William/Grissom HOTT Pic Thread #6

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loveforgrissom said:
That would be me that mentioned deepdiscount :D...alas they don't have it...i was hoping to find it on there and be the bearer of good news to the thread...so to make up for it here are some pics from "Swap Meet" (I saw it on SPIKE tonight :D ) Might i say this episode is making me like the beard even more..... :devil:
The Beard is growing on me

Maybe it's the shades?

I think its all of him that's hot!

I figured and thought it was you.. but was to lazy to go look for it!!! :confused: if it's on VHS, isn't that OK? I've still got VHS, and DVD, I've got so many VHS movies and some CSI's so use both.. thank's again for the web-site ;)ano continuing with the The Beast"


I watched 'SWAP MEET " late last night.. after all the football was done.. still a fav. Diede Pfeifer, Michelle's sister.. boy was she flirting with him.. as Brass smiled.. :Dand the "items" he removed from the dishwasher :eek:.. and Greg smiling and embarassed.. wild parties



Tongue porn! roflmao!! I love that expression! Just makes me giggle when I see it! Aren't I the mature one?! :lol:

And GGg and hh? My lips are sealed! ;)

I have to say, that this look, from the Beast was when he was just starting to mature into a goddam sexy looking boy! He is far lovelier as he has gotten older in my opinion...
oooh more tongue! *sigh* monday just might turn out to be my favorite day of the week. Thanks.. Chuck! :lol:

..and a little tongue with an almost hand in the way :D ..well, it's more like half a tongue :lol:
tongue porn! yeaaah!

now i can go to work all happy. good i don't have classes tommorow so i can drool all day and catch up with making icons ;)
~~More "tongue porn"..from days gone by..wonder if he used a pacifer when he was a baby :D and is still missing it~~

LONG GONE with Virginia Madsen in "Long Gone" 1987.. wow 20 yrs ago. he was 33 :eek:
desertwind said:
~~More "tongue porn"..from days gone by..wonder if he used a pacifer when he was a baby :D and is still missing it~~

LONG GONE with Virginia Madsen in "Long Gone" 1987.. wow 20 yrs ago. he was 33 :eek:

desertwind!! That is by far the best pic I've seen all day!!! 1987.. my birth year.. what a great year to be born!! Man, is he hot in that outfit!.. and the hat! *sigh* Thank you thank you thank you!
Adzix, I just saw your BI-Facial one
that is too funny :lol:
I love it along with the backwards cap
one of my favorites :D
grissoms_gurl said:
desertwind said:
~~More "tongue porn"..from days gone by..wonder if he used a pacifer when he was a baby :D and is still missing it~~

LONG GONE with Virginia Madsen in "Long Gone" 1987.. wow 20 yrs ago. he was 33 :eek:

desertwind!! That is by far the best pic I've seen all day!!! 1987.. my birth year.. what a great year to be born!! Man, is he hot in that outfit!.. and the hat! *sigh* Thank you thank you thank you!

YOU ARE MORE THAN WELCOME ;)~~~my pleasure~~ he's pretty hott, isn't he.. so now I know your age ;) I'll try and hunt fo some more.. you too!!
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