William/Grissom HOTT Pic Thread #6

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loveforgrissom said:
Thanks for making my very early morning wonderful ladies! I've been sick for several days and coming back to the thread to see such lucious pics is comforting! I have to go back to work today :( I got a guilt trip from my boss to come back when i have a doctor's note that i dont have to go....so i'm going :rolleyes:

On another note, I did get my three DVD's the other day and was able to watch "The Staircase" today...this is my fav pic of him from that movie and maybe its helping me heal :D

Thanks again ladies, keep up the great pics!!!!

Oh, loveforgrissom... don't do it! Is your boss as good looking as Billy? No. So stay in, curl up with a good Billy DVD and have another Lemsip. If Billy was my boss, well, that's a whole other story! :lol:

Good pics by the way, ladies. That's my smirky, quirky, sweetie Billy! ;)
If my boss was as good looking as Billy.. holy moly! I'd max out on overtime lots!! I'd be the girl that never goes home :lol:
Excellent pics from The Staircase!!
Great pics girls ;) I just recently acquired "Th Staircase" and he's an "angel" sent to help build a "Staircase" he's so soft spoken and low key, and gentle.. and sooo cute :pand in "Hard Promises" his character is a bit like "Long Gone" he's so rambunctious :eek: but soo charming.. oozes from every pore of his being!!!



FWOAR to the pic in the boat, des! That's a sight for tired eyes!

That got me thinking about Billy on a boat in The Beast. Beard, arms and grin... what more could a girl (or her mum) want?
AWESOME pic in the boat.. a younger Grissom.. did you fans know that the girl in "BURKED" Missy Crider, played his daughter in "The Beast" he seems to stay in touch and have a good standing relationships with stars he's played with in the past!!! *notice boat in background* like to get on board with him!!! :p

Is that last one the CSI videogame?

Love the boat one, what's that from again?

LOL I'm trying to find ones for mom that aren't too naughty...much as I wanna see him shirtless <g> Well that she might not mind...
grissoms_gurl said:
Great pics desertwind! Especially that second one! :D

Thank's grissoms_gurl here's some more from the flick!! have you seen im in it? a cheap version of "JAWS" but he's awesome.. and the tight jeans.. always a plus :p


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