William/Grissom Perfect Pics #9

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It is just me or has he gotten even cuter with age? I hate when men do that. The get older and they look sexier. It is so unfair. But, it is fun as I get older.
Definitely cuter with age! Can you believe that the guy with the 'painted on jeans' plays Gil Grissom?! It's mnd boggling isn't it?!

But he has definitely got sexier as he has got older. Manhunter and TLADILA was a bit too young for me. Long Gone onwards... Dear Lord Above! Utterly lickable!
mrsjrewing said:
It is just me or has he gotten even cuter with age? I hate when men do that. The get older and they look sexier. It is so unfair. But, it is fun as I get older.

Not cuter, just different, more suave, not so unruly! he's always been handsome, and now he's 'grampa Billy', I'd love to see a picture of his grandson, wonder if he look's like him?

GRISSOM AND SOFIA "Leapin' Lizards"
I have to agree that Billy is a SAGO. I mean he's hot in his earlier stuff, but as he's aged, he's becaome sexier. And it's grossly unfair that when a man like Billy starts greying at the temples...or has grey hair, that he looks distinguished. Unlike most women, like me, who just look old when our hair starts to go grey or white. :(

I just wish he'd wear jeans more often... :devil:
Hi, gilsgal glad your in agreement, and it's so true, he's always been a fox, & he's been grey for years, and maybe sick of them tinting it, so is going au-natural, I do prefer it darker, but whatever he likes, I like, cause I 'LUV' him :p

you ladies are great with the pictures.
The Contender was great. A real suspenseful movie.

He does look great there with Grey hair. I do prefer Grissom with the darker hair and darker beard, but something about Billy with the grey hair...MMMM
WOW, last night's 'LEAPIN' LIZARDS' great ep. I hadn't watched it since the first time, I'd forgotten how hilarious Brass was, and Nick and Sara on the 'pigs' Sara goes to Nick "I think the fat one likes you" and Nick goes "they always do" :lol: & that freaky scene where she bit Greg "that B...bit me" and the love letter, [30 second scene] brought tears to my eyes.. who knew the 'bug man' geek had such a deep emotional side, and Shakespeare at that, how much more romantic can you get? AHHH, what a beautiful thing, love and happiness ;) I'd love to post the 'love letter' but some fans might consider it to 'shippy' so I won't, but here's a pic from the ep. and Ally Sheedy, has not aged well, she looked well, not so hot :( and Brass & Gris stopping by their meeting "We're just her to observe" "don't look at them" those people were as creepy and weird as the ones in "ENDING HAPPY" UFO's and then some :rolleyes:, lizards and strange creatures EWWWWWWWWWW :mad: and the woman who got conned, spitting in that creeps face, and Brass's profound comments about "when I think I want to quit, it's this kinda of thing that makes me stay" right on Brass!!

That vid is so cute. Very good hair and lovely personality shining through.

Cheers, sunset b! Top web camming!
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