csiboy said:
I love this debate. TPTB run this show we love.
That they do!
And they absolutely love Lindsay.
Why does have we seen so many different incarnations of the character then? I doubt they dislike her the way many do in here, but at best I'd say they're still trying to get a handle on her.
They created her.
Indeed they did.
Anna beat out every other actress in Hollywood for the role.
Julia, Reese and Cameron must be quaking in their heels. :lol: Anna herself admited her auditon sucked and asked Hill to "tell them I'm not that bad!" Being a nice person, Hill obviously did. And the proof is on the screen: Anna is that bad.
She brings humor and warmth.
You know, if she actually did that, I think I'd forgive her a lot. She's supposed to bring those things, but there's an underlying coldness to Anna's performance that detracts from the things Lindsay was intended to bring to the show. Where she should be warm, she's cold; where she should be feeling and caring, she's brittle; and where she should be sympathetic she comes off as completely unlikable.
They write for her because she can do a ton of different things, not all of which are going to appeal to everybody every time.
I've even seen people who love her to death admit she's not that good with the dramatic/angry scenes. If "a ton of different things" means some of the light-hearted stuff and processing evidence, then yeah, but that doesn't really fall under a "ton of different things" in my book.
They created a history for her which they obviously feel Anna knocked out of the park because they wrote for her all the way through her pregnancy.
You mean the way they hurridly wrapped up the storyline with no promotion during her pregnancy amid other storylines so her bad acting wouldn't grate as much on viewers nerves? Ooooh, look, Criss Angel and fire! *cough*Lindsay's trial storyline gets finished.*cough* Not enough? Throw Danny in there--who will care about her acting when the show's resident hot babe is in the courtroom?
Now she's back for season 4 and still doing great.
One episode in, and she was barely in it for three minutes. I think it's definitely an improvement though! Especially in the screentime department.
So in my opinion not only must Lindsay REALLY NOT GO, she is absolutely not going to go because the people whose actual job it is day in and day out to make this TV show are crazy about her.
The promo department is so crazy about her that her storylines never make the promos! The PR department is so crazy about her that they've stuck her in the recurring cast column as opposed to the regulars. The writers are so crazy about her they felt the only way to make her character appealing was to prop her up using the show's most popular character. Oh, yes, they are definitely crazy about her!
Prove me wrong.
I won't be so arrogant to say I just did, but I think you might have to do better than "TPTB love her because she's on the show!"