like a reporter who just wanted to stir up stuff amongst fans. National Enquirere has more credible alien stories lol.

I am not saying fans shouldn't be a little upset about his absence, but before getting too upset maybe the wondering of what was more important then the ceremony that GD would forget the date, or caused him to run late when he remembered. I wouldn't be so hard on GD we don't know the type of friendship they have, only what we have heard, I would say that IF WP is understanding about the whole thing, maybe his fans should be as well, using GD's past like that seems alittle mean as well, makes me wonder if WP would like to hear that from his fans, something I don't personally know. This little and I really mean little attempt at an article just seems a little to over the top to push the limits. But thats just my opinion on it.
Destiny: The Symbolic Interactionism would be more easily understood and socially relevent/more relevant, if, like erep said, I had more data....Not that I'm trying to build a sociological study on this but the theory just popped into my head when discussing Gary's distasteful lateness.

I'm not trying to bash Gary or say he's an evil person, nor am I trying to go so far as to say that Billy wasn't bothered by his lack of presence at the ceremony, or that he (Gary) didn't have a good reason for not showing up, but I am saying that it was a violation of an unwritten rule (erep knows ;p) and that that is taken by FAR more offensively than a written rule violation...There is probably a possibility that I'm more offended by the entire thing than Billy, but according to the theory, Billy is offended at some level, because that's the way it is.

Hopefully Billy's ok and I'll forget about this ;p
Erep: Anything else to add from a sociological standpoint? Did I mess anything up? :p
Destiny: The Symbolic Interactionism would be more easily understood and socially relevent/more relevant, if, like erep said, I had more data....Not that I'm trying to build a sociological study on this but the theory just popped into my head when discussing Gary's distasteful lateness.

I'm not trying to bash Gary or say he's an evil person, nor am I trying to go so far as to say that Billy wasn't bothered by his lack of presence at the ceremony, or that he (Gary) didn't have a good reason for not showing up, but I am saying that it was a violation of an unwritten rule (erep knows ;p) and that that is taken by FAR more offensively than a written rule violation...There is probably a possibility that I'm more offended by the entire thing than Billy, but according to the theory, Billy is offended at some level, because that's the way it is.

Hopefully Billy's ok and I'll forget about this ;p
Erep: Anything else to add from a sociological standpoint? Did I mess anything up? :p

I am not going to don my professor cap here; I actually think you should probably forgo applying sociological theory to the events at the Star ceremony (you weren't there, you don't have data). HOWEVER, there is PLENTY of data here on websites like this, where you could to a rather interesting analysis of fans and how their live their lives out here. Note the analysis would be of the fans, not the celebrities. :)
Clearly I get upset easily....That's one solid conclusion from all this. ;p

I hope Billy's ok and I hope Gary has a good excuse....

So, how hot was it that day? Billy was sweeeating up a STORM and MAN was it HOTT :)
Part of the problem is you are trying to inject sociologically in to the relationship of two strangers going based on emotional ties to what you see in the media who can paint a celeb in a good or bad light. Are there written and unwritten rules yes, but there are many variations in how and with whom they apply. There is a belief that there is only the two sets but there are imo yes two starting points but there is also the points in which gets set by the persons involved so in saying that you have the template which I consider of the two rules, but then you have what each puts into that, that round out the rules and how it applies to them.

So before we go any further with the psychological sociology on all this, I am strictly questioning the relevancy of the article as to the writer intention when he wrote that article they write that they heard part of the conversation but apparently not all of it, from which we ourselves have to deduce that either they didn't hear the rest of it or if they did chose not to reveal it which makes me suspect the whole (tiny) article to begin with. We could play what if's but all we are doing is going round and round, of which is upsetting you further, and if it is upsetting so much to you digging the scab won't let the wound heal.

Thank's Alex wow I was wondering big time why he wasn't there, and late & I get, but forgetting:wtf: HMMM how did he all of a sudden remember strange:confused:, maybe one of the other cast members called him and said "hey where are you," and he scurried on down, so at least he was there eventually, and why he was late we don't know that.. at least he was there, and that's all that matters, their strong tight buddies.. I had thought he was in Europe filming, but the photo of them is awesome!
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For those fans who haven't seen his acceptance speech and all those who did speak, [and BTW, Anthony Zuiker was also on hand], and in one video, Billy hugs this kid in the crowd, the look of surprise and awe:eek:, bet he'll never forget that moment.. crap I wished I had of gone, and he hugged me:(


Courtesy of WPAP~
about Gary being late, i think that maybe he did not want to talk to some of the CSI people. i don't mean actors but maybe some of the crew. his departure from the show didn't appear too friendly to us, so i can only imagine what really happened. *shrugs*

we can only speculate, really. and i would definitely not believe anything that the articles say. been a subject of and seen so much of journalists' inadequacy so many times, i don't think i can believe anything i read anymore.

but it's not like the whole thing is really important, anyway.
I can't help but watch these videos over and over...*sigh*
What a gorgeous, humble man!!!

He IS, isn't he?! Gorgeous, sexy, humble, sweet, generous...*sigh* Everything Marg said about him is SO true...I LOVE Billy :) (no duh ;p)

His speech was probably THE greatest speech the HWOF has ever had- I mean, he was truly overwhelmed by the amount of support he received from cast/crew/fans and was tremendously grateful for it. How many actors can you find that are GENUINE like that? I mean, most of them wouldn't bother thanking half the people he did (well, I've never heard anyone thank their lawyer or negotiator before...lol It was cute though; uniquley Billy) and they definitley wouldn't have recieved such high praise from their friends or co-workers or whatever.
Looooooove you Billy! And congratulations again- you DESERVE it!
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