William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

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Here's a link to an interview that Billy did for Playboy magazine. He talks about his legs in it.


Personally, I love the way Billy walks. Heck I love everything about the man...including "The Hat" and "The Hawaiian Shirt" ;)
Thank's gilsgal awesome, I read this along tme ago.. he's so funny :D.. and what a bad boy in his early days.. so how many women did he have relationships with? shameful, just kidding, and one got him. I wonder what she had that the rest didn't? and the writing of fan letters, that's excatly why I've never wrote him a fan letter, he'd probably just roll his eyes and go geez, another one! it's a wonder he's not conceited :cool: but he's not!!!! fun read ;)
LOL Is he comparing his wife to a steak? :lol:

And he wears his "balls in parentheses" :eek: :devil: Interesting.

Guys, I miss The Beard :( :(
That's an awesome artical, thanks gilsgal. I'd love to picture Grissom on a bull, :lol: ... I can imagine him on a horse, riding into a sunset or something corny like that. ;)
And Desert, before I scoot on over to the Jorja thread to see your post, I shall answer your question, I was on holiday in France for 2 weeks, I have 2 jobs now to get money for uni and generally didn't have alot of time for coming on my laptop etc. I also had some issues going on at home and stuff, so took a break from everything whilst I sorted that out, but have no fear, lemsip's back! Woot! :D

On the topic of Billy/Grissom riding things... (nothing dirty implyed there ;) ) I just had the strangest, random thought of him riding on a camal... o_O
Great article gilsgal
I almost spit out the candy in my mouth. Especially when he was taking about riding... :lol:

Welcome Back LemonJelly :D
Yaaaay, thanks hhunter, you guys are so cool to welcome me back :D Btw, hhunter and gilsgal, your avys are awesome. Desert... freakin awesome :D
Lemsip!! Yaaaaaaay!! How you doing?

Not been here for months. The thread's only moved on a page or two!

Just got back from Vegas. I have a nearly Billy story. On the Saturday, I was quite merrily minding my own business in the Luxor (excellent buffet btw!) and 200 yards away, down a moving walkway, Billy was filming in the Mandalay Bay!!! And I didn't know!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!


I could have caused a diplomatic incident between the US and UK. When I told the kids at school, they asked me what I would have done if I had known at the time. I said I'd jump on him and lick his face. :devil: Outrageously, they agreed!! :lol: :lol: :lol: 'Yeah, Miss. You would.' And that the photo of me doing it would have been on my interactive whiteboard!

Anyway... just thought I'd share my woes...:lol:
yay britters! Howdy!

You know, even though I'm sad that you didn't get to see Billy after being so damn close. In a way, I'm kinda relieved for his safety :lol: I have visions of this mad woman clinging onto his ankle as he desperately tries to escape.
OMG britfan what a fantastic story!
So close, yet so far away to BILLY!!!
I'm glad you shared with us. Glad you are back to enjoy all the Grissom/Billy hotness :D
Britfaaaaaaaan! :D *jumps* Gutted to hear about being so close, but as gameface said, maybe that was better for his safety ;) Still awesome you were that close, and you had a good time in Vegas. ;) There didn't happen to be any horses or anything around where he was filming was there? :D
Ok so seen as everyone is coming out of the closet and are posting again...maybe I should eh?

I couldne believe that about Bill when you told me BF, truly is poop. No other words! Did your Billy bat signal fail you? *hugs* How did you find out he was filming? I think I woulda broke someone or something lol. And where is PLG? She on her way back? I got an angry text from her this morning, I wet myself. *hugs to PLG*

Hope y'all are fine and dandy.
HEY, Brits, what's up? long time no hear from.. what have you all been doing? and now britfan you know how I feel, and I live here, their here, and I read about it in the paper, the next day.. HMMM, didn't know about him being at Mandalay Bay, see they sneak around :( I know they were here a few week's ago at the Thomas Mack Center for an up-coming ep. called "BULL" but once again I didn't know till the next day. Also here was Jorja, at the Palms bar..with a cute guy! did you have fun here in my city? did you win any money?
Morning, Gameface, Lemsip, hhunter, Ams and Windy!

So many questions! So I'd better apologise in advance for weaving in and out of topic and Billydom before anyone kicks off... ;)

My Gil-dar totally failed. The batteries totally went on my Billy Bat Signal. Not a pip to be seen or heard! No Spider or bee lit up the night sky of the city like a beacon! :lol: I had utterly convinced myself that being in the same time zone as William Petersen would have been enough! Never imagined he would be in Vegas with it being filmed in LA. (Apologies to PLG if she is reading this. She has heard this stress out a million times in a fortnight!)

It was the same weekend as the rodeo thing. We were bumping into cowboys all week down the strip, giving us, 'Howdy ma'ams and Howdy Sir,' every time we queued with them. Very lovely they were! Because I have a strong Yorkshire accent, everyone kept asking if I was Australian! (Maybe wearing my Bondi Beach Lifeguard tee shirt didn't help the matter! :lol:) Still no idea Billy was there!

We went to Luxor for brekkie on the Saturday morning before we flew home and then decided to ransack Wallgreens and CVS for nasty American sweets. (Have you tried a grape flavoured Jolly Rancher?? Just spit it in the bin and cut out the middle man! Uff and urgh!!) Then went to the Monte Carlo for a pint in the Micro Brewery at the back. (I recommend a beer called Arrogant Bastard. I kid you not! It was fab. Took a pic of the bottle. When I find my camera, I'll upload it for you!)

Still no idea Billy was in town...

It was only when I got back and I opened my emails - 47 of them in a week! How did that happen??!?! - that I saw it... Billy at the Rodeo and at the Mandalay Bay... 200 yards from me... WAAAHHH!! My heart sunk into my boots. (Well, my new Adidas trainers bought on the Strip at the Adidas shop near Games Works - £20!! TOTAL BARGAIN!! Bright blue with orange trim... Size 12!! Shoe sizes are weird in America! I'm only a UK 10!)

But thank you one and all for the love. I fear Billy would not have been safe. It would not have been his ankles I was holding on to, I do assure you! (WAHEY! First innuendo of my return!! :devil: :devil: :devil:) I would have been on ET licking his tonsils instead of Marg H! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Windy - your city is the best place on earth bar one thing. Where are the news stands?! New York has them everywhere. Getting TV Guide at Easter was a doddle - except it had Horatio Caine on the front - uff! I knew Billy and Anthony La Paglia (Is that how you spell it?) were on the front while I was in Vegas and I could not get one anywhere! Not even in a newspaper shop on Fremont!! That's all PLG wanted... and a Cubs T shirt... which we now have one of - each! I'm gonna get 'Petersen' put on the back of mine! Tee Hee!!! Only PLG and my mum will get it! Billy on my back... oh yeah! :lol:

Took a pic of a plaque at the Plaza too, wi Billy on it. You can see my shadow taking it and my mate looking hugely disturbed while pretending not to be with me! Will try and post that too. My camera is somewhere around. Not toally unpacked as I washed my jeans and t shirts and headed straight to London with 90 16 year olds on the Drama trip! I am suprised I am not dead.

And one more thing I was gutted with. The only time I will ever catch an episode in real time on American TV - and it was the Chip Shop Flip Flop one! I had been talking to my mate about it all day. Even he wanted to watch it and hyped it up so much... the proposal, annoying Ronnie etc. So we ate at New York New York, got gorgeous buns and donuts from a pattiserie there and loads of crisps and beer! We set it all out on the bed and settled down to it. Ugly Betty was on too... bonus!

3 lines. That is all I have to say as that is all I got of Grissom in that episode. My mate wet himself laughing. I'd had Billy thoughts all day and ... 3 lines. I am clearly a Billy free zone!

But I did have a go on the black jack tables after the episode - which I thought was heinously bad btw - and won a little. Only bet $20 but came away with $30 by the end. Low stakes tables in Excalibur! My mate likes Texas Hold Poker or something and he got a hand with two aces and had to pull the Wheel of Fortune infront of a paced casino! He won $200 on it though so he was happy!

And here ends my holiday journal. If you are still awake, thank you for tuning in. If you are bored to death, I'm sorry, but thank you for spending your twilight hours with me!
sounds like you had blast apart from the lack of Billy-ness. Don't get me started on that Chip Chock Flip Shock episode, just not enough Billy. Never mind the writers on strike, I'm going on strike if they don't write him into more scenes.
It's an excellent place. I can't recommend it enough. And I hated Chip Shop Flip Flop. Utter pants. It was billed as being the cross over eps while I was there, then they were swapped around.

Three lines...

All the way to Vegas for 3 lines...

and a pout... as he looked over his glasses. He looks so camp when he does that! :lol:
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