William/Grissom HOTT picture thread #5

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Great pics ^^^ MacsGirlMel
and yes I like Jackpot and Formalities too
it's the beard I tell ya... IT'S THE BEARD!!!
Adzix You RULE!!! Those six pictures from Burn out. *la sigh* He's so SEXY man. Why is it I had to be 14!!!!! Blasted age difference! lol
LOL, thanks newflame :D and yeah, damn age difference!
OMG!!! Adzix, I died too!!! So much hottnes in one man, it should be forbidden!
that makes us three. but wait... did you.. did you just say you died after seeing his CLEAN-SHAVEN pics???? lol
WOW, I've been gone for a while and I come back to THIS
NICE pictures Adzix!!
his profile is SO NICE!!!!
thanks. yeah, during Burn Out i just couldn't be more happy, they showed his profile from so close like a zillion times. definitely my no. 2 ep after Formalities!

and thank you all for agreeing that if there is no beard, there cannot be a hat.

and nice pics everybody!

i also made this animated avatar yesterday :D

Adzix said:
OMG!!! Adzix, I died too!!! So much hottnes in one man, it should be forbidden!
that makes us three. but wait... did you.. did you just say you died after seeing his CLEAN-SHAVEN pics???? lol
Yes, I have to admit I REALLY said that!!! What's happening to me? :eek: Beardless Billy's growing on me... What can I say, he's hottttttttttt!!!!!! Those eyes... *gulp*

I really love you avatar, Adzix, it ROCKS!!! :D

Btw, guys, ALL your pics are wonderful! What a good way to start the evening after a hard day at work... :devil:
lol, thanks everybody ;)

Alan Rosenberg is Marg Helgenberger's husband. if you remember he played Adam Novak in Weeping Willows. it's the guy who Catherine made out with and who was a suspect later.
D'oh...and I just watched the Intimate Portrait too lol. I think it was the lack of last name that did it. And for some reason I didn't recognize the pic.
Good God guys, I REALLY missed this thread :( Been having Internet problems for the past few days :devil: :devil: It's driving me NUTS! You won't believe how slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww it is :eek: :eek:

I managed to watch last week's epi only last night ... and you know something? I miss The Beard BIG TIME :(, but I sure love that pretty face :D
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