William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

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OK, so I was thinking (yeah, ouch!), if I where to compile an ultimate top 10 Billy/Griss CSI episodes, what would they be? IE, them eps - which are either Grissom-centric, or just have him in it a whole lot.

Here's a few I can think of right now:

1. Jackpot
2. Butterflied
3. The Accused is Entitled
4. Hunger Artist
5. Strip Strangler
6. Formalities

Maybe Identity Crisis, Bloodlines, Burden of Proof?

What other episodes do ya reckon? I've not even thought of the last couple seasons yet, I'll need to watch 'em all again ;)
Jackpot, Butterflied, The accused is entitled, Strip strangler are some of my favourite episodes ;)

And I agree with you for "Identity crisis". I will add "Inside the box", "Anonymous", "The sounds of silence" for Grissom centric episodes.

And I would say that all episodes of season 1 had a lot of Grissom, even if they were not exactly Grissom centric, "Pledging Mr Johnson", "Sex, lies and larvae" etc but too many to mention... I love season 1 !

Tonight, I will watch Identity crisis and Hunger artist.
gilsgal said:
I also missed not seeing much Billy in this last episode, but we'll get a double dose this week...2 hours of Billy/Gil hotness. Now that's worth waiting for!!!! :devil:
Yeah, I can't wait for Thursday either

GameFace said:
What other episodes do ya reckon? I've not even thought of the last couple seasons yet, I'll need to watch 'em all again ;)
You forgot Committed :cool:
GameFace, I have to agree with your selections. They are all great, but I would add

*Sex,Lies and Larva (Gil saves the day...and he's wearing a suit...mmmmm)

*Fur and Loathing (gotta love the banter and Gil all excited about learning something new..lol)

*Big Middle (some great flirting scenes with Gil and he's wearing tighter pants. You remember the butt slap? Yum)

*King Baby (love the talk between Gil and the saleslady at the Baby store..lol)
Gilgal I love "Fur and loathing" ! A great episode.

And I really love "Assume nothing", a lot of Grissom, funny lines and situation ! Grissom and Cath, Grissom, Cath and the stripper, Grissom and Nick. And I love "All for our country", the argument with Brass (angry Grissom !), the confrontation with Fromanski.

I watch them when I need my Grissom fix ;)
aha, loads of great suggestions! I'm gonna look at all of these at the weekend, then make a top ten, see what you think :cool:

I love the opening sequence of Assume Nothing, best lead in line ever: 'huh' :lol:
JACKPOT of course, he's incredible and riveting, and soo handsome and sexy in jeans
.. and this would be tough, and this weekend a good idea GameFace gives us time to look :rolleyes: how about "GRAVE DANGER" so freaked out about Nick :( so that'll be fun to see all our favorites with him.. and confusing:confused:
I will start on my Top 10 Billy / Griss CSI's at the weekend :) And report back! If there are more suggestions for episodes - suggest away. I'll check out all the ones named already!

By the way, not sure how much people are following the writers strike (I'm am a bit, but it's kinda hard from over the pond!), but apparently Billy (and Marg and Robert David Hall) have all shown their support and joined the picketts for a bit.
Thank you Destiny.
Whoa...that's an old show. :eek:

Welcome back Hh! :D

GameFace said:

By the way, not sure how much people are following the writers strike (I'm am a bit, but it's kinda hard from over the pond!), but apparently Billy (and Marg and Robert David Hall) have all shown their support and joined the picketts for a bit.

Good for them! So we may have a short season this year. Oh well. :rolleyes:

2 hours of Grissom tonight, enjoy everyone! :p

there is some lurrrrrrve being shown to Billy (and Anthony LaPaglia), in the press today, regards the crossover.

"Anyone who likes either show, or who appreciates fine TV acting, should enjoy the byplay between Petersen's wry, odd, observant Gil Grissom and LaPaglia's more aggressive, emotional and active Jack Malone."

More in USA Today as well

"Even better is the crossover — what are sweeps, also, without a crossover? — between “CSI” and “Without a Trace” (at 8 and 9 on CBS) involving two of the best cops, and best actors, on TV."
That's from here, but it's a long article, and that bit is towards the end.

OK, they got it wrong about Griss being a cop, but hey, they got it right about the actors!
thank's GameFace great reading.. can't wait I'm betting this two hr. special will blow the other competition out ot the water.. I've never seen so many commercials for this one, It's been running on CBS on every break ;)
I've miss some stuff in here, like our favorite Grissom episodes.

A Bullet Runs Through It I loved How Grissom took down the UnderSherrif and all the cops... "We haven't found the bullet... yet"

Lady Heather's Box Ahhh... Gil loosing his balance. And at the end when he felt conflicted about what he did to Lady Heather.

Grave Danger How he was worried/fantic about finding Nicky and what Grissom went through to find him. One of my all time favorite scenes is between Gris and Nicky when they are trying to get him out of the box. "Hang on Poncho"

of course there are the classic favorites such as

Jackpot, Formalities, Secrets and Files and The Accused is Entitled Grissom in a suit, you can't go wrong.

I am really looking forward to tonight's two episodes :D
There's already fans posting on that thread, I can't, I can't look :eek:hell, it's only 7:30 here. waiting, tapping fingers on the computer board.. and did you all see him on "ET" tonight for the writers strike, I was in the kitchen, and when they announced his name, & I almost tripped running into my living room, he looked darling, a black shirt, and his hair lt. brown and he said something to the affect of "I don't have a job, if this goes on" he's so up-beat and cheerful and positive.. what a guy ;)I didn't think he'd do this, picket I mean, not that he's not concerned, I just never imagined him doing the "picket" walk thing ;) go Billy
I enjoyed the Cross-over last night.
I just LMAO at Sam's comment about the smell when she's was talking to Grissom :lol:

For crying out loud, you think Grissom could have worn a nice suit or jacket when he went to NY! :mad:

Seriously, does BP really have a thing about not wearing suits ? :rolleyes:
I know Grissom does once in awhile going to court.

The WAT finally scene where Grissom was sitting in the car, reminded me of the moment when he sat and stared at the Dominion from LHB.

ETA:Oooh my God! The sexy hott beard is now on Warrick. Talk about Hott hott hott! Yummy!

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