Okay, who in hades is Zack? :lol: I remember
Chad and
Giles and
Jane but ... Zack? :lol: Oh dear, I can't remember a Zack at all.
About whether the writers visit TalkCSI forums, yes, Peter Lenkov has hinted at doing so after mentioning that he told Carmine Giovinazzo about us fangirls wanting to see him bare it all. (Aren't we a naughty bunch?


However, whether
this particular thread gets a look through is something we can only speculate. I'd be surprised if the writers
didn't browse it, seeing as Lindsay was the new addition to the cast and by default, the character who'll undergo the most scrutiny and criticsm by the viewers. I'm sure they'll be curious to know how people are responding to their Canon Sue. I mean, their awesome, infallible, supercool heroine.
As for why Anna Belknap was hired and such, it's something we can merely speculate too. Unless somebody gets the opportunity to hear the total truth from the folks over at the CSI:NY building ... we'll never know what happened. I gotta say, though, Anna herself gave us some major insight into the issue via her TalkCSI interview. It still both amuses and grates at me that she actually admitted her audition was bad
and she made Hill sweet talk TPTB to get her the job. That, I believe, explains
volumes about why things are the way they are on the show now.
And about Anna Belknap being so nice ... well, unless somebody who personally knows her and is honest about her speaks up, it's yet another thing we can only speculate about. I do find it kinda funny that those working on the show say the same thing about her when they're asked what they feel about her: nice. It's like they were given orders to say just that and nothing else. :lol: I remember Eddie Cahill and Hill Harper saying she was nice. I think Carmine Giovinazzo once said the same thing when he was asked about her. The one person who's sung high praises about her is ... Anthony Zuiker. :lol: :lol: :lol: Man, his 'jaw-dropping' comment about her acting in that courtroom scene still cracks me up big time. Really makes me wonder if something's going on behind the scenes,
I know there are some people who are accusing those of us posting here of bashing Anna Belknap, saying that 'she's such a nice person and therefore, deserves the job.' To that, I say:
One, there's a
huge difference between bashing and constructive criticism. I can't speak for all the posters here, but I can see the majority of the posts in this thread and the previous Why Lindsay Must go thread are carefully contemplated and stated. The fact that we've had over
1000 posts about why she should leave the show says a great deal, no?
Two, Anna Belknap may be the nicest human being on earth, and it won't make a difference because it's not her personality that's under criticism here. It's her
capability as an actress that is. Her ability to convey emotion and specific behaviors as the script dictates highly influences how Lindsay is perceived on the show, as well as determine how
believable Lindsay is as a character. Not only that, because this is a show with main cast of at least over a half dozen people, her acting ability will also affect how the others on the cast work.
As we've seen since the moment she joined the team ... her acting skills are subpar compared to the others. It's particularly apparent whenever she has to portray very strong emotions. Heck, sometimes she even seems to have difficulty just doing regular small talk. Think of that scene with Danny and Flack in the cellar. Danny and Flack were bouncing their dialogue off each other like a fantastic ping pong game, but the instant Lindsay had to speak, it was as if they had to purposely slow down so she wouldn't be 'left behind'. I don't quite know how else to elucidate on that.
And of course, one of the biggest gripes we have is the horrible character assassination of Danny Messer solely for the sake of integrating Lindsay into the show. The fact that Carmine Giovinazzo mentioned Danny was used to prop Lindsay up is very saddening. As many of you have said in previous posts, a main character still needing propping after
two whole seasons is
not good. If the writers continue to use Danny as nothing more than a doormat-come-prop, I'm afraid to say the former passionate, hot Danny we once knew isn't going to make a comeback any time soon. I'm even more afraid to say that Danny's character might be as f***ed as Lindsay's is by now, but Carmine Giovinazzo is a very skilled actor as proven by some of the best episodes of the show. I'm clinging onto the slim hope that his promise will hold true and the fiery, animalistic Danny
will return.
Annnnnd I'll shut up now.