Head of the Day Shift
HMMM, no I didn't notice that.. ~~runs off to watch again~~~ fast-forwarding the Keppler parts I just have an infiniti for the sexy bearsd, so masculine, and hunky, but the sweet baby face, clean shaven is also appealing,, ~~scratches head again~~~ here's how I hope he'll look in up-coming eps.but first BELOW
THE BOSS IS BACK.. AND LOOKING SO DAMN GOOD..HERE with his creepy little minature houses..again.. who's doing this?
In an up-coming ep. , and this is just rumors so far, like last nights, in the TV Guide, it said that he and Sara would end up back at his apt. look's like that got cut, anyway that she'll shave his beard off..we'll see
THE BOSS IS BACK.. AND LOOKING SO DAMN GOOD..HERE with his creepy little minature houses..again.. who's doing this?