Why Lindsay Must Go

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MrsGiovinazzo said:
It ranks up there with her reaction to a snake bite that conveyed all the fear and pain of a paper cut.

Tsk tsk and shame on you Mrs. G! During the snake bite scene it was quite clear that Anna had done her research and was attempting to show the viewer how quickly the neurotoxins in snake venom act upon the speech and facial expression centers of the brain. Knowing what she knew Anna muted her performance for the sake of authenticity and to teach the viewer a mini-science lesson in the midst of their entertainment, so kudos to her for caring. This post is proof that no matter how bad a performance if you try hard enough and care just a little you can think of an almost credible, and by credible I mean sort of ridiculous, excuse for her horrible acting. So goes my good deed for the day.
I still say that Lindsay was in cahoots with Shane Casey. Especially in Raising Shane. Mac thought that Shane had just gotten lucky that Hawkes had been test firing weapons and would have GSR on his clothes but the real reason was that Lindsay let Shane know in advance so he'd be able to pull off his plan on that particular day. It's so obvious!
Carrieattheprom: I just noticed that Monroe is spelled wrong on your signature.....:) Sorry, I don't know why I notice these things!!!!
Whoops, thanks d2400. I just fixed it.

We may have hope yet, at least as far as D/L is concerned.

If the writers understand the definition of "dashed." Though the "forever bonded" bit still fills me with dread.
I don't know if I've ever bothered to post in this thread, though I do enjoy reading it.

Welcome to the dark side, MrsG. The force is strong with you indeed.

There there my sweet, I didn't mean it the way that it sounded. I'm sure you took ten, well maybe seven , minutes on that theory and I believe in it wholeheartedly. I meant that it was wishful thinking in the sense that the writers want to thwart all the brilliant ideas at every turn while inundating us with all the really cheesy crappy ones. See, we wish for brilliance some wish for cheese, all wishful thinking, but for yours I'll start a letter writing campaign. Better? Do you want a lollipop? A juicebox? I didn't mean to launch a personal attack against you but it is what I do.

*sniff* Can...can I fire Lindsay from a cannon? It would really help my owie.
JDonne LOL!!!
i thought the same...
I looked more scared and in pain when at 9 i fell from my bike and scratched my knees.
and gotta agree that some scenes she pulls would look waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better in a soap opera...
doesn't the bold and the beautiful want her?
as the same character, lindsay monroe,i can so see that :p
Carrieattheprom said:
I still say that Lindsay was in cahoots with Shane Casey. Especially in Raising Shane. Mac thought that Shane had just gotten lucky that Hawkes had been test firing weapons and would have GSR on his clothes but the real reason was that Lindsay let Shane know in advance so he'd be able to pull off his plan on that particular day. It's so obvious!

I like it, I like it a lot. :lol: At least this plot will give her something worthwhile as a character.

And huh, I honestly do not remember her scenes in All Access. Is it possible they were so horrifying that my brain automatically bleached them out for my sanity? Should I go watch them again? :p
JDonne said:
During the snake bite scene it was quite clear that Anna had done her research and was attempting to show the viewer how quickly the neurotoxins in snake venom act upon the speech and facial expression centers of the brain. Knowing what she knew Anna muted her performance for the sake of authenticity and to teach the viewer a mini-science lesson in the midst of their entertainment, so kudos to her for caring.
And the Humanitarian of the Year award goes to JDonne! Move over Angelina.

Thank you for enlightening me with the wonderful nuance of her performance. Authenticity of that caliber is a rare achievement.

Silencer - Thank you for the welcome. I have long belonged to the Dark Side. Anna's MFA from American Conservatory Theater was clearly purchased on Ebay.
Kimmychu: If you must rewatch "All Access" follow these directions for watching: Every time Lindsay is on screen stick both fingers in your ears and sing "mary had a little lamb" very loud. You may keep your eyes open, if only to look at Carmine. You are allowed to take your fingers out of your ears while Stella, Flack et al are on screen. By following these few simple steps, you will save yourself from what I like to call the "BAD ACTING BREAKDOWN." Good Luck............
You know, we could just turn Lindsay's performance into a drinking game; that way, we could just be drunk through her entire performance and maybe, just maybe, her "acting" will make sense.

Every time she appears in a scene, take a sip. Whenever she "emotes" you must take a shot. Each time she gets Danny's balls in her claws, double shot.
*pops in*

Each time she gets Danny's balls in her claws, double shot.
Duuuude, are you telling me she's been snooping around Hammerback's office again? :eek: If a man's family jewels aren't even safe in the locked filing cabinet of a creepy (but loveable) coroner, then can they ever be safe?!?!

Don't even remind me of "All Access"--I can watch that scene where she spazzes out in the interrogation over and over again with the express purpose of watching her frustration building up...and I never see it. And I'm sorry, but the fact that the writers had her be concerned for Stella isn't what bothers me the most--it was the fact that Danny wasn't. Hello, this is Danny, writers--he might be selfish, but considering how personally he took Hawkes' plight in "Raising Shane," I assume that my perception of his character isn't totally off the mark. :rolleyes: Did they think that Lindsay's concern would pale in comparison to Danny's? Or maybe that if Danny was concerned, that we wouldn't find Lindsay's concern believable?...well, we didn't, but that was due to the acting, not because we think she's a heartless bitch (which I don't think, just in case anybody is wondering). :rolleyes:

*leaves before her eyes roll right out of her head*
Silencer said:

*sniff* Can...can I fire Lindsay from a cannon? It would really help my owie.

Yes, yes you may, but only if you aim the cannon in the direction of a bottomless pit.

MrsGiovinazzo said:
JDonne said:
During the snake bite scene it was quite clear that Anna had done her research and was attempting to show the viewer how quickly the neurotoxins in snake venom act upon the speech and facial expression centers of the brain. Knowing what she knew Anna muted her performance for the sake of authenticity and to teach the viewer a mini-science lesson in the midst of their entertainment, so kudos to her for caring.
And the Humanitarian of the Year award goes to JDonne! Move over Angelina.

Thank you for enlightening me with the wonderful nuance of her performance. Authenticity of that caliber is a rare achievement.

Thank you! I am well known in these parts for my humanity and kindness, especially when dealing with lost causes.

Silencer - Thank you for the welcome. I have long belonged to the Dark Side. Anna's MFA from American Conservatory Theater was clearly purchased on Ebay.

I am shocked and stunned speechless by your cruelty. I can't even fathom where such animosity hides itself, not in a million milliseconds could I have conceived of such deliciously worded truth.
A drinking game of bad Lindsay moments...just don't do a marathon, or you'll end up with alcohol poisoning.

Other bad moments that come to mind (and there are many):

*The delivery of the line "I can't seem to get her out of my head" in "Live or Let Die" in regards to Lillian. It felt scripted, and like the script hada note,"with anger." Anna's delivery often feels off.

*The crying in "The Lying Game." It was *so bad.*

*For that matter, so was the "Leave me alone!" line she yelled at Stella.

I could think of more, but I'll leave some for the rest of you. ;)
Duuuude, are you telling me she's been snooping around Hammerback's office again? :eek: If a man's family jewels aren't even safe in the locked filing cabinet of a creepy (but loveable) coroner, then can they ever be safe?!?!

I think you just nailed another way to get Lindsay off the show! Lindsay snoops around spying on Sid and realizes he's the one hiding the jewels from her. In a desperate attempt to get them back in her possession, she sneaks into the coroner's office only to find Sid standing guard. He'd seen her snooping and anticipated the break in. A fight ensues and Sid ends up stabing Lindsay in the throat with a scalpel - thus leaving her to die without the ability to scream or emote in any way.
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