Resident Smart Ass
Springmoon said:
Could we start a new beauty pageant, Ms. Self-Absorbed? No real contest, just hand the crown to Lindsay.
Dear Lindsay: If you and Danny really have been a couple for at least 6 months, then you shouldn't have to be told what to say to him to comfort him. You should really know how to interact with your purported boyfriend by now without your boss coaching you on your lines. Please (!) think about someone other than yourself for once. Your immediate response was "I don't know what to say to him." Great girlfriend you are. F-.
I saw that scene differently. I thought it was a rare show of concern for someone other than herself. By saying, "I'm not very good at this kind of thing," I thought she was aknowledging her past and S3 behavior and showing she really wanted to help Danny but didn't know how. What I hated was the decision to have Lindsay have that one brief moment of concern and then act as if nothing was unusual the rest of the episode. I actually liked AB's performance, and taken seperately from the morgue scene I liked the banter with Flack. TPTB should've either left out the scene with Mac or had her behave differently the rest of the episode. To do both was just stupid and I think undercut the actress and the character. If they're doing that, they should just get rid of her.