William/Grissom HOTT Pic Thread #6

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grissoms_gurl said:
Adzix, awesome icons - as always!
Turn of the Screw was a great ep! Sweet pics!

Adzix I swear you rule on the avies, and icons.. ~~~notice mine~~~ ;) I hope your taking a photo class while your in college, and eventually you could be the teacher ;)
and all the other pics so great.. here's couple of him from "BTK2" ~~~waiting~~~waiting~~~for his return


Is that magazine available in stores anywhere? *Wonders if she can save those to photo editor on this PC*
Uurrggghh! I tried everrything with those scanned pics... I just have a crappy scanner. Poo. Thanks, ebuzz. You are a legend! And thank you for telling me it was the computer that was wrong and not me. So sweet! ;)

Click to die of Hottness Overdose

Adz, that link was perfect... see just enough to make it interesting and let the imagination do the rest... *goes off into fantasy overall land with Grissom...* RROOAARR!! :devil:
Most welcome britfan. IMO there's an evil plot among all computer device makers to ensure that nothing is ever compatible with anything else, just to drive us crazy.

And since I watched Manhunter and RtLD last night, how about some real Billy for Sunday morning? :p
The DVD recorder is already set! :lol: There is a particularly lovely moment half way through if I remember correctly! :devil:
"Deadly Currents" is interesting.. it alwyas cracks me up when he downs the "straight shots" of whisky, and winces, and look's like he's really drinking!!! ;) here's another drop dead gorgeous photo!!! in a suit

Do you think he knows he's too sexy for his beard?! Do you think he realises how hot he is? Full stop?
:lol: cathwillows! You make him sound like a pirate... Ahoy there, Beardless Bill! Hop aboard the Good Ship Bi Facial! Ooo arrr!!

This is the true meaning of bi facial!

I love the way his zip up collar frames his face on that. So lovely! :devil:
britfan said:
:lol: cathwillows! You make him sound like a pirate... Ahoy there, Beardless Bill! Hop aboard the Good Ship Bi Facial! Ooo arrr!!

This is the true meaning of bi facial!

I love the way his zip up collar frames his face on that. So lovely! :devil:

Your a riot "chuck" :D it's hard to choose, beauty is beauty, or I should say "handsome"


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