Why Lindsay REALLY Must Go (Pt. 2)

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Top41 said:
^Angell's comment definitely stands in direct opposition to Lindsay's, and further highlights what a selfish twit Lindsay is. It's just kind of funny because there really doesn't seem to be anything between Danny and Lindsay; he's obviously hurting, and other people are making efforts to be there for him, but nada from Lindsay. I suspect when she does make an effort, it will be too little too late.

Meaning a long-needed end to the so called 'true love'.

The more and more I look at Lindsay I just can't seem to find one decent quality. Is she sensitive? No, just look at how she treats the victim's family let alone the cases themselves. Is she thoughtful of others? No, it's all Lindsay, all the time. Is she grounded? Hell no. Look at all the times she's looked at Mac and Stella like the glory child only to have her ass shot right back down. Not to mention that she's rude to her co-workers and unprofessional when it comes to her bosses.

Now, I don't like Adam (mostly because AJ irritates me), but the screentime-finger-pointing is crap. They pull the same thing with Angell (who is awesome), why? Oh, I don't know, maybe it's because Angell actually has character consistency? She has a defined personality? She's not just one big black hole of lame?

Adam's in the same boat as Angell. It's just blind excuses, that's all it really is.
Srsly u guys, u need to change ur ideas.



Sorry, just had to point that out. Too bad people are a bit more complicated to connect with than animals.


I don't like Adam (mostly because AJ irritates me)
It hurts--IT HUUUURTS! *weeps* :p
Yeah, it's funny, that's what I was thinking about the dog thing, too. Lindsay likes dogs, they like her=love the annoying twit! :lol: Thanks, but no thanks.

Persona, I agree that Lindsay doesn't really have any likable qualities. If any of the other characters were real, I'd love to hang out with them. How much fun would it be to grab a bite to eat with Flack or go shopping with Stella or talk science with Hawkes? But Lindsay isn't someone I'd like in real life, so why would I like her on TV?
ETA: I need to stop taking so long to post. :lol:[/ETA]

Lorelai said:
Fay, that poor pooch even liked the ZOMG evil Fiona, so...
:p It kinda seemed like they were focusing on that, though. 'Look, guys, Lindsay loves the dog, and the dog loves her too! Yay!' Seriously, Hawkes found the dog, but it's like Lindsay is the new Dog Whisperer (ZOMG CONNECTION TO HER TWU WUV, IT'S KISMET!)--like that's enough to make me like her more. Uh, not so much.
^Yeah, it grated because Lindsay made such a fuss over the dog. I guess it's supposed to show, "Look guys, Lindsay isn't a total cold hearted bitch!" Yeah, and then I think of her poor distraught boyfriend and I'm like, it's great that you're nice to dogs, but what about people you supposedly care about? Oh yeah, not so much.
Faylinn said:

Lorelai said:
Fay, that poor pooch even liked the ZOMG evil Fiona, so...

:lol: :lol: :lol: Wham, bam, thank you ma'am!

If TPTB's resorting to dogs to make us like Lindsay more ... uhhh, that kinda speaks for itself, really. :p
In "Trapped" she was expecting Mac to go suit up to go in the lube pool.

I can still remember first watching 'Trapped' and and when she looked at the job before her and said "Let me know what you find." I recall how my jaw fell open.

At that point she'd been on the show a WHOLE seven episodes. So even IF we can equate one ep to equal about one week time, she'd been on the job for about a month an a half when she decided she had the hand to be calling shots, to her boss no less.

Seriously, if that we're my boss I would have gotten a lot worse reaction than Mac's unimpressed little look. Especially knowing Mac comes from a military background I'm sure he finds insubordination from his new recruits a real hoot.

Being there a whole 1.5 months, I'd still be working my butt off to impress, and make people realize I wasn't shipped out of god-knows-where to NYC for nothing. But instead Lindsay takes an interesting route and tries to duck out of one of the first challenges she's presented with on the job. Way to go. That's the kind of work ethic that really makes you seem worth the hire.
Faylinn said:
Too bad people are a bit more complicated to connect with than animals.

I don't even think that's the case. The dog's probably too complex for her she just doesn't know it because it can't talk back. I swear if the dog could talk it would be telling her to unhand him and to be quiet for her voice is causing strain on his ears. I kinda wish the lady had a large Doberman. :rolleyes:
If TPTB's resorting to dogs to make us like Lindsay more ... uhhh, that kinda speaks for itself, really.

Not only is the the whole 'she's good to puppies she must be made of awesome!' thing insult our intelligence but how much did that terrier bear a striking similarity to the terrier in Danny's dog scene...

'Well people thought Danny's scene was cute! Let's recreate it with her!'

Problem is: Lindsay = negative cute
:lol: :lol: Lindsay projects anti-cute in direct proportion to Danny's cute rays. Which is why their scenes together are dull and lifeless; they cancel each other out perfectly.

You know, if the dog doesn't work, maybe next week we'll jusr get 5 minutes of Lindsay cuddling kittens. Everybody wubs kitties!

roxymonoxide said:
I can still remember first watching 'Trapped' and and when she looked at the job before her and said "Let me know what you find." I recall how my jaw fell open.
I don't think she was at all serious in that scene. She knew she'd be wading through lube and was just making a joke. It was actually the only semi-amusing Lindsay moment I can recall. Probably because it's the sort of joke I'd make under the same circumstances.

That said, there so many examples of Lindsay's unprofessional behaviour, we can safely lose that one and not remotely harm our case. "Silent Night" still ticks me off big time. Especially when she snapped at Stella. Somebody needs a good smacking!
Lindsay projects anti-cute in direct proportion to Danny's cute rays. Which is why their scenes together are dull and lifeless; they cancel each other out perfectly.

That's perfect and so true. Although I have to say there have been times her anti-cute is actually stronger than his cute so that their scenes are not just dull and lifeless -- they are the kind of scenes that make me thank heaven for my DVR so that I can forward through the scenes. That is exactly what I did when I re-watched "Snow Day" last night. I watched it after I had recorded it and forwarded through all the scenes with Lindsay. It made for better watching. I also forwarded through Peyton's scenes, but that is for another thread :)

That said, there so many examples of Lindsay's unprofessional behaviour, we can safely lose that one and not remotely harm our case. "Silent Night" still ticks me off big time. Especially when she snapped at Stella. Somebody needs a good smacking!

That scene where she snapped at Stella was just terrible all around. It was a bad choice for the writers to make Lindsay look like a selfish child, but it was also poorly acted.

Another scene that comes to mind is the time that Lindsay grabbed a swab from Sid -- it was incredibly rude and unprofessional.
Just read through everything you guys had to say since last time I was reading, and you do say a lot. Which is very much understandable.

You know what made me oddly happy? ...Comes Around aired here a couple of weeks ago, and correct me if I'm wrong, but Lindsay was never in the hearing standing up for Mac, was she? What does that say about her and her relationship to her colleagues?
^^ It says pretty much everything mentioned above is true :D

The dog thing bugged me, I mean, how obvious and forced was it!? When a show resorsts to the old 'oh, lets have X interact with cutie puppies and sweet little kids to make everyone love her' thing, they've lost the plot.

Maybe next time the dog will eat her.
Maybe next time the dog will eat her.

That made me pee my pants laughing!

Lindsay was oh so useless in 'Snow Day' (it was on CBS again last night). She just shows up in the streets all happy go lucky and says something like "hey guys, what's going on?" to Peyton and Sid. All the characters in that epi had something to do but her. Really wish that dog was bigger so it could gobble her.
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