William/Grissom Hot Pics Part 7

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grssom89 said:
A few pics to make up for lost time
the world smiles
with you (look at those arms!!!)

Welcome back grissom89 and thank's for the pics. what can one say.. :p he's the "man" oh, yeah!!

the smile :D

and the 'No beard" and he look's fantastic in the new pics.

I've had a totally weird day so these pictures are GREAT!
I love the ones in the spoiler lab too, I don't go in there very often but .. wow

and those are great too desertwind
you know how I feel about the beard :devil: FFWWWOOOAARRR
ok..i was wrong. i thought the thread talking about how hot he was, was the best thread in the world...but i stand corrected..THIS is the best. man. thers just somethin about him *sits and thinks*
oh my goodness you are trying to kill me arnt you? those are GORGEOUS pics. im like drooling all over the place! my poor melvin! (thats my computers name) what a lovely man he is. im watching CSI right now on spike...*sighs happily* thank you!!!
You are so very welcome...i had to welcome you into the forum the right way! Enjoy and believe me you'll be asking for a drool cloth soon!
Yes, indeed.. to hot for words, although we seem to always find some words

i was reading this posts and goinig through pics and something popped into my mind...have you ever seen a pic of billy/grissom that just made you stop? and be speechless so its so good?? i had that moment once but i dont remember what pic...*goes to look* be back later! heh.
MissMonk said:
Yes, indeed.. to hot for words, although we seem to always find some words

i was reading this posts and goinig through pics and something popped into my mind...have you ever seen a pic of billy/grissom that just made you stop? and be speechless so its so good?? i had that moment once but i dont remember what pic...*goes to look* be back later! heh.
^The Pout! The Pout!! :lol:

here's another favorite of mine... this one sure stops your heart!
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