That's what boggles and amuses me at the same time. She's already being propped up as it is by the other members of the cast and yet her subpar acting is so apparent. What do you guys think it must be like without any propping from anyone? :wtf:Elwood21 said:
I think we've seen her best, hard as that notion is to take, and I don't think there's a better. She just don't fit, and no, no hope for her ever finding a way to make the character palatable or redeem her performances.If great actors like Melina, Gary, Hill, Carmine, and Eddie can't bring the best out of Anna..there is no hope.
I'm figuring the main reason, after Belknap being pregnant in real life, for this Lindsay pregnancy storyline happening at all is because TPTB is acknowledging how weak an actress she is and has been forced to chain her to Danny for as long as possible. Chances are, the idea is that her having to act on her own will probably make the ratings suffer more than her being propped up.
Last season, there were two major drops in viewer rating after episodes that clearly had Drama Llama in it. (We're talking drops of over one to two million here.) And conversely, the ratings went up when Rikki was involved. (At least over a million for each time.) So in retrospect, TPTB brought Rikki back and intended for Rikki to be the pregnant one because they knew Rikki brought the ratings to the yard. Which just makes this very-last-minute change of storyline to accommodate Belknap's real life pregnancy a major disappointment in terms of story and writing. It not only undermines the whole Ruben-Rikki storyline, it also undermines the writers and the show overall.
Seriously, when you have to come up with multiple Q&As just to justify the storyline, much less explain it and how it's supposed to work, it's a surefire sign it's a bad, bad one. A good story always stands well on its own, from start to finish.
Indeed, very telling. Personally, I think it's sad as hell if TPTB decided to write in the pregnancy because they couldn't think of a damn thing for Lindsay's character and realized they had to think of something due to her on contract as a main character and nothing else.I had thought maybe that was a way for Anna to avoid shooting on location so much while pregnant, but if they were all done before that was a consideration, then maybe they were already pushing her even further to the background.
Hella more sad, this supposedly big development involving Lindsay ... is all about Danny. :guffaw: Like some of you guys have mentioned, it's like even TPTB knows she's no good at acting and wants to minimize whatever damage she may cause to the show and its ratings by making it all about Danny. If it's all about Danny, that means Carmine will be taking the load of carrying the storyline through, and that alone says volumes.
Interesting information. If TPTB considers firing her, I can see why it would be difficult and a pain in the ass. So question time: If it gets proven she really is the reason ratings fall, do you think TPTB will do anything about it?All they can likely do is let her contract ride out. A pregnancy does not mean she's unable to meet her obligations, and also means that any work deferred for Leave is just that and not necessarily deducted from the totality of work given within the contract. Meaning she'll be back. Aside from the qualifying issue of being pregnant, even if she weren't it would generally be messy with the collective bargaining agreement with SAG to do anything other. I'm assuming she's SAG/AFTRA/Equity, one or more. I'm assuming they'd have recourse thru grievances and all to make firing difficult, arbitration or a settlement expensive, and a the whole thing a nasty headache to contemplate, despite the less than favourable impact she's had on the show.
I'm all for that too. Thing is, there's only so many times TPTB can pull that stunt before people start wondering why she's even there in the first place. Oh, wait. We already are.If they keep minimalizing Belknap's screen time I'll be happy. And if she's further reduced to only being present via being talked about by other characters with an accompanying flashback montage like in Cost of Living, I'm all for it.
:lol: A shooter-based calendar! I like that. But seriously, I believe she was away on maternity leave the first time for about ... two to three episodes? The ratings weren't affected in any way at all by her absence, and the reviews for those episodes were generally favorable too. If I remember correctly, one of those episodes' ratings did better while she was gone. Says a whole lot right there.The show didn't miss Lindsay at all for Anna's first maternity leave, certainly don't think she'll be missed this time around either. I can only guess the producers are counting the days. I am. Maybe a shooter-based weekly advent calendar would make things easier to take until she's done.![]()
Yep. The utter lack of build up to it will only serve to undermine its believability. For such a heavy storyline, it's going to need all the believability and all the acting chops Carmine has it can get to pull it through. (And honestly, even with all that in place, I doubt the storyline will do well.)It does make it look like a sudden resurging Lindsay presence and bombshell pregnancy could be all the worse for coming out of the blue, but at least I know when it's coming, and hopefully having it 'seen thru Danny's eyes' will mean she's not given much screen time to mangle.
Even after an audition the actress herself claimed numerous times sucked. :brickwall: It just makes TPTB look damn desperate for any actress to replace Vanessa Ferlito, like they had no time to audition other better actresses and picked the first country girl-like actress to pass their way or something.Faylinn said:
Basically, AJ and Bob proved themselves and their characters for a while before they got put with the regs, but they apparently gave Anna the benefit of the doubt.
Isn't it something like, the cast member at the very end is the most popular one/has the most credits to his or her resume after the main star? Eddie did quite a number of films and television shows before signing up for CSI:NY, popular ones too like Miracle and Sex in the City and Friends.I believe the 'with' and the 'and' are special designations - being at the end is actually a good thing, if I remember correctly.
:guffaw: Rick Calucci?! Mac is so not a Rick or a Calucci. I'd give a name like that to a character for Carmine, him being the Italian on the cast and all.As a random note, I just found this article, in which it states that Mac was originally going to be named "Rick Calucci". :lol: I don't know why that's funny to me. I can't imagine Mac being anybody but, well, Mac.
Always did suspect TPTB intended to pair Danny and Aiden up if it wasn't for Ferlito leaving. The flirting, including Danny outright eyeballing her and complimenting her on her looks, and great chemistry between them pointed to the possibility of them getting together later on. Danny/Aiden, I woulda gone for that like a Rottweiler on a steak. Aiden was a real woman, the genuine tough girl with a funny streak who knew exactly what she wanted, wasn't afraid to speak her mind and had no qualms about smacking people if they acted up, namely Danny. :lol:Elwood21 said:
Huh, interesting they had Carmine and Vanessa Ferlito locked into place while Stella was up in the air.
Yep, pretty much.cSiNyFrEaK30 said:
i know lindsay fans are upset that she wasn't more involved with last nights episode, citing that "they gave her stuff to do last time when she was pregnant, why not now?" it seems to me, once again, people are making excuses for her.
That was her with just one child back in season three. This time, she'll have to take care of a toddler and a newborn baby. If she already has such minimal screen time before the baby is even born, I won't be surprised if we see next to no Lindsay in the latter half of season five, regardless of the pregnancy storyline line. Heck, I won't be surprised if TPTB comes up with some news in the future that Lindsay will become a recurring character instead.Faylinn said:
In an interview done some time last season, Anna said she was on a part time-ish schedule already, so I imagine being pregnant again, she'll probably step it back even more for the time being. She worked for a long time when she was pregnant during S3, and she came back really quickly - I'm just speculating, but it's possible she decided to take a lighter load this time, knowing as she now does what the experience is like.