Why Lindsay REALLY Must Go (Pt. 2)

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I totally agree with all the comments made in this thread. I'd just like to add a little cuestion to those who suppert her. Gimme just one real reason why should stay.

Right now, the only reason why she's on this show is because she's a nice person. I don't know her personally, so I can't say anything about this, appart there is a lot of nice people in the world, are they going to give everybody a job in the series?

She's not really needed in the main plot. Appart being Danny's love interest (and a lot of people agree it's a bad decision to make her that), there is nothing in the series that only her could aport to the main plot.

Her acting skills are not really apreciated for all the audience (most of the audience, as we all coud see), I have nothing against her personally, is just she don't fit the needs of a serie like CSI NY.

Everybody can see the scenes she has alone don't apport anything to the story, because she can't really express anything if there isn't any other character in scene (let's remember that pathetic scene in the courtroom, even I could have fake cried).

That is just a few of reasons, we all have a lot in common and have said a lot of things why she shouldn't stay. So now, please, someone give me a real reason why she should stay (and not because she's a nice person or she's Danny's love interest).
Kimmychu said:
Okay, who in hades is Zack? I remember Chad and Giles and Jane but ... Zack? Oh dear, I can't remember a Zack at all.
See, you just illustrated my point. :lol: He was in the first three episodes of season 2 and then was never heard from again. :eek: David Julian Hirsh is a cutie, but the character just didn't stand out with the rest of the team.

To echo everyone else--I'm sure Anna is a very nice woman, but that shouldn't be the reason a person has a job. It's annoying when people get offended because OMG we just want her to lose her job. If you suck at checking out groceries at Food Lion, you get fired. If you suck at being a secretary, you get fired. You're being paid to do a job, you should do it well or not at all.

In any case, I think the character is severely lacking and the actress is a bad fit for the role--it's nothing personal. How could it be personal? I don't know this woman! :rolleyes:
I just am really tired of her throwing her little tantrums like an insubordinate child, bloody hell grow up already :mad:. You'd think after three seasons the character would have learnt something by now. But no whenever she finds evidence any kind by the way, inconclusive by the way, she will behave as though she has just found the holy grail. Then she will go marching off to find whoever she is working with on said case and rant and rave that yep she is the self proclaimed special one! And then she is wrong (didn't see that coming did you) and other characters have to stand around with moronic looks on there faces and go "but lindsay..."(put in why it doesn't add up} And she in turn will go "but (add character name here). And so it goes till she huffs and puffs and eventually she will learn the errors of her way (yet again because she never learns :mad:). Does this seem familiar to anyone else or am I going mad.
poison girl said:
I totally agree with all the comments made in this thread. I'd just like to add a little cuestion to those who suppert her. Gimme just one real reason why should stay.

I've actually spent some time on the Pro-Lindsay/Anna thread lately, and i've been trying to find a real reason why they believe she should stay as well. I get the usual, shes sooo nice, shes so pretty, shes danny's girlfriend...

But never any REAL reasons that i can take seriously. Yeah, theres the occasional "shes a good actress!" but i dont ever get any examples of this "great" or even "good" acting. In fact, what i've noticed on the thread is that even Lindsay's die hard supporters have noticed that her acting skills are limited. There were a few posts that said that they wished she would stick to the lighter storylines, just like posters on here have said, and stay away from the more angsty storylines because she can't handle it.

The fact that even people who love her are saying this should prove it...if they as fans of her can see it, isn't it obvious to the writers? Apparently not...

This "Boo" episode is really ticking me off already. The idea of it seems like a really good episode...but once you bring in Lindsay as the main character in it...ugh. Wouldn't a better character for that be, like, Flack? I remember an episode from the first season when he, Aiden, and Stella had to go into a church that was supposedly haunted, and Flack was afraid to go in, and the others teased him. Wouldn't be a nice nod to the first season if something like that would be brought up again?

But of course not...propping up a lifeless character is more important than giving good characters actual good storylines...
^I agree. I can't think of any dramatic scenes where she's been excellent. She does okay with the lighter stuff, though it's not like she's a master of comedy. Eddie and AJ blow her out of the water on their worst days (not that they really have off days). There are actresses who could have made this role good, but clearly Anna isn't one of them.

Kimmychu said:
As we've seen since the moment she joined the team ... her acting skills are subpar compared to the others. It's particularly apparent whenever she has to portray very strong emotions. Heck, sometimes she even seems to have difficulty just doing regular small talk. Think of that scene with Danny and Flack in the cellar. Danny and Flack were bouncing their dialogue off each other like a fantastic ping pong game, but the instant Lindsay had to speak, it was as if they had to purposely slow down so she wouldn't be 'left behind'. I don't quite know how else to elucidate on that.

That's a really good example--I'm going to have to go back and watch that scene! I do remember the Danny and Flack banter--their banter is always good. Lindsay does fall by the wayside because she lacks the charm and natural ease the guys have. Again, with Lindsay, I'm always conscious Anna is acting/working from a script.

althea said:
I just am really tired of her throwing her little tantrums like an insubordinate child, bloody hell grow up already :mad:. You'd think after three seasons the character would have learnt something by now. But no whenever she finds evidence any kind by the way, inconclusive by the way, she will behave as though she has just found the holy grail. Then she will go marching off to find whoever she is working with on said case and rant and rave that yep she is the self proclaimed special one! And then she is wrong (didn't see that coming did you) and other characters have to stand around with moronic looks on there faces and go "but lindsay..."(put in why it doesn't add up} And she in turn will go "but (add character name here). And so it goes till she huffs and puffs and eventually she will learn the errors of her way (yet again because she never learns :mad:). Does this seem familiar to anyone else or am I going mad.

No, it sounds very familiar. :D That's the "Little Miss Perfect" incarnation of Lindsay. The only doing work when it suits her is downright obnoxious and unprofessional, and pushing theories because they're what she wants to believe and not necessarily what the evidence is saying (like in "People with Money") just shows she's a bad CSI!
Kimmychu said:
As we've seen since the moment she joined the team ... her acting skills are subpar compared to the others. It's particularly apparent whenever she has to portray very strong emotions. Heck, sometimes she even seems to have difficulty just doing regular small talk. Think of that scene with Danny and Flack in the cellar. Danny and Flack were bouncing their dialogue off each other like a fantastic ping pong game, but the instant Lindsay had to speak, it was as if they had to purposely slow down so she wouldn't be 'left behind'. I don't quite know how else to elucidate on that.

I know what you mean. Danny and Flack have such great chemistry together, erm, I mean conversation wise ;) :devil: When certain actors have that kind of connection, it's very... there. Everything just clicks. Having Lindsay in just interupts all the good vibe they had going on.

Top41 said:
No, it sounds very familiar. :D That's the "Little Miss Perfect" incarnation of Lindsay. The only doing work when it suits her is downright obnoxious and unprofessional, and pushing theories because they're what she wants to believe and not necessarily what the evidence is saying (like in "People with Money") just shows she's a bad CSI!

Danny is pretty impulsive as a CSI. He has hunches and tends to go with them. But at least he doesn't whine when Mac points out that he needs to go with the evidence and not what his gut feelings are telling him. He fights for himself and what he believes in. Lindsay lacks this kind of spark, and that's putting it mildly :p
Lindsay lacks any kind of spark, really. There's something completely joyless about Anna's performance that grates as well. It's just like she's going through the motions, reading the script and getting the big fat paycheck that comes for each episode. I think putting her with Danny has only highlighted that, because there is so much life in Carmine's performance.
I watched an episode from Season 3 a few nights ago, and a comment I've made before came to mind again. I've decided that Lindsay is basically wet cardboard. I've got evidence too:

- nil personality
- gets weaker by the second
- needs to be held up by other things/characters
- messy
- pointless
- never really had anything going for it in the first place

It's quite eerie, really. Did I miss anything?
^No, I think that sums it up rather well. I'd throw leech in there, too, for what she's done to the character of Danny. But ultimately, after two years, she is still pointless. She's not an integral member of the team by any means, and if she left tomorrow, there'd be no void. She doesn't add anything to the show, other than whining and angst, which we can get occasionally from characters we care about more.
Either that or she might get pregnant again REALLY REALLY SOON :D


One can only hope :lol:
He was in the first three episodes of season 2 and then was never heard from again. David Julian Hirsh is a cutie, but the character just didn't stand out with the rest of the team.
Oh, I remember Zack! I think there was even a Love Zack thread or something :p But yeah, as cute as he was, he seemed like a Greg Sanders rehash - only not as funny. Too bad, I liked him.

And I've skimmed this thread but haven't managed to read everything so I'm sorry if I'm repeating. But whenever someone makes an excuse for Anna's acting and blame it completely on the writers, I can't help but think about what AJ did for Adam. In his interview he said he had three lines and from that, he created his own character and now look how far Adam has come. If Anna can't have her own Lindsay in her head, no wonder she keeps bouncing from cheery Lindsay to emo Lindsay to whiny Lindsay, etc., because she relies completely on the script that she was given. Ultimately, I think it is the actress's job to believe in her own character so that no matter what situation she's thrown in, the character will be consistent.
Danistheman said:
althea said:
Perhaps someone should tell Anna of the joys of being a stay at home mom. lol.
Either that or she might get pregnant again REALLY REALLY SOON :D

For a while there, I shuddered. Then I reminded myself that the above quote was about Anna and NOT Lindsey. *whew*

Anyway, what does season4 have for the year's biggest insecurity (D/L)?
CrimeShark said:
And I've skimmed this thread but haven't managed to read everything so I'm sorry if I'm repeating. But whenever someone makes an excuse for Anna's acting and blame it completely on the writers, I can't help but think about what AJ did for Adam. In his interview he said he had three lines and from that, he created his own character and now look how far Adam has come. If Anna can't have her own Lindsay in her head, no wonder she keeps bouncing from cheery Lindsay to emo Lindsay to whiny Lindsay, etc., because she relies completely on the script that she was given. Ultimately, I think it is the actress's job to believe in her own character so that no matter what situation she's thrown in, the character will be consistent.

Exactly. AJ took three lines and created a character. Anna's had two seasons and hasn't been able to do what AJ did in a single episode--in a single scene! It just shows you the vast chasm between AJ's talent and hers. And that's true of all the rest of the cast--they're terrific, while she's just flat.
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