William/Grissom : The Hotness of #12

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We preferre that spoilers were not put in any regular thread, we know there is a spoiler box for it, but there are still some trying to avoid the temptation to avoid them, not to mention if someone doesn't think to use the box when commenting could give it away. I know the need to discuss spoilers for some is strong, but as you know there was a problem with the spoiler lab and we are giving it some time to cool off before we try it again. Until then if its about what I think there is a thread for that subject I believe. ;)
cheers Des! Although I guess it ain't a spoiler now, being as there is a big thread going on it, thus making rather hard to avoid :lol:

So back to yapping about our Billy!

Edit to add:

A sports announcment that I'm sure will please Billy - The NHL Winter Classic is gonna be at Wrigley Field on January the 1st!

Chicago Blackhawks will be playing their hated rival Detroit Red Wings in the great outdoors, on the hallowed turf, or make that ice of Wrigley! :cool:
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He's been in NEW YORK at the All-Stars games, he's done filming so why not, and his CUBBIES are doing well, I just hoped he'd stay for the entire season, and with everything he'd asked for and apparently got, did they know that he'd bail after 10 episodes? was that part of his "contract" "OK Billy anything you want":wtf: for those of you fans who haven't seen these, some Billy "quotes" "the mayor of Chicago":lol: OK, maybe that's why he's leaving:wtf:

so, I'm going to Chi-Town on Dec 14, for a week :eek: Booked the flights today, flying from Manchester to O'Hare, yeeeeharrr!

Anyone got any messages for Billy?! LOL.

Next stage in the mission, is getting tickets for Dublin Carol!
Good for you GameFace how lucky, it'll be fabulous, and with the Airlines all so in trouble that's even better, did they jack up your airline $$$$ ticket price?.. you'll have to tell us all about it, and try to get some photos with him, or at least his autograph! I'd love to see him, but too expensive for my pocketbook:( I know you like this look so this one's for you~

the flight wasnt too bad! It's not like going to New York though, where you can get great deals from Manchester, due to all the airline competition. Only two airlines fly from Manchester direct to Chicago, so they are never that cheap, plus it's near Christmas! But it was better than I expected, and I don't mind paying it for direct flights. I orignally thought I was going to have to go via Heathrow, which would have been a pain.

Thanks for the pic Des! GrizzlyBilly :drool: :D
Hey BPNs! :)

Wow I finally heard the news. Though it's no big surprise I just figured they would all go out together. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I also heard about a possible Actor's strike?? Please tell me that's not true. I'm still PO about the last one. :scream:

hi everyone.... yay a thread for the lovely grissom. i love him the best in the show to day

i am so sad hes leaving and only going to be a part timer but hey some grissom is better than noe at all so im grateful for that...

cant wait to see the new season when it due to start? im guessing it will start on chan 5????
You lucky thing Gameface! You are going to be in the same room as our man at the theatre?! I hope you have tickets, even if you miss out, make sure you queue *early* at the theatre to get first pickings at the returns!! Always worth a shot. Statistically there are always 2 to 4 returns due to unforseen things that mean people have to cancel. There is also ebay!! Got to see Jules Holland recently via ebay!

Those of us who will never get the chance to go will live our lives through proxy via you!
Hey BPNs! :)

Wow I finally heard the news. Though it's no big surprise I just figured they would all go out together. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I also heard about a possible Actor's strike?? Please tell me that's not true. I'm still PO about the last one. :scream:


Hey WP!
I think they sorted the actors strike thing didn't they? Sure I read somewhere that it was all worked out.

Gonna try get tickets when they go on general sale RS :cool: There are 5 performances when I am there, so hopefully I can get tickets for 1!. Well there are 6 performances actually, but one of them clashes with the hockey. And as there is only one Blackhawks game while I'm in Chi-town - that gets the nod for that day :D

Ahhh Chicago in winter, can't wait :eek: Just as well I like the cold!
So GameFace what date are you going to see him? I was just looking at his WPAP site for some photos of Bruno, and saw these dates Nov.13-Dec.21 at the Steppenwolf Theater, is that where you going to see him?
I'm there from the 14th to 21st.

14th there is a Blackhawks game, so I want to try and get tickets for that.

Then 15 and 16 are dark - no shows, Billy gets 2 days off, most shows only take mondays off, but he deserves two :thumbsup:

So I have 17,18,19,20 to try and get a ticket for one of them dates - 2 shows on the 20th. So I have 5 to look at, I'll just see what I can get! Not fussy :lol:

Yeah, upstairs theatre at Steppenwolf, in Lincoln Park! I shall be hanging out there :cool:
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