William/Grissom Perfect Pics #9

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grissoms_gurl said:
Ooh Lemon those pics are to die for!!
great pics everyone!

and.. for the beard lovers:
that cheeky smirk!
and the transition
..to beardless:
burn out

Hey my little Canadian friend, long time no on here, busy with your doggies I'm sure.. nice to see you and the yummy pics. as always ;)

haha thanks ladies! hhunter, sorry I haven't been on a lot lately! I've been busy working and.. I got a new doggie!! hehe! :D haha des can tell you how cute she is! :lol:

You're right.. those eyes DO burn through steel!
grissoms_gurl said:
haha thanks ladies! hhunter, sorry I haven't been on a lot lately! I've been busy working and.. I got a new doggie!! hehe! :D haha des can tell you how cute she is! :lol:

You're right.. those eyes DO burn through steel!

On Mojo, she's one of the cutest puppies ever ;) thank's for the pics. well, I already told you that, and on Billy's doggie big Bruno the Boxer, 'good boy' so cute to know that he was in an ep. with his master ;)


A couple from "Ch-Ch Changes"


haha thanks des!
^I couldn't see the 'so serious' pic.. but I'll bet that it was fantastic! As for the rest, great pics des! That 'half profile' is delightful!! :D
^The link's a bit funny. :p If you take out the 'http://talk.csifiles.com/' from the url, then add a ':' after the 'http' you should be able to get the pic. :)
ETA: HA! Better yet. click ...I'm such an idiot.
desertwind said:
grissoms_gurl said:
haha thanks ladies! hhunter, sorry I haven't been on a lot lately! I've been busy working and.. I got a new doggie!! hehe! :D haha des can tell you how cute she is! :lol:

You're right.. those eyes DO burn through steel!

On Mojo, she's one of the cutest puppies ever ;) thank's for the pics. well, I already told you that, and on Billy's doggie big Bruno the Boxer, 'good boy' so cute to know that he was in an ep. with his master ;)[image]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v240/ariesfire13/jb.png[/image]


A couple from "Ch-Ch Changes"

HALF PROFILE[image]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v240/ariesfire13/licklips.gif[/image]


which episode is the threesome picture from?
Nice pics everyone!

I was trying to figure out what my theme would be today, and I think that "Gil in glasses" sounds good, because we all know that Gil makes those glasses talk. YUM!!!

Season 7 glasses, stare and beard!

I want to massage his temples.

Happy, smirky glasses. *sigh*

For those of you who are old enough to remember Different Strokes the "What you talking about, Willis?" look.

The sexy "I'm using my glasses to think" pose.

And for me, the most sexy of all, the "I am NOT amused" over the top of the glasses look. :devil:

That's all for now folks. Have a great day! :)
HHHAAAA laughing at the "what you talking about Wilis"
I guess that tells you how old I am.. :eek:

Great pics gilsgal I always love your pics... especially the beard :)
i love it when he chews his glasses, it's kind of cheesey, but uber sexy...luck glasses
and i loved the last pic "I am NOT amused"
is that from secrets and flies?annd
how do you create a link in a post?
Thanks Hunter! I love the beard too *sigh*

GSRfanatic, when you are replying to a post there should be a box that says "Instant UBB code" right beneath the comment box. You would click on URL and paste the address of the picture you wanted to post. When you click on OK, it will ask "Web page", you delete that and put in your own title. Click OK and your picture code is entered. When you preview your message before posting, you will see it as it will appear to everyone else. Try the links to make sure they work before you post the message.

Hope this helps. :)
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