William/Grissom HOTT Pic Thread #6

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HMMM, no I didn't notice that.. ~~runs off to watch again~~~ fast-forwarding the Keppler parts :eek: I just have an infiniti for the sexy bearsd, so masculine, and hunky, but the sweet baby face, clean shaven is also appealing,, ~~scratches head again~~~ :D here's how I hope he'll look in up-coming eps.but first BELOW

In an up-coming ep. , and this is just rumors so far, like last nights, in the TV Guide, it said that he and Sara would end up back at his apt. look's like that got cut, anyway that she'll shave his beard off..we'll see

THE BOSS IS BACK.. AND LOOKING SO DAMN GOOD..HERE with his creepy little minature houses..again.. who's doing this?
Adzix said:
hey all. is it only me or did anybody else notice that during his scene with Sara yesterday, when they showed him in a profile, you could see that he significantly lost his belly? i mean, he's slimmer than Nick now, who became pretty overweight lately.

When I saw it on GSR site, I noticed how thin he'd gone. I don't think Nicky is overweight. He was scrawny before, now he has filled out and I think he looks a lot better. Almost as cuddly Grissom. :devil: But, not quite. ;)
Ya, I have to agree with Chuck on that one. I don't think Nick is quite overweight.. just becoming more cuddly :lol: Grissom looks great though - I'd hug that anyday!
The shaggy-ness has to go

give it to me clean, tidy and dark


this will do ;)
ebuzz55 said:
Adzix said:
i just found this, i don't know why though. does TV Guide have two covers or something? or maybe they just changed it.
Well how weird is that?


Have to admit I like the fuller shot because the overcoat is sooo sexy (although it would be better without the address label). I hope more pics from this photo shoot turn up eventually... they're amazing. :p

I'll be picking up another copy to send overseas... wonder which one I'll find?

Oh lordy lordy lord! I just showed that to my mum and could she deny the hotness, hell no!!!

:D :D :D

I think that tv guide cover gone straight to the sexiest Billy picture ever. Please tell me there are more pictures from this photoshoot?

That would make the sexiest wallpaper ever!
Lets keep spoilers in the spoiler lab and ship talk in the SC please, unless the ship talk pertains to a certain future episode in which it can be discussed in the Spoiler lab and or if its already created discussion thread. Thank you. :)
Sorry Destiny I was just talking about the "beard" thing.. so OOPS, I understand.. here's some pics from "Law Of Gravity" and he does look slimmer..& "sexy" maybe he did go on that veggie diet Jorja suggested to him.. and I don't think Nick look's overweight, as cute as ever!!!



Hmmm, beards a bit too long for me there, trimmage needed Billster! I think Nick's filling out loverly, he's gorgeous but Gris still numero uno!

Loving the new slimmer Grissomnator! ;)
lol 19ams87, you crack me up. Billy indeed looks a whole lot slimmer, and i love it. not that he wasn't cute when he was chubby. gawd he was, lol, but the thin Grissom is love.
letsdance said:
Oh he looks so different with the gray hair. But I like it...
Those TV Guide Covers are awesome!

ITA, the cover is great.
Grissom, Nascar, and "24"....worth every penny. :D

Yup. Awesome cover. I too like the full shot better, but hey the other one is not that bad :D I hope they release outtakes or something like that. He looks so hawt in a suit.

He does look great, a lot thinner. That scene with Sara was so sweet. He was so cute. You could tell he was really happy to see her.

If this isn't one of the most perfect profiles you've ever seen ... then I DON'T KNOW :eek:
yeah GF, the cover's HOT. i got my TV Guide yesterday and to be honest i haven't opened it yet. i can't, i'm spoiler-free, lol. i guess i'm gonna read it in a month or two.

the scene with Sara was sooo adorable, i agree. well i think Destiny is going to modslap me for that ship-talk, lol. i've got a question though. we can talk about Grissom and all but in a sense his relationship with Sara is a part of his character now. it's not just a random ship that never happened or has slim chances to happen and is shipped purely in people's minds. do we still need to avoid Sara as much as possible then? i don't want to start a ship talk or anything, i'm just asking for future situations that may occur.
Adzix said:

... well i think Destiny is going to modslap me for that ship-talk, lol. i've got a question though. we can talk about Grissom and all but in a sense his relationship with Sara is a part of his character now. it's not just a random ship that never happened or has slim chances to happen and is shipped purely in people's minds. do we still need to avoid Sara as much as possible then? i don't want to start a ship talk or anything, i'm just asking for future situations that may occur.

Hmm, a toughie in some ways because you're right in that Grissom does not exist in a vacuum. However, that said, Destiny and I are erring on the side of caution as well as experience with good intentions getting inevitably out of hand.

With canon and non-canon "'ship" posts in the LV threads, it's like M&Ms, you just can't stop at one. :) Hence the creation of the all the various relationship permutations in "Shipper Central" for both canon and non-canon. This allows for more focused discussions for both this and SC forum.

So specific comments regarding Grissom's interaction with Others are still acceptable as long as it feeds back into the the topic of the thread. It's a pretty thin line.
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