"Why is it happening to me?" - D/L FanFic

you have to wait some time until he talks to her^^
i know I'm evil :D
Danny woke up only some minutes before the landing. A nice female voice gave the signal to fasten the seat belt. Danny did so and waited for the plain to land on Newark Airport.
15 minutes later he called Mac on his cell phone.
“Mac, it’s Danny. I’m back in New York.”
“Great. Wait there.”
“See you”

20 minutes later Danny sat in Mac’s car and they were talking about the case’s details.
“The first vic was a police officer who had late shift. His duty was almost done when he got murdered. It happened on a deserted parking space in Brooklyn. A couple found him on their way back home.” Mac explained.
“Cause of death?” Danny asked.
“Bled to death. His carotid was cut and he was left in his police car.”
“Horrible. Any traces? Fingerprints?”
“Nothing. But it was different with the other murder. The killer left the weapon. We have a knife with the vic’s blood. No prints.”
“Was it the same procedure like in the first murder?”
“Not exactly. This time he had cut open his arms’ artery. But the cause of death was the same.”
“That’s cruel. So we have no trace on the murderer?”
“Nothing. At this moment, Lindsay and Flack are examining the crime scene again. We have to find something.”
“Okay, then let’s go and help Flack and Montana.”
“Is it okay to work with her? I know that she means more to you.” Mac asked Danny and looked at him.
“I have to, haven’t I? Besides I have to talk to her anyway.”
“That’s what I’ve expected from you.”

Mac parked the car in front of an old factory. Danny could see Lindsay and Flack examining the area. Lindsay looked up and came towards them.
“Danny, where’ve you ….” Lindsay started but Danny interrupted her.
“Not yet, Lindsay. We have to concentrate on this. But I haven’t forgotten my promise.”
“I’m curious what this is all about, Messer. Going away and just leaving a letter. You owe me a explanation.”
“I know and you’ll get it, but not yet. Okay?”
“Yes. Let’s concentrate on the crime scene. Mac had told you about the case?”
“He did. We have to find him before he can strike again.”
So they went on their work to find any traces.
Thank you two :)

Danny was sitting at home waiting for Lindsay. After they had found footprints and bloodstains, Mac had gone into the lab to analyze the traces. Danny and Lindsay should have gone home. Mac had said they should talk and so Danny had invited Lindsay to a glass of wine at 8 o’clock.
Now it was 10 minutes to 8 o’clock and Danny became nervous. In his mind he had formed the sentences he would say to Lindsay, but he knew that he would forget all when she stands in front of him.
The doorbell rang and Danny’s heart started to beat faster. He opened the door and invited Lindsay to come in.
“You’re looking great Montana.” Danny hoped he didn’t sound too nervous.
“Especially for you. You said it’s important, so I dressed up for an important event.”
“You make me embarrassed. Please sit down. I’ll open the wine. Red or white wine? I have both.” Danny asked and went into the kitchen.
“I’d like red wine.”
Danny came back with the open bottle and two glasses with wine.
“So what’s so important that you couldn’t talk to me earlier?”
“Well …” Danny started. That was the situation he had been scared of the whole time.
Danny took a bit of wine and started again.
“I don’t really know where to start. You know that I went to Miami to get my mind clear. I couldn’t concentrate on my work because I always had to think of someone.”
“Don’t tell me you felt in love with someone.”
“Is it so obvious?” Now Danny was uncertain.
“Female Intuition. But that’s not something bad. Did you talk to her?” Lindsay asked.
“Not yet.”
“It’s you I have to think of all the time.”
Lindsay sat there and she didn’t know what to say. She had never thought that Danny would feel for her.
“Eh…Well… I think I have to go. This is not really happing. I’m sorry”
Lindsay stood up and left the apartment. She was totally confused by Danny’s words. She closed the door and ran out of the house.

Danny could see it in Lindsay’s eyes. He had surprised her, but he had not imagined that she would react like that. Danny was disappointed. It had taken him so much courage to talk to her and she disappointed him like that. As she left the apartment Danny knew that nothing would be the way it had been before. Danny could only sat there and let the tears run over his face.
It's great to see that you like it. So it makes me fun to write :)

Next part:

The next day, Danny lay in his bed until late afternoon. He just got up to make some coffee and eat something. He didn’t care what Mac might possible say because of his absence. Lindsay had hurt him so deeply the evening before that Danny just wanted to be alone.
His phone had rang four times, twice Mac, once Stella and Lindsay, but Danny wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone. At 5pm he stepped into the shower where he stayed about 45 minutes. Then he left his apartment in order to buy some food. At 7pm he was again sleeping.

The following day wasn’t different. He got up late, took a shower and ate something.
In the afternoon, his doorbell rang, but Danny didn’t want to open.
“Danny, I know you’re there.” Danny could make out Stella’s voice.
“Come on. Let me in. Lindsay had told me everything” Stella tried again.
Danny moved towards the door slowly and let Stella in.
“You look horrible, Danny.” Danny knew she was right. He didn’t have a shave since two days and his hair needed a brush.
“I didn’t suppose to get a visit.” Danny answered sarcastically.
“Mac is really furious. You had not been at work for two day and you didn’t even call.”
“I don’t care.”
“Come on! Don’t let yourself go like this.”
“I don’t care about this anymore. I just want to be alone.”
“Talk to me. Talk about your feelings. It will be better afterwards, you’ll see.”
“I don’t want to.”
“Don’t suffocate in self-pity, Danny. I know she hurt you, but that’s no reason to behave like this.”
“You don’t know how I’m feeling. It was like a punch into the stomach as she left.”
“You’re right, I don’t know how you’re feeling. Tell me about this, so I can try to understand your situation and may help you with this.” Stella said warmly.
“I don’t know whether I’m strong enough. It really hurts.” Danny admitted.
“You don’t have to, Danny. I’m there for you.”
“I don’t know why you do this for me. You’re not even totally recovered from your flu.”
“It’s okay. You need someone so I’m here.”
“You’re the best, Stella. Really.”
So Danny told here everything what had happened the evening two days ago. At first he tried to hold back his tears but then he just let them roll down his cheeks.
Stella listened to him and held his hands. She was shocked of Lindsay’s reaction and embraced Danny to let him know that she is there for him. Later the two of them just stood there holding each other.
The next part:

Stella had left late that day. She had informed Danny about the new evidence in the case.
The bloodstains had been from two different people, the vic and an unidentified male person.
The footprints had not been a success. If they won’t be able to find a suspect, they wouldn’t be able to compare the blood with anything. They could just wait that he’d made a mistake the next time.

Danny’s phone rang at 6 am. On the display he saw Mac’s number. This time he decided to answer.
“Hey Danny. I heard Stella talked to you yesterday.”
“Yes, she did and she made clear that the team need me to clear up this damn case.”
“Perfect. I need you now, in this minute. We have another dead cop in a factory in Long Island City.”
“I’m on my way. Give me five minutes. And Mac…” Danny stopped.
“Did you call Lindsay yet?” He asked in a low voice.
“No I didn’t and I won’t. I know what happened that evening and I don’t need two detectives who could not concentrate on work. Except of you and me, Flack will be there. Lindsay is in the lab” Mac explained
“Thanks Mac. See you in five minutes in Long Island City.”

“What do we have?” Danny asked Mac as he entered the factory with Mac.
“A dead cop who bled to death. All over his body we could find deep cuts.”
“Okay, same cause of death but again a different method. Anything else?”
“Yes, a little knife with blood. I hope we have prints this time. Flack is taking it to the lab. ”
“Great. Let’s go at work. I think we have to examine the whole factory.”
“We should do it. Perhaps we find some other traces.”

So the two of them examine the whole building and found out that someone lived in the factory. They had a mattress, a wardrobe with some clothes and sanitary things like a tooth-brush.
Mac left Danny in order to go to the lab with the new evidence. Danny wanted to examine the crime scene again, but he couldn’t find anything else. He phoned Mac.
“Mac, Danny here. I couldn’t find anything new. “
“Okay, you can go home. I’ll stay in the lab and wait for the results. I’ll phone you, if I’ll have anything.”
“Thanks Mac. See you tomorrow in the office.”

Danny took the subway home. Because of his early leaving this morning, he had not looked into his letterbox. He pulled out the little key and opened the box. A lonely letter was in it.
He could make out Lindsay’s writing on the envelope and his heart started beating faster.
I'm sorry that it took a bit longer this time, but here it comes: THE LETTER ^^ :D

With trembling hands Danny opened the envelope and pulled out Lindsay’s letter. Slowly he unfolded it and saw that the writing was blurred at some places. Lindsay must have cried as she had written the letter.
Danny started to read:

Dear Danny,
I decided to write this letter to explain what I have done that evening three days ago.
At first I have to say that I really appreciate your courage to tell me about your feelings for me. You have risked a much, especially our friendship. It must have been hard for you to talk to me.
And what have I done? I have destroyed everything. I just have run out of your apartment without really saying something. I haven’t really thought about the effect it might have on you. Now, three days later, I try to explain all to you.

Tears started to roll down on Danny’s face. The pictures of that evening shot back into his head. The pain of losing Montana returned.

After you had told me that you have to think of me all the time, it had seemed to me like the world was going down. My sight had gone blurred and my heart had started to beat like mad.
The only way out, in my opinion, was leaving your apartment as fast as possible.
Now I know that I was wrong. I was an idiot and I’m still one. I know I hurt you so much that you must hate me for what I’ve done. And I can understand it. I destroyed our friendship, for nothing. I just have wanted to escape. I have not wanted to face a longer conversation.
Believe me, I’m really sorry about all I’ve done to you. If I could, I would make it undone.
I don’t expect that you understand my reaction, but I hope my letter could make my reasons clearer.


As Danny finished reading he couldn’t look clear through his eyes anymore. They were full of tears. With her letter Lindsay had tried to explain her reaction and the worst was that Danny could now understand her. He knew how she had felt in that situation three days ago and he couldn’t blame Lindsay anymore. Now he blamed himself for everything. All the bad feelings came back which he had got rid of with Stella’s help. But this time Danny knew what to do. He wouldn’t suffocate in self-pity again.