William/Grissom HOTT Pic Thread #6

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aww,thank you desertwind! you rule ;)

sorry for that Destiny, i'll try not to post only the icons themselves next time. i was truly, truly tired. and still am. thanks for help :)
^Ya, we were all thinking it :lol:
Adzix, as desertwind said - yours are always the best!! Nobody makes 'em better!

If I saw Billy coming out of the store, I'd quickly steal an employee's apron and run out to help him!! And then ask if he needed me to hold them in his car until he got home.. and then help him load them into his house :rolleyes:
awwwww, thank you *is so happy* i just updated it and there are a couple more now ;) link's in my sig.

if i saw Billy i don't know what i would do, srsly. i think my heartrate would go crazy, lol. i think i would watch him, but i don't know if i would approach him cuz i know he doesn't like to be disturbed by some crazy fans, lol.
Where's the pic of him dropping his shopping bags while fumbling around in his pocket for his car keys?! Oh, sorry, it's just me that does that outside the supermarket, then, is it?? :lol:

I think I'd ask him if he wanted a beer buying, if I met him... always breaks the ice! :lol:
grissoms_gurl said:
^Ya, we were all thinking it :lol:
Adzix, as desertwind said - yours are always the best!! Nobody makes 'em better!

If I saw Billy coming out of the store, I'd quickly steal an employee's apron and run out to help him!! And then ask if he needed me to hold them in his car until he got home.. and then help him load them into his house :rolleyes:

Good one :lol: funny.. and thank's back at ya' your's are great as well.. so check this out!! he's got two movies on this week :p "The Skulls" from 2000.. it's really good.. he plays a shifty/shady senator!!! it's on the USA channel Tues at 4 pm and 2:05 am (check your local listings}!!


And 'TLADILA" Fri. on WGN from 1985..

Interesting that TLaDiLA is airing twice this month but really hasn't been on TV that much (like Fear, HP or The Skulls). As a matter of fact, it's on right now!

Mmm, baby got back. :p
Spiked reaired ITB tonight...*thinks it's too bad they didn't show the other version of that last scene hehe*
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