Who's your idol?

Posting in here again...

All 5 members of MCR are my heros. They've all gone through so much and they're still going through a lot, but they didn't let that stop them from achieving their dreams. Gerard was a lot like me in school, and if I have a chance of turning out like he did, then I'm happy. They're all just so inspirational and... I suck with words, but, they've made me a much better person. I used to be so consumed with all the wrong things and they helped me realize there's more to life than that. They didn't save my life. They made it better. I was going through a hard part of my life. I shied away from everything, I guess because of the awkwardness of growing up, and because of the people I surrounded myself with. But they made me realize I deserved better, so I left the group of friends I was with, finally, and made new, real friends. I don't think I could have done that if it wasn't for them. They make me stronger and happier than I knew I could be.

My parents are also my heros. My dad had to start all over because of things that happened, but he worked so hard so he could provide for my mom and I. We live a very comfortable life and I owe it all to my dad. He's a great role model for me and shows how I need to work hard for the things I want. My mom is one of the nicest people I know and always wants the best for me. I love them so much.