William/Grissom HOTT Pic Thread #6

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desertwind said:
And the BIG smile :D from "TURN OF THE SCREW" talking to Woody about riding rollar coasters.. his favorite past time;)


And on a personal note, it's friggin' snowing here.. unbeliveable.. we're in the desert.. it's beautiful, my whole car is white.. and it's 24 degrees..BRRRRRRRR :eek:I've never lived where it snowed before.. amazing.. the only down side is my plants that didn't fry last July are now frozen to death :(

*wonders if Billy really likes coasters considering that's two chars now*

MOMOMOM I love that smile *g*

Also the banner...I'd love that in my room *g*
loveforgrissom said:
Wouldn't this banner be nice to hang on the wall...well...maybe most of the ceiling too.... :D

NICE shot.. yes I want that.. ;) is it from one of his plays? this is my screen saver. thought I'd share

Wonderful pics, everyone! :D I came home a few minutes ago (around 2 a.m.) after a great party with my friends and was greeted by this wonderful sight... Oh, I'm sure I'll have great dreams tonight! :D
britfan said:
Yeah, I bet you will GGg1, but how many will be legal? ;)!
You know me too well, sweetie... And the answer is ":devil:"! That's all I can say on this pg-13 board... ;)
And the gorgeous Grissom/William.. in all his glory :p

do you think he bought his "leather jacket" at Wal-Mart :D
Reminder There is an Art forum, for Icons, banners, wallpaper, ect. to be posted. I understand sharing but please remember if you want to share after posting in the Art forum, you can post a link to that thread or give the name of the thread over there. Also if you have an addy in your signature in which people can see these, then you can post that you have new icons, banners, wallpaper, ect. on your site, which can be gotten to by clicking the link in "Signature" or "Home area". Thank you.
Desertwind...that banner is from "The Night of the Iguana" :D Can anyone see Billy in Wal-mart? :lol: He'd never get out! We all have trouble getting out ourselves!hehe
There are pics of what it would like look if he were leaving Wal-mart. :D Would anyone ask to help carry his bags to his car? or would you just stare? :devil:
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