William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

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desertwind said:
AH-HA- she did indeed, probaly at his request ;) I don't think he does anything he doesn't want to do!
Yeah, I know -that's not like she had had to tie him to a chair or something to shave his beard LOL although you have to admit that that would have been quite something :p

Nah, that's just me, a regular at the Beard Addicts Anonymous, trying to find a rational (and most of all satisfying) reason for the beard shaving session of last year ;)
Crysthala said:
WP_Rocks_MY_World said:
If only Grissom had that same passion. :lol: Wouldn't that be so dang cute? :D
He actually has a love for baseball, as we noted in Primum Non Nocere (that episode where the hockey player gets poisoned with quinine). I think the main reason we won't talk about Grissom's particular favorite team is because some of the viewers may disagree and take it way too seriously. :p Meh. People are weird.

Oh he does? :eek:
I not too crazy about that particular ep and I actually don't remember it. :eek:
As for teams, I don't see any problem with any tv characters favoring one team. I think its cool if its your team though. :lol:
I was thinking more in terms of Grissom just having a Sports logo of his team. That's no big deal. :D

Thanks Crysthala. :D

BTW, I'm sorry BP's Cubbies lost. :(

Gooo Rockies!!

Well, I'm back. RL was a bit hectic for a while (fighting the school system for my son), but now I can focus on the really IMPORTANT things, like Billy and CSI.

Got to say that I loved the "A La Cart" episode. It was wonderful to get a glimpse of the Season 1 Gil again...that whole kid in a candy store glee that Gil had back then was very apparent in this eppy. That huge grin when he beheaded the gel dummy was a sight to behold!!*sigh*

Also lots of other great Gil moments... the straw hat, the t-shirt, the over the glasses glare at Ecklie, sweetness in the car (you had a ponytail...awwww),the black cap,the boyish grin at Sara before he gets in the cart, then the actual go-cart racing. What a perfect eppy!!!

My only complaint was the recycling of Gil's beginning quote. I'm sure TPTB could have found different headless quote had they tried hard enough.

Can't wait to see this week's episode.
It's great to be back Grissoms_gurl. I have realised that I go a little stir crazy when I don't get my daily Billy fix ;)

I did get to watch some new to me Billy films though. So I have finally seen Manhunter and KTC. I enjoyed both very much and I have only one word that expresses my feelings...JEANS!!!!!

Let's hope we get some Gil in jeans in Season 8!
Welcome back gilsgal I was just think about where were you today ;) good you got your sons situation taken care of.. and yes the ep, for me was darling, with Grissom and his cute sly grins and his "Well, at last Conrad knows" and such a relief type expression ;) me thinks Ecklie is so jealous of him..... and his calm gentle mannerisms, "you had a pony tail" so sweet! so, he's also got a great memory ;)
I was just wondering, on Grissom, and I could do the poll thing, but won't, who do you all think is Grissom's fav. CSI, guy wise, and who do you think he'd pick to supervise if he went on a seminar or bug conference, or another sabbitical?
So, fans how'd you like him in last nights ep.? so calm, cool and collected, and so much more relaxed than he used to be! on the creepy pedophile, again, when the low-life talking about the exorcism and Grissom goes "Did it work" in his always so smooth delivery ;)interesing ep. & chilling stories!
loved that bit in the eppy where he gets down on his back ( :eek: ) and crawls into that bee hive! The shot looking down is superb, typical CSI cool camera work.

And his child like enthusiasm when he's carrying the hive out - so cute :cool:
Hey Billy fans, been away on hols but i'm back and need ma Billy fix. :D
I thought he was cute when he was taking the hive out, you said it perfectly GF, his enthusiasm was so cute. :p
Hey, haven't been here in a while, been under the weather :(

So, As for who would Grissom choose to take his place if he leaves again... I'm thinking Nicky or Warrick. Those are the two guys he has put his trust in, and of course there is Catherine, but I think she's on swing-shift still.

I really liked Thursday's episode :) Did anyone else catch Grissom's eyebrow arch? Maybe it's me, but I haven't seen that in a while.. :D

The bee thing is totally up his alley, this should be an interesting storyline.
Hope you're feeling better hhunter.
I reckon's he'd chose Nick to take his place. Just cause he seems to think more highly of h im, IMO.
hey y'all. recently i was browsing youtube and i found a promo clip for the next ep, but the preview of it looked like this:


and i was wondering if anybody knows what movie is that from? needless to say i got VERY excited that this would be on CSI, but apparently the clip itself doesn't contain him under a shower *cries*
It's possibly "FEAR",... and does anybody have a take why WP, has made NO comments about his co-star leaving? nothing as of yet :confused: I was always worried he'd be the one to leave, with his many contradictory remarks, about dong "theater" moving back to Chicago ,etc. and here it's Jojra that's bailing, maybe he will say something down the line.. I'm sure he's concerned and cares ;)
Hey guys! :D

Hope you're feeling much better Hh. :)

I'm having a great "Rocktober"

I caught a little bit of YGII over the weekend. I thought BP look so cute with a mustache. But how would Grissom look with a mustache? Yes or No?

Gooo Rockies!!!

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