William/Grissom HOTT Pic Thread #6

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desertwind said:
~~More "tongue porn"..from days gone by..wonder if he used a pacifer when he was a baby :D and is still missing it~~

LONG GONE with Virginia Madsen in "Long Gone" 1987.. wow 20 yrs ago. he was 33 :eek:

He looked good at 33. I'm 33 now... why isn't he still 33?! :confused:
~~~ I'm drooling again~~~killer photos.. thank's and here's one when he was a teenage boy.. playing basketball..that hair :p

grissoms_gurl said:
^I don't think he was EVER ugly! Every moment of every day, of his whole entire life, he's been hot. *sigh* what a good life!
*man I'm hot*
the "I'm hot" pose :lol:
just try to resist me!
tell me I'm cute.. or I'll cry!

ETA who doesn't love a man in socks?! how cute!

Oh, grissoms gurl... have you got a cloth? You've made me drool all over my keyboard... I'll have to wipe my laptop down now... ;)

Where is the socks one from? Seriously laughed out loud at that... looks like a casting test for 'How Clean is Your House' :lol: :lol:
desertwind said:
grissoms_gurl said:
desertwind said:
~~More "tongue porn"..from days gone by..wonder if he used a pacifer when he was a baby :D and is still missing it~~

LONG GONE with Virginia Madsen in "Long Gone" 1987.. wow 20 yrs ago. he was 33 :eek:

desertwind!! That is by far the best pic I've seen all day!!! 1987.. my birth year.. what a great year to be born!! Man, is he hot in that outfit!.. and the hat! *sigh* Thank you thank you thank you!

YOU ARE MORE THAN WELCOME ;)~~~my pleasure~~ he's pretty hott, isn't he.. so now I know your age ;) I'll try and hunt fo some more.. you too!!

I HAD to second that ... whoa!

My two cents

I have NO idea if that's been posted before... its tiny... but hoo haa what a "come-hither" look :D
britfan said:
grissoms_gurl said:
^I don't think he was EVER ugly! Every moment of every day, of his whole entire life, he's been hot. *sigh* what a good life!
*man I'm hot*
the "I'm hot" pose :lol:
just try to resist me!
tell me I'm cute.. or I'll cry!

ETA who doesn't love a man in socks?! how cute!

Oh, grissoms gurl... have you got a cloth? You've made me drool all over my keyboard... I'll have to wipe my laptop down now... ;)

Where is the socks one from? Seriously laughed out loud at that... looks like a casting test for 'How Clean is Your House' :lol: :lol:

*passes a 'I heart Billy' cloth to britfan* I knew it would.. I practically drenched my own keyboard as well :lol: Glad I could brighten your day :D
That cute socks pic is from a magazine.. not sure which one - but it's darn cute!!! He can wear his socks to my house anyday! :lol:
He has clearly been trained in household etiquette, therefore he can grace my carpet in his little cotton socks anytime!

*takes 'I heart Billy' cloth with huge appreciation* You don't want this back do you... :lol:
Of course not britfan - I made is especially for you!! *holds up matching 'I heart Billy' cloth* Drool buddies! :lol:

And.. may I just say, one more time, that Billy in his socks is SOOOO darn cute?!
'Drool Buddies?' :lol: I don't know whether that is flattering, a compliment or what! Those pics certainly made something happen!
UMMM serious drool over here

especially the socks pic with him and Catherine
that's a great promo shot (that is a promo shot right desertwind? )
I have to go to sleep now... boo! And you are all coming out to play now over the Atlantic. I have to sleep. It's a school night! It's like being grounded and you can hear your friends playing outside... without you... boo hoo! Wah wah!

Happy Billy Dreams, me chucks! :D
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