William/Grissom HOTT Pic Thread #6

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britfan said:
Morning chucks! :lol: Are you all staying in Friday, then, while I stay up late to chat to youa ll? Awww. So cute! Almost as cute as this!

Shall we have a pyjama party? Milk and cookies and tales of Billy? I just re read that... I have to get out more... *shakes head*

Milk and cookies :confused:.. I'm up for the pajama party.. but will be indulging in Margaritas and Nachos.. :p

Our beautiful man..

*passes an 'I heart Billy' drool cloth to britfan* Just for you!! and now I'm going to have to use another one because of that pic you posted!! YOWSER! That's a hot pic!!!!!
Wow hhunter!!That pic was great too!!
Is it me and my obsession, or is Billy the most photogenic man on the planet? He never looks rough on any pics!

Cheers for the cloth, chuck. I'll wash it before returning it. I may need it again tonight if the hot pics continue! :D
Why, thank you, grissoms gurl... that's two I have now... you will never see them again! Mwahahahaha! Extra cookies and milk for you on Britfan Stays Up Into The Very Early Hours To Talk On CSI Files Friday!! Tee Hee! Very excited about that!
grissoms_gurl said:
LOL :lol: awwww that pic is so funny it's cute :lol:
he has the best facial expressions

EXCATLY.. I've never in my life seen an actor that has his incredible expressions.. you can read his whole persona by those.and the way he cocks his head, and rasies that eyebrow, and kinda of closes his eyes.. MMMM, so appealing

:lol: it's almost like he's trying so hard to make an angry face.. but he's just too cute! :lol:
Well, I say he just comes with those 3 outfits and we'll 'happen' to spill a drink or something.. and he'll just have to change!! ..I won't say what happens when he runs out of changes of clothes.. :devil:
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