1CSIMfan your statement about shipping Lindsay out is insanely good and deliciously profound, to it I say here here!
Audriana, I think it is great that you like Lindsay independent of Danny, however, sadly, you are in the minority, in fact, you may be a minority of one. I don’t have a problem with anything you come in and say, I appreciate that you do come in knowing more than likely whatever you say will be scrutinized before the day is done and that it is not you we are swatting down just your ideas and opinions and in that there is no harm. The fact that you take the time to say it any way is admirable, suicidal maybe :lol:, but admirable nonetheless.
I’m sure your mention of Det. Thacker was a case of typing to quickly or thinking before you typed, it has happened to everyone, however you are not the only supporter of Lindsay that has dropped his name since Jennifer Angell has made her way onto the scene. Your intentions were what they were, but other people’s intentions have a more spurious intent. I guess from my perspective the very mention of a character not seen since the first half of season one happening after the new Detective started to make knees shake and shiver in shipper verse is a little suspect, a little laughable, and it reeks of a little desperation.
Now, having said that I am about to vent a little frustration once again over some comments made in not only the NY forum but in other forums as well. This is what I like to call terror alert red or
JDonne is about to be bitchy or there is a reason why
JDonne does not play well with others.
Now as far as people liking Lindsay or Anna’s performance, I could care less, I think she is heinous and an insult to my intelligence, but I feel the same way about Grey’s Anatomy and have friends that are not at all low functioning that enjoy the hell out of it. However, when people display unwavering, unflinching, worship like devotion to a character that they have painted as flawless I get a little nervous and thoughts like cult intervention pop into my head.
Is it truly possible to be so blindly devoted to something, something imaginary at that, that you fail to see a single character flaw? Is it really possible that every moment that seems off you can explain away with thoughts, such as, she was being irreverent or she was just so amazed that the neighbours could come together in such a sign of unity. So, every dumb line that pours from Lindsay’s mouth is now her being funny or irreverent and her question about the block party was because she didn’t realize that city folk were capable of gathering in a neighborly fashion without gang warfare breaking out here and there before the cops were called. Even those that dislike Lindsay can see moments or a least a single moment where she did not offend in the least, so why can’t those that love her see their way clear to say, maybe just maybe that wasn’t a great performance on Anna’s part, or maybe just maybe the character relies on Danny a bit much, or sometimes she makes funny faces, or anything?
Look, I loved Buffy, but you know what she pissed me off sometimes, I found her at times selfish, stupid, and even a little pathetic, but you know what it was all part of her ongoing development, her layered characterization and even if I didn’t like it I always understood it. Now, I see none of that in Lindsay because I don’t believe she is a character more like a growth on Danny’s hip or a screeching pinched faced owl that is making noise just for the sake tough posturing.
What character is without flaws? What character demands such vehement worship? I mean honestly it is as if she is the Messiah and this is the Second Coming, she needs specially fortified threads to keep the evil naysayer away. Give me an effing break, but fine, take your secret Lindsay closet, but don’t hop from forum to forum badmouthing those that believe otherwise. When more time is spent whining about those that don’t like or having mini pep rallies about just ignoring the haters and their wicked diatribes problems arise and then tempers flare, why so threatened why so angry about it all. Calling smart well-written thought provoking supported posts diatribes is a sign of just how weak your position is and how much intelligence scares some people. I guess my thing is, if you want to take us on then come on in and do it, because it is not a matter of knocking you down, but a matter of knocking down your opinion and between those two, there is a great difference.
You know what else is insane, the conspiracy theory that is threatening to overtake the board, because a new thread opened and the discussion focused on Flack and suddenly it became interesting that Lindsay was not being discussed. What the hell is that, I would call it paranoia, but why even bother going there. What I find interesting is that suddenly not only did the discussion shift to Lindsay’s dark secret, in a effort to keep the peace perhaps, but statements were made saying that the thread was open to discussion of any character, like that wasn’t clear from the first post in the thread. Suddenly thoughts on Lindsay’s secret were off and running and all was right in the NY forum once again. I know, here’s a thought rather than post conspiracy theories on Lindsay’s exclusion why not post your own theories about her background, I guess it is just easer to admonish people, or at least try. I for one don’t believe in appeasing children in the throes of tantrums it simply encourages them to do it more often and it is an unpleasant sight especially when the children have exited adolescence.
As far as Lindsay’s dark secret or her upbringing in Bozeman, etc. I have no need to feign interest or seek balance in my dislike of the character or the actress’s performance I tend to be a definitive person or in lay speak I don’t do anything half-ass. In other words, if she can be loved without compromise why can’t she be disliked without compromise.
However, she’ll probably be late for the Second Coming trying to decide between wavy, curly, or straight.
Actually, in retrospect, that was a rather civil post, I think.