privatename said:
I highly doubt that TPTB care one way or the other about me since I am not one of the "younger" viewers they seem to be striving so hard to attract ! :lol: That's okay, even if "CSI:NY" wants to disregard my feelings, I still have "Criminal Minds" to watch on Wednesday night.![]()
:lol: Hey, I'm not either, but a lost viewer is still a lost viewer to TPTB. Can't be any good for their rep if their show starts getting dumped by people who aren't in the age group they're gunning for. I'm very doubtful the current 15+ million viewers right now all make up of teenagers.
cSiNyFrEaK30 said:
You "think in pretend" when you are acting? :shifty:
Thank you. That was my precise reaction when I read that. Definitely explains a lot about her subpar acting, especially in comparison to that of the others on the cast. I mentioned once an analogy that it's almost as if she's just a child in a school play who isn't taking any of it seriously ... Who woulda thought it was dead on? :wtf: :brickwall:
When she's trying to be Lindsay she's thinking the whole time its all pretend. Every other actor on the show can speak of their character as a real person and know how he/she would react and behave in certain situations-they've embodied their characters. Anna doesn't seem to have gone any further than "Lindsay's pretend and all I have to do is pretend to be her!"
Yes, exactly. In a way it's almost ... insulting to the job. Kinda like a wannabe-writer thinking, "Hey! If I can string a couple of sentences at a time that means I can be an awesomesauce writer!" Uhm, how about no?
Faylinn said:
I'd have a hard time forgetting that I'm 6 months pregnant.
PerfectAnomaly said:
:thinks to self: "Jeezus I'm bloated today! It must be the Taco Bell I had for lunch." :baby kicks: "Ohhhh Yeahhhh! That's right, I'm having a baby!":shifty:
At least after reading her interviews you don't have to make the Evel Knevel leap to understand why her acting is so bad.:shifty:
:guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw:
What boggles me is why TPTB goes over-the-top trying to cover up her bad acting or make excuses for it. You can say all you want in statements and make the other actors say nice things about her (and note this, guys, it's NEVER about her acting), but no matter how much BS you fling around, what will speak at the end of the day is what's shown on screen. Too bad for TPTB, they can't hide it one bit there, not even by cutting down her scenes to near none. :guffaw: