William/Grissom HOTT Pic Thread #6

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^^^ MMMMMMMM grissoms gurl Nice Nice Nice :D
GO team BEARDED :)

more to the bearded side........

grissoms_gurl said:
Blast he's hot! Everytime I see a pic, I'm reminded of how bloody hot he is! :lol:
**go team bearded** :D :D

BEAUTIFUL.. SO GORGEOUS.. :p little story..one of my customers (a Gris/LH fan) GRRRRR :mad:, anyway said, "how much pressure do you think he's under, with all this adulation from so many women." I go "I don't think he's concerned, nor gives a ratts a.., he's probably been told he's 'CUTE" since the day he was born".. and it's by now like "water off a ducks back" ~~~as he shrugs~~~ :D


**blushes**, thanks grissoms gurl

can I have Grissom for my birthday too?

**achem read location** achem**
Happy Birthday..again hhunter
and in that mode, here's one I know you'll like.. if you can't have the one you want, than this is what he wants.. :pand what you want for him..am I right?

I still wonder how many of us can say our moms are Billy fans too...I don't think she sees the hotness yet but she's always saying how she hates that he's gone and that he better be back soon LOL
^My mom is an average Billy fan.. once in a while she'll go "Oh that Grissom." or "You tell him Grissom!" or something about how quirky his one liners are. She's never said he's 'good looking' or anything like that.. Although, I keep saying that if he was my father I would look much cuter :lol: She knows I'm "fond" of Grissom :D
MacsGirlMel said:
I still wonder how many of us can say our moms are Billy fans too...I don't think she sees the hotness yet but she's always saying how she hates that he's gone and that he better be back soon LOL

My mom said "he's darling. I love his dimple and his smile"..and my dad was going ARGGG :( and wringing his hands :D while we were gushing over him :p

Thanks Destiny and I'll ask again
can I have Grissom for my Birthday? The bearded version if I may.... but I'm not going to complain if he has the dimple either...

**sigh** :D
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