ETA: I was typing at the same time as you were,
I like your post, I think it addresses some real issues that could improve the character.
Now that I can look back on the second season as a whole, I don't think I dislike Lindsay as much as I originally thought I did--if that makes any sense.
There were certainly problems with the character, which can almost always be put down to the writing, but overall I think there's a good chance that I will like Lindsay more in the third season.
I still think that the premise of the Montana girl coming to NYC is interesting, and could make for some great storylines, if only the writers would be conscious of what it really means to be a 'Montana girl.' I've gone searching for photos and information about
Bozeman, Montana on the internet, and from the way they've portrayed Lindsay so far, you'd think it was the middle of nowhere, when in actuality Bozeman is a college town with a great mix of people and culture. Even if Lindsay was not
raised in Bozeman, we know that she worked there for three years prior to moving to NYC. I'd like to see the writers acknowledge that Lindsay is from a place with so much more to offer than wheat fields and rawhide braiding. I've seen some interesting discussions of Lindsay's character that talked about a possible connection to the theater (a very real possibility since she seemed to know about "Wicked" in the episode "Youngblood"), and I think that would be a wonderful way to tie in some real knowledge of Bozeman and a new facet to this character. Perhaps the theater was one of the aspects of NY that drew Lindsay to this big city rather than another that might have been closer to home. It would also be a nice tie-in for Anna as an actress.
So much of the criticism of Lindsay's character has stemmed from the fact that, over the course of the season, there wasn't one definite personality that the viewers could identify. I've seen other posters identify 3 separate 'Lindsays' and that's been a problem. However, I think season 3 should show a change for the better in this regard. The writers have had a season to establish this character, and now I think she should settle into the one identity that will stick with her, which I'm sure will be a more even synthesis of the various personalities that we've seen so far. Personally, I'm partial to the 'tough' Lindsay that we saw early on in season 2, and from the hints we've seen for season 3 so far, I'm confident that this aspect of the character won't be neglected.
One major point of contention among viewers regarding Lindsay is the potential relationship with Danny. Now, regardless of my personal views on this, I hope that, whatever the writers choose to do, they don't continue to have so much of Lindsay's development rely on this interaction. Particularly in the latter half of season 2, we rarely saw Lindsay without Danny, and that's a detriment to her character. I'd love to see her interact with all of the members of the team.
I think that there's definitely the possibility to bridge the gap between those who love Lindsay and those who aren't too sure about her. I for one am hoping that season 3 will offer ample opportunities for me to increase my enjoyment of the character.