William/Grissom Hot Pics Part 7

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It's in French.. .where's GrissomFREAK again
he he he just need you to translate something :D
very hot picture :devil:
*cries* look at Gina nibbling his neck! Lucky woman lol. Bless her. Makes me laugh on the last pic it looks like they having a camera fight lol. Such a cute couple.

The Beast Ahh the beard makes a welcome return ;)
Boo hiss im having trouble with those pics Mrs Egg sniff sniff
Really? I'm sorry, anyone else have a problem...no? Guess it's just you. :lol: Oh, and it's Miss *wink wink*

That Beast pic is hot. :eek:
Don't ya just love the grey on the side in the 'shine a light on me' pic? :)

Another Long Gone one 'Tis Zexy. :devil:

Where's Britfan and Jazzy gone? :(
I think it was my PC with the problem, they worked fine later on! My PC plays mind games with me sometimes lol.

I find it really amusing he was in a film called The Beast lol. I'm so wierd ;)

Ok, MISS Egg lol, nice picy, and I was wondering the same thing about BF and JF. *hollers for them*

tries and tempts them out with Billy bait...
grissoms_gurl said:
eggbe4thechicken said:
Jeez! That is rather blue Rocky! :eek:

How cute is this photo? *smirk*
SO cute!
Looksie what I found... Luckiest woman on earth!
Thanks for sharing that! I've never seen it~! *sigh* What I wouldn't give to be her..

grssoms_gurl I thought that was you ;) yeah she's pretty lucky

Here's another one of him in blue..matches his eyes.. and does this shirt look familiar, maybe from "WTG" the Hawaiian motif ;) and I read somewhere that Gina's a size 4.. well, my right leg is a size 4.. so we have something in common :lol:

hhunter said:
It's in French.. .where's GrissomFREAK again
he he he just need you to translate something :D
I'm here! I'm here! :D

OK here's a translation:

"Romantic stopover in Paris
William Petersen came to the French capital for a romantic escape with his wife of 3 years, Gina Cirrone, who used to teach biology in Italy. The couple stayed at the George V hotel, and had a romantic dinner at 'Maitre Pierre', an italian restaurant, of course. After 6 years and 130 episodes, William Petersen would like to get some freedom back!"

Lucky woman :p
^ OMG! :eek: I love that guy. *sniff* He is such a romantic. I didn't know she taught in Italy! So she must be able to speak Italian, the sexiest language in the universe. :eek: Maybe she taught Billy! One can only hope. :devil:
Thanks for the translation Freak! (no offense meant with the nickname. ;))
I can't believe it... I wanted to relax for a few minutes before doing some work for my home business, so I come here and what do I find? That you've been so busy all week I spent more than an hour catching up with all the hottness you posted!!! (not mentioning the amount of drool that fell on my keyboard... oh, what a mess!)

And I can't come back until Monday night, so I'm leaving you with this... ;)
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