William/Grissom HOTT Picture Thread #4

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Re: William/Grissom HOTT Picture Thread #4

Oooh, Sidlrieana...can I have him for my b-day present :devil: ? He's already unwrapped too :D
Re: William/Grissom HOTT Picture Thread #4

Sidlreiana15, I LOVE THOSE PICS :D what movie is that from?
OMG, drool city man :)
Re: William/Grissom HOTT Picture Thread #4

Happy B-Day Mel!!! :D ;)
A bearded present --><--
A beardless present --><--
:D :D

Great pics Sid! and i'm checking out the site too right now!! thanks! ;)

ETA: i checked it Sid, there is a new Hard Promises clip i haven't seen before. the girl is terrible but he ... he is just ... ... ... aghhhh ... ... ... FREAKIN' AMAZING HOT OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. darn, i drooled, he's ... ... geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez!! WOW! thanks girl!!!!!
Re: William/Grissom HOTT Picture Thread #4

Mel23 said:
Oooh, Sidlrieana...can I have him for my b-day present :devil: ? He's already unwrapped too :D
I too would like him to be my birthday present (in about 1 month)... ;) Is it too early to request that? Sidlrieana and Adzix, these pictures of my favourite guy are soooooooooo droolable, adorable and meldable!!! :devil: :devil: :devil: I find even the beardless present to be ROAR!!! :D
Re: William/Grissom HOTT Picture Thread #4

GGirl1 thank's for those- :p I swear this man drops me to my knees :p in "S&F" tonight- the delivery of his dialogue-his timing, so perfect, and so precise-in the courtroom :eek: he blows me away- geez he's good- :phave I said that before- :lol: it just confirms how fantastic, and what an incredible actor he is--

Re: William/Grissom HOTT Picture Thread #4

nice :)

I'm starting to wonder if it's possible to not get BPHS when watching him LOL...My mom's usually happier when I'm watching CSI NY but she's been saying again she likes Billy hehe.

btw anyone got any suit pics from tonight? *drool*
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