Who would you...........???

Grissom for me. Reasons are endless. It would be nice to have someone quite as my roomate. Plus he's hot. :lol: Plus I'll be hanging out at the lab most of the time anyways.
Grissom..he is interesting an fascinating and well different and his conversations are really interesting to listen to.
And honestly he is hot.
warrick! he's my favorite and he's hott and than i could ge tina...get her to leave him and than i'd invite catherine over and she could console(is that the word?) him and they'd get together and the world would be a better place. and he's hott.
Two words: Greg.Sanders. :devil: And I would love to live with him cuz then the house would never be cleaned cuz neither of us would do it :lol: he doesnt seem like the neat freak type and im definatly not so it would all be ok :D
Definitely Grissom.... I don't know what it is about him, but grrr baby :devil: I know I have a thing for scienc-y dork types, but i'm absolutely overwhelmed by him *fans self*