Why Lindsay REALLY Must Go (Pt. 2)

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Top41 said:
As I said in the grading thread, she seems to have two expressions: smiling or the scrunch face. There are variations of the scrunch face--concentrating SF, angry SF, whiny SF, crying SF--but as far as I can tell, she's only got two expressions. Has anyone spotted a third?

Blank face?

xfcanadian said:
It is just more realistic to have characters like this around...a character with trouble expressing emotion and who doesn't 'fit' in with others just makes it more realistic to be in a scientific setting.

I don't think Lindsay the character really has problems expressing emotions and whatnot so much as Anna has problems when it comes to portraying Lindsay's emotions. I hope that made sense.
xfcanadian said:
It is just more realistic to have characters like this around...a character with trouble expressing emotion and who doesn't 'fit' in with others just makes it more realistic to be in a scientific setting.
...Bad acting/sub par writing is not a substitute for intentional, well-written, genuine human imperfections.

Maybe I'll go to LA and try to get acting jobs. Then, when they tell me I'm not good enough, I can tell them that I'm simply being 'realistic'.

Top41 said:
as far as I can tell, she's only got two expressions. Has anyone spotted a third?
How about that smushy grin...thing.
Congratulations Faylinn you may just have discovered her third facial expression, and you already named it… I didn’t think it would be possible though… :lol:

Surprisingly Lindsay was okay for me in the last episode. She definitely is better with the lighter stuff and since she didn’t leave the lab or got in contact with any suspects, she had no reason to pull the scrunch face. IMO the spray on condom scene seemed a little bit forced, but I concentrated on Hawkes and Danny and was able to enjoy it.
I wanted to slap her at the end of the phone call with Adam but by concentrating on Adam I got through that too. I guess I’m just becoming better in focusing on the other characters when Lindsay is on screen… :lol:
You all crack me up!!! I just joined, didn't even know this was out there, anyways I thought I was the only one that thought that way about Lindsay. HAHAHAHA She is very boring on screen and the fact that they had to throw it in her in order to get her to be more interesting is sad. The story line behind her made no sense to me at all, I understand that her friends were all killed while eating and she lived because she was in the pooper, but how did she see the guy, that was never made clear to me.
Anyways, I support the effort to rid the show of this wet blanket. Thanks.
Top41 said:
IronCastles, word. She still doesn't fit with this team, period, and it stands out so much because the rest of them do fit together so well. She might fare *a little* better on CSI: Miami where the team is more divided and at odds with each other, but still the acting problem crops up because the actors on Miami are very good as well. She just doesn't belong on a CSI show period.

Thanks, Top41. I admit that of the three, I think she'd fit in best in Miami. Vegas is too trippy and exotic, and New York is too emotional and gritty. Whereas in Miami I've always felt Horatio Caine has something of a Jesus "It's up to me to save the world!" complex and his overblown delivery of some lines--the "taggers" right before the cut to credits in particular--is laughable.

Although, y'know, putting Lindsay Monroe's absolute lack of a pulse in with Horatio Caine's absolute melodrama might cause the world to implode from such opposing forces. And then Horatio can't save it! :devil:

Joking aside, I think it's a combination of bad writing from TPTB--they really don't give her any sort of personality to demonstrate--but mainly Anna Belknap's listlessness. Even Vanessa Ferlito, given the first season lack of development in just trying to establish the characters, made Aiden Burn memorable with her sass and impish grins. That same type of zingers delivered by Lindsay comes out flatter than a flounder.

Two seasons in I think it's time to pull the Lindsay thing off its feeble life support already. If TPTB are contractually bound to keep her, downgrade her to a damn lab tech already, give her an analysis montage to do in each episode to give her "face time" and bring in someone capable and engaging who can function as a full-fledged member of the firm of Taylor, Bonasera, Messer, Hawkes, and Flack.

Or even don't replace her, and turn to other options. Showcase Adam's adorkability further. Give me more of Hammerback's bizarreness. Heck, even give me more Peyton-at-work, rather than Peyton-angsting-over-Mac. I'm still "meh" about Peyton on the whole because I really hate cast members brought in to serve as a love interest. I'd have preferred if they'd established her as a fixture in the lab first then had her dating Mac. As is, her being an ME takes backseat to her being Mac's girlfriend, which is a pity because Claire Forlani is a capable actress.
IronCastles said:
And as a Midwesterner, I wince when I hear she's supposedly from my region of the US. Even just small things make me incredulous...I seem to remember her talking about apartment hunting and this supposedly very practical, down-to-earth, non-materialistic farm girl refuses to live in Queens or other boroughs, because "This girl has her heart set on Manhattan". Good luck on making the rent on your 110 sq foot studio apartment, chickypoo, the amount of which would make any Midwesterner want to be sick.

:lol: :lol: :lol: I've been wondering about this since Lindsay came onto the show! Thank you for clarifying that. As if it wasn't bad enough that Lindsay can't come across as a believable CSI ... she can't even come across as a believable Ranch country person! (Thanks for pointing that out too.)

xfcanadian said:
hmmm perhaps too much botox??

:lol: :lol: :lol: (Yes, this made me laugh out loud too.) That's hilarious. Too much Botox over time can cause the treated facial muscles to become permanently paralyzed. It doesn't happen to everyone who uses it, but it does happen. If this is the real reason behind Lindsay's apparent lack of emotions ... yeah, there are no words.

Brklyn said:
The story line behind her made no sense to me at all, I understand that her friends were all killed while eating and she lived because she was in the pooper, but how did she see the guy, that was never made clear to me.

Hi, Brklyn! Welcome to the thread! I think there are still quite a number of us who are wondering the same thing. Some of us also have the theory that maybe Lindsay and Katums were actually cohorts and she talked him into whacking her friends while she conveniently went into the toilet to hide. :p
Brklyn said:
You all crack me up!!! I just joined, didn't even know this was out there, anyways I thought I was the only one that thought that way about Lindsay. HAHAHAHA She is very boring on screen and the fact that they had to throw it in her in order to get her to be more interesting is sad. The story line behind her made no sense to me at all, I understand that her friends were all killed while eating and she lived because she was in the pooper, but how did she see the guy, that was never made clear to me.
Anyways, I support the effort to rid the show of this wet blanket. Thanks.

Welcome, Brklyn! :) You know, I think it's interesting that every day or every few days we have someone come in who says, "I thought I was the only one who felt this way about Lindsay!" To me, that says there are a lot of people out there who don't like her, but probably brush it aside saying, "Oh, it's probably just me." It definitely isn't. I think she grates on a lot of nerves. And wet blanket is the perfect way to describe her. :D

IronCastles said:
Thanks, Top41. I admit that of the three, I think she'd fit in best in Miami. Vegas is too trippy and exotic, and New York is too emotional and gritty. Whereas in Miami I've always felt Horatio Caine has something of a Jesus "It's up to me to save the world!" complex and his overblown delivery of some lines--the "taggers" right before the cut to credits in particular--is laughable.

Although, y'know, putting Lindsay Monroe's absolute lack of a pulse in with Horatio Caine's absolute melodrama might cause the world to implode from such opposing forces. And then Horatio can't save it! :devil:

:lol: Exactly. I think Horatio Caine and his constant one-liners and God complex are the reason she wouldn't stand out quite as much on Miami as she does on NY.

Joking aside, I think it's a combination of bad writing from TPTB--they really don't give her any sort of personality to demonstrate--but mainly Anna Belknap's listlessness. Even Vanessa Ferlito, given the first season lack of development in just trying to establish the characters, made Aiden Burn memorable with her sass and impish grins. That same type of zingers delivered by Lindsay comes out flatter than a flounder.

Yep--Aiden stood out because Vanessa brought a spark and flair to the character. Even if Aiden didn't have many character moments, Vanessa's attention to detail and the way she jumped into the character made her likable and sympathetic.

Two seasons in I think it's time to pull the Lindsay thing off its feeble life support already. If TPTB are contractually bound to keep her, downgrade her to a damn lab tech already, give her an analysis montage to do in each episode to give her "face time" and bring in someone capable and engaging who can function as a full-fledged member of the firm of Taylor, Bonasera, Messer, Hawkes, and Flack.

I still want to know how long her contract runs--and at the end of it, if they'll put the character--and the viewers--out of her misery. I wonder how that works anyway? Characters get killed off on shows so presumably there's an "out" clause in a contract. Either way, when her contract is up, I sincerely hope TPTB don't choose to renew it.
Top41 said:
I still want to know how long her contract runs--and at the end of it, if they'll put the character--and the viewers--out of her misery. I wonder how that works anyway? Characters get killed off on shows so presumably there's an "out" clause in a contract. Either way, when her contract is up, I sincerely hope TPTB don't choose to renew it.

I don't know if that will happen though. As unhappy as a large segment of the fans are with her performance, myself included, there is also a rather rabid contingent who lurves her to death. So we can make the case that TPTB would be divided on the fan issue.

However, we don't know -- and probably never will know -- how the other actors feel about her. She does add nothing to the show except cringe-worthy performances these days. I loved her in "Zoo York" then... nothing. Even on Wednesday, the episode started and the opening sentence of her "banter" with Adam was kind of funny, then the very next sentence when she ordered him to the office just was crap. It was probably meant to take the joke just a little further, but it is mystifying to me that someone could lose momentum over such a short period of time!! Anyway, I'm not holding my breath that she'll be gone anytime soon.
^I know. I actually thought that call started out well--and then went downhill suddenly and fast.

The fans are definitely divided on the character. There are many who like her, but there are also many who dislike her. I don't think she was meant to be a polarizing character like this.
Mac asks her what they feed her in Montana when she tackels a suspect with gusto.
And she never tackles a perp again. The other time she attempted, she only got his shirt.

Yeah, they laid it on thick in that episode--a classic case of what good writing doesn't do. One of the first rules of writing is "show don't tell" and there was a lot of telling going on there, probably because Anna wasn't conveying with her acting what needed to be shown.
Yeah, it was actually toooo much. It almost sickening already. At first, it was interesting that they'll have a country girl in the city and all that. Even in "Stealing Home", it didn't show through.

"Pop" Mac Taylor? His emotions may generally be jacketed in as stiff as his old Marine tunic, but he'd go balls to the wall for any of his team--and has. "Mom" Stella Bonasera? Professional, sometimes also emotionally distant, but fierce about her friends and co-workers. Flack, Danny, Hawkes: all three would probably take a bullet for their buddies in the lab.
A bit OT, but you made my SMACky heart smile haha. Yeah, Mac and Stella are the parents. Hawkes the older brother. Flack and Danny could be the mischievous twin brothers. And where does Lindsey fit in to? Uh... nanny?

I admit that of the three, I think she'd fit in best in Miami. Vegas is too trippy and exotic, and New York is too emotional and gritty. Whereas in Miami I've always felt Horatio Caine has something of a Jesus "It's up to me to save the world!" complex and his overblown delivery of some lines--the "taggers" right before the cut to credits in particular--is laughable.
Maybe if she'd whine as much in Miami, Horatio might lose it and oh idk throw his shades at her or Calleigh might throw a fit. Hahahah....

I like her new haircut though. Better than the curls.
She really doesn't fit in the "family" that is the rest of the team. Adam, who was introduced after her, was a seamless fit--he meshed right away as the lab tech who hero worships Mac and has a little guycrush on Danny. :lol: The lovably nerdy go-to guy who has answers for the team.

Contrast that with Lindsay--first she shows off, then she complains about not getting the best jobs, then she starts storming out of interrogations and leaving crime scenes because she's got "issues." If this were the real world, she would have been fired long ago! She just detracts, period--from the team, from the show. She's worse than useless--she actually creates problems.
I love this debate. TPTB run this show we love. And they absolutely love Lindsay. They created her. Anna beat out every other actress in Hollywood for the role. She brings humor and warmth. They write for her because she can do a ton of different things, not all of which are going to appeal to everybody every time. They created a history for her which they obviously feel Anna knocked out of the park because they wrote for her all the way through her pregnancy. Now she's back for season 4 and still doing great. So in my opinion not only must Lindsay REALLY NOT GO, she is absolutely not going to go because the people whose actual job it is day in and day out to make this TV show are crazy about her. Prove me wrong.
csiboy said:
the people whose actual job it is day in and day out to make this TV show are crazy about her. Prove me wrong.
I don't know anybody who is involved with the show, so I'm not about to assume to know what they do or don't think, or what they do or don't love. And frankly, I don't care. Them=/=me, and I'm expressing my opinion here, not the opinion of the writers/producers/actors/wardrobe people/camera operators/etc.

But thank you for pointing out that TPTB created her and that Anna got the part--otherwise I might have missed that.

She brings humor and warmth ... she can do a ton of different things
Different strokes, different folks, I suppose.

they wrote for her all the way through her pregnancy.
What else would they do? :confused:

WhosLaughingNow said:
I highly doubt that she would have gotten the role in the first place had every other actress in Hollywood auditioned.
It would have taken quite a while to do the audition if every woman in Hollywood showed up.
csiboy said:
Anna beat out every other actress in Hollywood for the role.

Actually, I'm afraid, that was Hill Harper. :lol:

WhosLaughingNow said:
I highly doubt that she would have gotten the role in the first place had every other actress in Hollywood auditioned.

:lol: But it would be nice to know who were the other options. :confused:
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