"Why is it happening to me?" - D/L FanFic

Aww, they need to talk to one another, before one or the other does something wrong. I feel sorry for both on them right now.
I love you. it makes me fun to write because of you. You're so great! :)

Danny didn’t want to sit at home doing nothing. He decided to go back to work. He didn’t care that he could possible see Lindsay there. She had explained all and that was it. This time, Danny tried to be strong.
On his way to the lab his phone rang.
“Danny, we have the results.” It was Mac.
“In five minutes I’m in the lab. Then you can show them to me, okay?”
“You’re coming to the lab?” Mac asked.
“Don’t ask why. I just don’t want to sit at home.” Danny answered.
“Yeah, I understand. See you.”

Five minutes later Danny entered the building of the Crime Scene Investigation. Now he was a bit nervous. How would he react if Lindsay came towards him? He didn’t know and that made him uncertain. But Lindsay didn’t cross his way and Danny went directly into Mac’s office.

“Hey Mac”
“Danny, good to see you. Did you see Lindsay already?” He asked.
“No, I didn’t and I don’t care about it. I just want to do my work here.”
“That’s what I expect from my investigators. Back to the results.”
“I’m curious what you found out.” Danny said and sat down at Mac’s desk.
“Okay, the blood which was on the knife was the vic’s. But this time we have prints from an unknown person. Stella had found a hair on the mattress. The DNS is the same as the DNS from the bloodstains we have from the last murder.”
“But we have nothing to compare that with, Mac. We need a suspect.”
“I know. Stella and Flack are on the way to the owner of the factory. We hope that he is our man.”
“Perhaps he is. Then the case is solved, right?” Danny asked.
“Not really. We possibly could only connect him with two of the murders. The murderer didn’t left any traces in the first murder.”
“But two are better then nothing Mac. If we could get him for the last two murders, it’s okay.”
“You’re right. Let’s hope that he is the one we’re searching for.”
“I think we have luck this time. Do you want a coffee? I’ll bring you some, too.”
“That would be nice.” Mac answered.

So Danny walked down the floor to the canteen. From outside he could see Lindsay sitting at a table drinking coffee and eating something. Danny’s heart started to beat faster and he didn’t know if he should enter the room. But he had no time to think of it, Lindsay had already seen him and was walking towards him.
Danny turned and wanted to walk away, but Lindsay called him.
“Danny, wait.”

Danny stopped and turned around. Now, he looked right into her face.
“Please Danny. Listen to me.”
“I don’t think there’s much to say, Lindsay.” Danny said with a cold voice.
“Don’t say that.”
“I already did. And I don’t care. I’ve read your letter and it explained all. I don’t know what we should talk about anymore, Lindsay.”

Lindsay noticed that he used her real name. Not “Montana”. And it made her feeling sad.
“I am an idiot Danny. I behaved like a mad person.” Lindsay started crying.
“You’ve already written this. I’m through with this, Lindsay.”
Danny entered the canteen, took the coffee and walked back to Mac’s office.
Next part:

Lindsay stood there saying nothing. She could only cry. Stella came around the corner towards her.
“Lindsay, what’s wrong?”
“I talked to Danny some minutes ago.”
“Oh, no. Come into my office. There we can talk undisturbed.”
“Thank you, Stella.”

The two of them entered Stella’s office and Lindsay told her about the conversation with Danny. Sometime she had to start again because she was so much crying.

“Oh Lindsay.” Stella stood up and took Lindsay in her arms.
“I don’t know what I should to. He was so cold and unfriendly. It was like he’s a different person. That was not the Danny I know. I know I’ve hurt him but I’ve also tried to explain everything.” Lindsay said.
“Try to forget him, Lindsay. He is it not worth. It sounds hard, I know. But you’ll see it becomes better then.”
“I can’t. Although he behaved like this, I can’t hate him for what he is doing. It’s my fault. I destroyed everything.”
“Lindsay, asked Mac for some vacation. You should go to Montana and visit you’re family. You need some days off to calm down.”
“Perhaps that’s the right way. I’ll go and ask Mac.”
“Wait some time. Danny is talking to him at the moment. Perhaps it’s better if you don’t meet him again today.”
“Yes, you’re right. I drink another coffee. Do you want one as well?”
“I bring some. Wait here.” Stella said and left the room.
Lindsay knew she had a great friend in Stella. She always had helped her if she had have any problems. Stella was a great person.
Danny entered Mac’s office with the coffee in his hands. The conversation with Lindsay had disconcerted him a lot. He had reached his aim in being strong, but he had seen how much he had hurt Lindsay with his words. Danny had also seen that she had gone into Stella’s office. She was in good hands if she was with Stella, Danny knew that.
Being absorbed in thoughts Danny sat down in front of Mac.

“Danny?” Danny heard Mac’s voice from far away.
“Danny? Are you okay?” He asked again.
“What? Yes, I think so.”
“Are you sure?” Mac wasn’t convinced.
“Yes, I just talked to Lindsay, but we can go on.”
“Any information from Stella and Flack? I saw Stella some minutes ago.”
“Yes, they found the owner. Flack is interrogating him, now.”
“Great, then we’ll have some answers and perhaps we can file the case away tomorrow.”
“I hope so. I’d say you can go home. It’s already 6pm and I can call you if Flack finds out something.”
“Yeah, I go home. I’m tired anyway. See you tomorrow, Mac.”

Danny left the office and walked down the floor. He didn’t look into Stella’s office because he thought Lindsay was in it. Danny left the CSI building and went home.
There he went to bed and fell asleep within five minutes.
Stella entered Mac’s office with a serious look on her face.
“Hey, Stella.”
“Hey. Flack talked to me about the suspect he had interrogated.”
“And what did he say?” Mac asked.
“The suspect had not really said something. But Flack had taken samples we now can compare to the DNA and the prints we have.”
“Great, do you have any results yet?”
“No, but I think we will have them tomorrow morning.” Stella answered.
Okay. That’s early enough I think. By the way, why do you look so serious?”
“I’m worried about Lindsay. “Did she already talk to you, Mac?” Stella asked.
“Yes, she did. She explained me everything. I’ve already imagined something like that. Danny was a bit absent this afternoon.
And I said that I need her here in New York.”
“Come on, Mac. Don’t you see that she needs some vacation? This thing with Danny will destroy her, if she doesn’t see something else. Give her some days off.”
“Stella, I’d really like to, but I need her here at work. We have so many unsolved cases. Look at these.” Mac said and pointed at some files on his desk.
“Maybe you’re right. But you must see that we have to do something. This can’t go on like this.” Stella said.
“You’re right.” Mac admitted.
“But I don’t exactly know what we should do with the two of them. Any ideas?”
“Not really. Do want to drink something with me? Perhaps we can think of this better while we’re drinking a glass of wine. What do you think?” Mac asked.
“Did I get it right? You asked me out for a drink?” Stella was surprised.
“Yes I did.”
“Okay, then I’d say, let’s go.”
So Stella and Mac headed of to a bar.
At the same time Lindsay was sitting in her living-room having dinner. She was still shocked about Danny’s behaviour. Why had he changed so much? Was it all because of her letter? Lindsay didn’t know. She was a bit angry about Mac, too. She had wanted to go to Montana for some days but Mac had said that he needs her in New York.

After dinner, Lindsay took a shower and went to bed. She didn’t fall asleep right now because Danny was still in her head. Lindsay could still see his face with the cold look. Within a week her world had broken down. Nearly everything she had built up here in New York was destroyed. How cold have she let this happen? She had wanted to start from the beginning here in New York in order to escape her old life, but now it was even worse.
Lindsay didn’t know how she could solve this huge problem.
After another 30 minutes of thinking about her life, she felt asleep.
That is a really great fic.... can't wait for more, I hope they work everything out. It would be really sad if they couldn't ... and then it would remind me of my relationship that went down the drain.
Danny’s phone rang and woke him up. He reached for his phone and answered Mac’s call.
“Morning Mac”
“Danny where are you? It’s already 9am.”
“Damn it. I don’t know why, but I must have overslept. I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, it’s okay. I want to see you in my office in 15 minutes.”
“I’m on my way, Mac.”

Danny took a shower and made his way up to the CSI building. To Mac he had said, he didn’t know the reason for sleeping until 9 am, but Danny knew. He knew it too well. The whole night he was thinking about this day. It was Lindsay’s birthday and Danny wasn’t sure about what he should do. On the one hand he wanted to ignore her, but n the other hand he wanted to talk to her. Danny was at variance with the two ideas. He didn’t know what to do.
Danny entered the building and went right into Mac’s office.
“I’m sorry Mac. It won’t happen again. I promise.” Danny said before Mac could say anything.
“I already said it is okay, Danny. I’m sure you won’t be late again.”
“Yeah, thanks.”
“I have some news on our case. The DNA sample Don took yesterday evening is the same as the DNA from the blood we found on the first crime scene.”
“So we can prove that he was there.”
“Yes and that is not all. His prints were on the weapon from our last murder. He’s our man.”
“Good news. I think the case is closed, isn’t it?” Danny asked.
“Yes it is. Good to know we have this cop killer in arrest now.” Mac answered.
“Of course. So I think I’ll work on an old case.”

Danny left Mac’s office and went to his own. He had some files left on his desk on which he now wanted to work on. Danny sat down at his desk and his thoughts went over to Lindsay.
She was the woman of his dreams and he didn’t want to lose her, but their relationship had really gone down in the last week. Nevertheless, Danny was still in love with Montana. In this minute Danny made a decision.

He walked over to Lindsay’s office and knocked on the door.
“Yes.” He heard Lindsay’s voice from the inside.
“Am I allowed to come in?” Danny asked and saw Lindsay’s surprised face.
“Eh… Yes, come in Danny. Take a seat.”
“Happy birthday to you”
“Thanks, Danny.”
“Well, I like to talk to you.”
“I’m sorry for what I’ve done yesterday. I was cruel. I just wanted to hurt you for what you’ve done. I’m so sorry Montana.”

Did he say “Montana”? Lindsay could believe it. She had been sure that she would never hear that again.

“Please listen to me first. That evening, I should have explained all a bit more slowly. I’m not good in talking about my feelings and I just have wanted to speak it out. At that moment I had not know how it must be for you.”

Danny took a deep breath and continued.
“After that evening, I just wanted to be alone. Then Stella came to me and opened my eyes. I wanted to go back to work and do something good. That was when I found your letter. Everything came back to my mind, but this time I decided to be strong. So I just wanted to give it back to you. It was like revenge yesterday.”

Danny stopped a moment than he talked again.
“It is not because I don’t like you anymore. I still love you, Montana. Nothing had changed. You are the woman I had ever dreamed of and I thought I would never meet her until I met you this day in the zoo. Right from this moment on, I knew that you’re the one.”