William/Grissom HOTT picture thread #5

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Nice pic desertwind
HHHMM what is in those shopping bags?
and the beard
I miss it too, still SLOWLY coming around on the chin dimple :)
Hot pic, Des. The guy's hot no matter what -just shopping, but WHOA -black shirt, black shades suit him pretty well, dontcha think? :D
Whooo...I don't think I'd go up to him, I think you gotta watch when you try to talk to celebs, since they need privacy too...though heck, I'd probably chicken even if he were interacting with fans or I could see him at a con or something (does CSI have cons?) lol...but anyway I'd surrree be enjoying the view LOL
desertwind said:
Adzix said:
gawd des i completely love the pic with Gina :D

and don't get me started on that profile *thud*

please TPTB, please. no beard - no hat. i made a manip so y'all can see that this DOESN'T match up!


Agreed.. look's "geeky" the hat and beard were OK.. the no beard and hat.. not pretty :(


Defo lose the hat! I have been watching WP more closly over the last couple of weeks since i have been in here and paying more attention to what he looks like and everytime i think he looks alright i think of you guys :cool: i especially took notice when he was in a suit lol ;)
thanks guys. awesome PM one des.

oh, did y'all notice that he had his shirt unbuttoned more than usually yesterday? can't wait for the caps so i can make icons :)
WOW I never noticed that
he looks good with a few button undone
I said if Gary Duran can ( drool there too :) ) so can our BILLY :)
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