William/Grissom HOTT Pic Thread #6

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oh GGgirl, you know me well too!! That pic is perfect!!
Adzix lovely pics from a wonderful episode.. but I'm a beard lover! I know what you're trying to do -change my mind!:lol: Forever a beard lover!!! ..the dimple is very cute though!
GGgirl1 said:
You mean like this? Now, that's a pretty beard! And the guy underneath it is not bad either! :lol:

Yes, but NO grey beard. the "Grissly Adams' look just doesn't get it!!!and Adzix welcome back home ;) is correct on the dimple, come on girls, no matter, he's a "fox" and what ever he has it's OK, just looking at him, is so fine :p


Okay, Adzix, even if I'm a BAA forever, I'll admit he's pretty :devil: in that episode! So I made a little something a while ago and I'm posting it for you to enjoy! :D

Destiny, I know I shouldn't post it here, but it's just this once, okay? :)
:eek:Adzix! *peeks head between the fence posts of the fence that divides the bearded from the non bearded* You tempt me!
True he's a fox either way desertwind! But it's this that I love!
well good morning to you too GGgirl!! That made my morning 100% better! It's like -30c, but with that pic, things are getting hott!
GGgirl1 said:
How about a little bearded tongue porn this morning? :D

Well, it's afternoon here, but that's OK.. YUMMY :p nice to see this first thing , after logging in ;) so girls, here's a couple little icons, of him before and UGH, now :( what do ya all think?



And GrissomFREAK MMMMMMM.. way to go. he uses that alot doesn't he :p
Well ... about the beard ... sorry for what I'm about to say, but he looks a lot like my Grandpa on the second one :lol: WHICH doesn't mean he's not hot -not my Grandpa :eek: :eek: BILLY! :lol:

BUT I liked him better before :(
GrissomFREAK said:
Well ... about the beard ... sorry for what I'm about to say, but he looks a lot like my Grandpa on the second one :lol: WHICH doesn't mean he's not hot -not my Grandpa :eek: :eek: BILLY! :lol:

BUT I liked him better before :(

Thank's I feel the same, except on a little different level.. he look's kinda of like this poor homeless guy that wanders about here.. :( not his best look :(

This is the Billy we like to see, am I right girls?
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