Who would you...........???

Of course lots of people want to live with Grissom and his bugs (myself included) but I chose Brass. He's tough, has a very witty sense of humour, and a very emotional background which we know very little about. I'd like to be able to explore some of that
greg fo sho. he'd just be a blast to hang with plus hes uber sexy.
nick is a close second though...but i would probably get sick of all the country music :lol:
I'm stuck between Gil, Greg and Nick (I want them all :D ) But I've gone for Greg as I think he'd be the most fun person to live with
I was thinking of picking Nick, but I went ahead and picked Warrick. He seems like a nice guy and I have a feeling he would be easy to live with. I could see him cooking a great meal. It would be pleasant.
I would pick Nick. I think he needs big hug right now and I didn't mind the moustache.
I picked Nick, but Greg was a very close second place.
I can really picture myself getting along with Nick there is just something about his personality that draws me to him. :)
I picked Sara because we are so much alike in just about every way I think we'd get along real well as Roommates
but I also wouldnt mind living with Nick so I can work my magic and Hook him up with Sara *smirks*
and then Greg so I can Have my way with him *smirks*

Well...he would be a cool room mate, romanticaly or not. He is considerate, thoughtful, and kind. He would be the guy who would help you out in a jam and bulk at you when you fix him dinner for helping you out.
I picked Greg because he's one of the youngest there is.He is cute,funny and I wouldn't want to live with someone who's really old.
I would choose Nick because he's sweet and considerate but also a little clueless about women and how we are, I'd like to educate him.
Greg. Just cause uh, well I have a huge crush on him.

Nick is a close second, though I see him being very anal about things, that would drive me insane.
We've seen inside Sara's place--and she's rather clean, albeit a magazine freak, but still, she's clean, so I'd have to say Sara...however, I'd rather be neighbours with all of em.
Greg's gotta be the most fun and laid back. I can picture a sweet entertainment and game system, and I'm sure he's got the inside track on goings on about town.