Adzix said:
again you're very welcome
i'm happy ya'll like it!
girls, go to the spoilerish Season 7 Pictures Thread, there is another pic of an advertisement with clean shaven Billy and the rest of the team as well. i won't post a link in here cuz i don't know if it is considered a spoiler or not.
one more thing, Billy is REALLY thinner there, like i mean it. the pic is shot from a profile, and he barely has his beer belly

OMG *melts, unmelts and melts again*!!!!!
ETA: DEAR GOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!! I JUST NOTICED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE IS
BAREFOOT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DARN DARN DARN HOOOOOOOTTTT!!!!!! *seriously dies, melts and god knows what* *thud of the year*
ONLY MEMBER OF THE TEAM THAT IS BAREFOOT!!!!!! now, we're talkin'! i think it means we'll get a all-sexy Grissom scene this season girls. like i said somewhere before, Grissom with wet curls, in a black, unbuttoned, sexy shirt, barefoot!! *dies AGAIN*